Lets guess. What system I used? - page 3


but... i haven't share my system....

is it beautiful isn't it?

yes and im waiting for this system of urs in ur thread.. the wilder asian index... so i guess it right then u should share with me the system.. thats the prize.. hahaha


box breakout possibly?

Could it be based on box breakout of zigzags hi and low ?


No point trying to get attention: post the system or just shut that thread.... worthless info thread.


Jacklegs like this author need to get away from this forum. This forum is here to help educate or assist others to make money. If you are not willing to share - Get lost!




No point trying to get attention: post the system or just shut that thread.... worthless info thread.

My Friends..he is pulling your leg..check his statements,then check again..Do they look like normal statements?..Has he posted an investor`s password?Check the winning trades % both for shorts and longs..Does it resemble a NORMAL statement?TIP:The % for winning trades,at both the shorts and longs(around 45% for BOTH),when compared to total(78 on 103 from memory..around 77% for TOTAL ..incongruence,incongruence..oh my my )..does not ring true..AND..the look of the statements..a bad copy and paste night?

I frankly don`t know,nor do I care, if his stats are right or not,but they do not look right and you seem to have all fallen for the spell..ASK him to post them trade by trade..and,even better ,give you an investor`s password,and ask him to trade "Live Demo" for a couple of weeks.

Congrats to the thread originator..you have a nice sense of humour,and you are probably an intelligent person too....I suggest that you search for Delta9 at this forum..Bluto was the Master,an exceptional programmer,a very good trader,and an excellent friend..and his Delta9 made,and still makes more money than you can imagine...

Just forget to smoke it




Looking back at the statement for second time after seeing Simba post, the statement indeed a copy and paste, and the column seem not that perfect if look at it more closely.


yeah. but guys, why we always talk about system trading, EA, etc etc....

we need rest sometimes... talk about anything outside trading... like car, woman, wine.... lol

happy pips to you all


Oops.. I've forgot the indis..

Use Hi-Lo Zigzag v2..

Make it into two colors.

Blue: Barn 1000, Length 7

White: Barn 1000, Length 4

Thats it, quite simple right? And quite profitable. People always chase the big pips, but for me, the little pips do very well and easy to capture. Recommended for this system T/P 15-20 for TF15-30, and T/P 20-50 for TF1-4. Happy day making those pips. Other two system I will reveal them later.

People might notice that my system is maybe quite too simple, so please add any indis you prefer to complement and make the system more profits. Traders are individual person, what system and techniques I've used doesn't promise the same profits like I do when you do it. However, you can try your luck then.



How could you say like that. Prove it yourself, make the result like I do.

Yes Simba.. I did copy that.. I just want to focus more to the most positive view of my trade.. Well.. You're very skeptical to me and make other members think that I lie to them.. Try this system then... And prove it yourself. It's not a holy grail but its sure making lots of profit when you understand it well. And Simba 78/103 is really 75.72 or something.. Try using a calculator then.

What is it with you guys? I'm not trying to sell it, I just want to share it. I made a guessing game just to attract others to see it. Below is a given link to see the system in action. I've try upload it to youtube but it takes forever. So, I prefer for members who want to see it in action as recorded on my screen to download it and play it as many time as you want. It's on a 1MIN chart, but it's the same with other charts.

Download file Video zip - The System in action, recorded.

And please, I do not feel comfortable to give password to my account, even it's a read only password. I've heard some cases, an experience hacker could hack into my account using the given password by a technique called BRUTE FORCE... Hope you'll understand.

Enter when Blue and White zigzag has formed (Your major is Blue, usually when it's formed the White will follow) it's usually happened after 3 to 5 candle on new form of zigzag.

Exit use s/p and t/p or use your intuition and wait in front your monitor and stop at your willing profits.

Looking back at the statement for second time after seeing Simba post, the statement indeed a copy and paste, and the column seem not that perfect if look at it more closely.

Yeap, it does. If you look at the trading screenshot vertically, I don't see it's cust and paste, but if you see horizontally, it does misaligned, obviously it's cut and paste. I guess he just want to cram the screenshot for easy post up here.

If that just a humour, then ND will act on it.