Progress of the ElectricSavant Challenge™ - page 6


01/08/08 Lily........................Equity: $1,009.57.....Highest: $1,141.43

02/29/08 Eurox2 v5b.............Equity: $1,041.51.....Highest: $1,052.62

04/07/08 Kendra_MBHedge.....Equity: $920.15........Highest: $1,000.00

04/09/08 jerung ES2..............Equity: $1,029.16.....Highest: $1,029.16

04/16/08 AE86 Turbo.............Equity: $910.57........Highest: $1,000.90

04/22/08 FX BanditII v1.3.3....Equity: $992.49........Highest: $1,008.24


01/08/08 Lily.........................Equity: $1,138.68.....Highest: $1,141.43

02/29/08 Eurox2 v5b..............Equity: $1,058.25.....Highest: $1,057.65

04/07/08 Kendra_MBHedge......Equity: $894.35........Highest: $1,000.00

04/09/08 jerung ES2..............Equity: $1,062.82.....Highest: $1,062.82

04/16/08 AE86 Turbo.............Equity: $934.19........Highest: $1,000.90

04/22/08 FX BanditII v1.3.3....Equity: $941.82........Highest: $1,008.24


It's funny...I just want the "Challengers" to make "Less"!

Think about it...



01/08/08 Lily...........................Equity: $1,006.16......Highest: $1,141.43 ($947.38)

02/29/08 Eurox2 v5b................Equity: $1,017.09......Highest: $1,111.63 ($922.65)

04/07/08 KENDRA_MBHEDGE....EQUITY: $802.91......HIGHEST: $1,000.00 REACHED DD 19.75% @ 05/30/08, 11:06 (MST) CLOSED

04/09/08 jerung ES2.................Equity: $1,163.53.....Highest: $1,201.51 ($997.25)

04/16/08 AE86 TURBO..............EQUITY: $664.83......HIGHEST: $1,000.90 REACHED DD 33.57% on 06/12/08, 22:13 (MST) CLOSED

04/22/08 FX BANDITII v1.3.3....EQUITY: $834.60......HIGHEST: $1,008.24 REACHED DD OF 17% ON 6/18/08 2:58 (MST) CLOSED


As you can see...There is one EA that has a chance...but there is still a lot of time left and remember the jerung trades with a larger stop than its target and it also uses things can accelerate positivley and likewise quickly negatively.

The use of which dealer can affect it's outcome and the Challenge™ uses an IBFX mini account with nanolot capability (100 unit trades). I am told by the coder that other dealers perform differently and IBFX is not the best...but looky' folks IBFX survives using this powerful indicator based EA.

I would like to thank all of the contestants for entering this Challenge and I have lived with your EA's for 6 months now in a live transparent trading account for all to see and follow along...Do you newbies realize now not to believe the wild claims of triple digit returns with low drawdowns. Learn to make low yields every year and lower your expectations ....and may I remind you that not anybody has beaten this Challenge™ YET!

There is not any self promotion here or any disguised gay looking pics promoting or selling anything. There is not even a "hint" of vending and all of the coders have been respectful and cordial. I Thank you for that.



I have had many offers to manage an account for me and some coders would not enter the Challenge™ under its present conditions. I know that they have worked hard and prolly' have some real good stuff in which they protect like the "Coca Cola™" recipe.

I have had offers that would enrich me because of the Challenge and I have honestly declined...those free commisssion offers in exchange for enrichement are not what I am all about...I aggressivley avoid them and prefer to keep things "pure".

The Challenge™ is not over but I have gotten the answers to my questions. This Challenge was carefully constructed and you now can see my point that I have made. I have put my money where my mouth is and I have proven my hypothesis:

To maintain for 6 months a max intraday DD of 17% from the highest banked balance with a minimum of a 1:2 risk to benefit ratio (17% in 6 mo's min) is not possible....prove me wrong!

I have had many offers to manage an account for me and some coders would not enter the Challenge™ under its present conditions. I know that they have worked hard and prolly' have some real good stuff in which they protect like the "Coca Cola™" recipe.

