Progress of the ElectricSavant Challenge™


For those of you following the ElectricSavant Challenge™ I have started this thread.

We have four Challengers and the 5th one is waiting for me to fund.

The Challenge is closed to new entries and updates are posted here (there are a few coders that do remain with an open invitation to enter as the Challenge was closed before they had a chance to enter):

Bright Idea's :: View Forum - 4 Challengers

Good Trading to You Brave ones...



Get aboard the ES wagon!



Hi ES. When you started this challenge I was a little sceptical about the low DD rule but now over the months I have grown to accept this and actually support it much more than before, you are quite right in demanding this because we know one blow can be the final fatal blow to an account in one single wrong trade. I think if the EA uses a decent strategy to begin with and has some filters for market conditions it trades best then a low DD can be achieved.

I will enjoy following the updates on trade results and running competitors. It isn't all about winning though - but more so the ability to develop such a system and the journey of it.

These are the 5 Challengers:

Lily (statistical)

Eurox2 v5b (indicator)

Kendra_MBHedge (hedging)

jerung ES2 (indicator)

AE86 Turbo (scalping)

Good Trading to all of You...

I think that all of these coders can win!...but I seriously doubt it...hehe



How can I contact you ES? Send me your contact info, I don't spam or ask me to send you mine. I have some questions about another topic. And if it was me I would ask for within 8% or 10% DD level!


I Think...

... your challenge is a great idea!

And I look forward to checking in on it from time to time.

Good luck to all!


Some readers get frustrated with me especially the hecklers. Over the years I have made many friends...hopefully more than enemies.

You see...this is what is frustrating...



I am the pure Forum poster that wants to discuss trading without a hidden agenda.


P.S. You see all I sell is readership...I love to write as much as I love to trade. I have a friend here who has pleaded with me to learn how to code...but coding does not interest me...but making money does...I need the readership and I need you coders...Thats all it is...


I want to Thank all the readers here and the Forex-tsd administation and especially the Challengers that take this contest seriously. I know that I write contradictory at times...but this is the skinny...

You cannot beat this Challenge.

But I hope you can.



I will turn my PM on and send you my personal info..I have nothing to hide, eventhough this is an anonymous forum..I turned the PM off recently as I prefer to post in public...

Many people read what I post...but may I remind everybody...I am not profitable at Forex trading. And..I do not know if I ever will be...I am running out of time...


Hi ES. When you started this challenge I was a little sceptical about the low DD rule but now over the months I have grown to accept this and actually support it much more than before, you are quite right in demanding this because we know one blow can be the final fatal blow to an account in one single wrong trade. I think if the EA uses a decent strategy to begin with and has some filters for market conditions it trades best then a low DD can be achieved.

I will enjoy following the updates on trade results and running competitors. It isn't all about winning though - but more so the ability to develop such a system and the journey of it.


How can I contact you ES? Send me your contact info, I don't spam or ask me to send you mine. I have some questions about another topic. And if it was me I would ask for within 8% or 10% DD level!

Glad to see the positive support for ES and his challenge.

Best of luck to all!



hi ES you're one of our asset here in this forum and keep like that to support anyone else


Forex Indicators Collection


These are the 5 Challengers:

Lily (statistical)

Eurox2 v5b (indicator)

Kendra_MBHedge (hedging)

jerung ES2 (indicator)

AE86 Turbo (scalping)

Good Trading to all of You...

I think that all of these coders can win!...but I seriously doubt it...hehe



Hi ES and thanks for the fast response to my message above. I don't know how long either - as you say if not profitable then it is only so long you can afford to throw away the money, what about the others that trade with you, I am not being nosey but I read a post that Wifey trades too so it may mean.....something better.

I am a little late (still in development of several EA's) to enter this challenge now but in all honesty I wouldn't want to waste anyone's time or money unless I was certain I had an automated trade strategy that stood a chance.

About you wanting a reliable scalp trading bot. There are some available - commercially with limited success I say that because of the risk - DD is like up to 48% trading high volume in a short period of time so IMO it is risk that makes the money and not exactly a perfect strategy because it lacks a filter for when NOT to trade which is vital I think. Like you say - there are times to trade and not to trade when scalp trading and also the perfect conditions for scalp setups to entertain opening an order. I am not a pro scalp trader by any means - I think this applies to trading in general - over trading will always kill any account - until we invent the holy grail. If risk management features are part of an EA I see no reason why we can't have lower DD than what automated bots usually result with such as 30% being high performance? I could be wrong, I haven't really forward tested every EA out there. With that said though an even worse ingredient in automated trading is inconsistency through long or short time periods - that cannot weather all market conditions.

If you want the name and sites or two scalp EA's I can email you the info. It isn't related to the thread and really they are like two separate ones, in that I mean one has strategy and high risk high gain and losses the other has low gain high risk because it has no strategy but you can set the times to trade and not trade but only based on time zone setting - not really measuring the market conditions at all. A problem I would have thought. What are the essential basics or methods for scalp trading? I mean if we asked on here we would get a different answer from 50 different traders. That seems like an inconsistent problem to me. I need to cut this post here now. Will follow updates.


Hi ES and thanks for the fast response to my message above. I don't know how long either - as you say if not profitable then it is only so long you can afford to throw away the money, what about the others that trade with you,

Please excuse me for parsing your post up like this...but you have said much and I need to contribute. When I said I am running out of time, I was thinking of the longer dieing...The money is not a problem as I live within my means and I have a good Job and Wifey does not need to work but she works part-time at Pet Smart anyways

I am not being nosey but I read a post that Wifey trades too so it may mean.....something better.

Wifey lost 9K with ForexforSmarties and she quit trading.

I am a little late (still in development of several EA's) to enter this challenge now but in all honesty I wouldn't want to waste anyone's time or money unless I was certain I had an automated trade strategy that stood a chance.

FS have a standing invitation as long as I am running this Challenge..You know the integrity here in Forex-tsd is surprising. I find that coders are more professional in demeaner and expectations and take trading rather seriously. I am proud to be a Trader.

About you wanting a reliable scalp trading bot. There are some available - commercially with limited success I say that because of the risk - DD is like up to 48% trading high volume in a short period of time so IMO it is risk that makes the money and not exactly a perfect strategy because it lacks a filter for when NOT to trade which is vital I think. Like you say - there are times to trade and not to trade when scalp trading and also the perfect conditions for scalp setups to entertain opening an order. I am not a pro scalp trader by any means - I think this applies to trading in general - over trading will always kill any account - until we invent the holy grail. If risk management features are part of an EA I see no reason why we can't have lower DD than what automated bots usually result with such as 30% being high performance? I could be wrong, I haven't really forward tested every EA out there. With that said though an even worse ingredient in automated trading is inconsistency through long or short time periods - that cannot weather all market conditions.

There is a scalping entry that does not trade all the time and will be starting this week...he is waiting for me to might keep an eye on that FS...we can see how he does. I am rather excited about this last entry as I needed a scalper and I hope he wins and I can use his EA!

If you want the name and sites or two scalp EA's I can email you the info.

I have tried two commercial sites, but they do not allow me to publish my results and I publish my live portfolio in an unbiased way...I just do not understand ...

It isn't related to the thread and really they are like two separate ones, in that I mean one has strategy and high risk high gain and losses the other has low gain high risk because it has no strategy but you can set the times to trade and not trade but only based on time zone setting - not really measuring the market conditions at all. A problem I would have thought. What are the essential basics or methods for scalp trading? I mean if we asked on here we would get a different answer from 50 different traders. That seems like an inconsistent problem to me. I need to cut this post here now. Will follow updates.

FS..your positive input is needed. I surly hope you continue