I have had offers that would enrich me because of the Challenge and I have honestly declined...those free commisssion offers in exchange for enrichement are not what I am all about...I aggressivley avoid them and prefer to keep things "pure".

The Challenge™ is not over but I have gotten the answers to my questions. This Challenge was carefully constructed and you now can see my point that I have made. I have put my money where my mouth is and I have proven my hypothesis:

To maintain for 6 months a max intraday DD of 17% from the highest banked balance with a minimum of a 1:2 risk to benefit ratio (17% in 6 mo's min) is not possible....prove me wrong!

ES., welcome back, the place has been quiet(er) without you!

Speaking of intraday d/d, I was monitoring someones demo account martingaler (account details only, posted here a few months back) and witnessed it suffer a 30-40% d/d over 2-3 days before recovering, but this was not reflected in Metatrader's 'Detailed Report' when displayed, which doesn't bode well for the Backtest d/d statistics - at least, my understanding of them!

Anyway, question - how come you are trading EA's that don't seem to meet your above conditions regarding r/r - ie. the EA that uses bigger SL than TP?


Funny thing for those of you that realize the truth about sharing publically and conclusions that are made...

I know of a coder who shares his EA's publically and they are public domain EA's so-to-speak.

I invited him to enter the Challenge and he would not...So instead I just trade them in my portfolio live myself. They are not a part of the Challenge. They had never breached the 17% .....but I double the exposure, and recently they breached it... BUT NOT WITH THE DEFAULT SETTINGS.

So I can say that I have 4 EA's in my EA portfolio that have beaten the Challenge (all by this same coder),but it is not official as they are not contestants. Thus...I am not naive and I can probably admit that there are successful EA's out there that do in fact work with my criteria ....but I surmise they require constant monitoring, intervention and updating...and you will not find them or their support system of quarterly updates in Forex-tsd.

New traders keep your passion, follow your heart and continue in your quest...check in often and follow my portfolio...maybe I will offer another Challenge...maybe not....I am here to stay Lord willing (I have used the same Handle for five + years on the Internet in various Forums all in which I have been banned from from time-to-time as I call things the way that I see them) and remember to recognize the Charlatans and the guys that want to sell you their wares...a good EA does not need to be sold...or promoted and prolly' isn't.



I do not have any "other" criteria. I published the complete rules. If the EA chooses to trade with an upside down TP:SL ratio it can. The criteria of the Challenge™ is more "global" in nature.

By the way omelette...Thanks for the kind words...I needed that.

All ElectricSavant Challenge™ EA's have an equal chance at their 6 months of glory I make a deal and stick to it...Forward testing in a live account with 1K does not lie.


P.S. Eventhough the jerung EA has the upside down R/R it has never breached the Challenge criteria. The earlier contestant named "AE86 Turbo " did breach it and I believe upside RR's have a tough time to make it in this Challenge. But you know I really miss the AE86 Turbo...I liked it and it could prolly' be improved upon.

ES., welcome back, the place has been quiet(er) without you!

Speaking of intraday d/d, I was monitoring someones demo account martingaler (account details only, posted here a few months back) and witnessed it suffer a 30-40% d/d over 2-3 days before recovering, but this was not reflected in Metatrader's 'Detailed Report' when displayed, which doesn't bode well for the Backtest d/d statistics - at least, my understanding of them!

Anyway, question - how come you are trading EA's that don't seem to meet your above conditions regarding r/r - ie. the EA that uses bigger SL than TP?


Another thing...

I would prolly double the exposure of jerung to goose the yield just like you and others here...yes you did not know that did you ☺

The point of the Challenge is to get a good base to work from.

New traders please do not misunderstand this post. You FIRST must understand what to expect and what risk is. Then you can take it.

Do not jump into exposure as a day will come along that will break all of your MAE's up and your EA will blow up...if i were you I would stick to 0.01 (IBFX Mini Acct.) trading while you are learning.

There are lot of conclusions being proven here and every new trader should bookmark this thread and reread it.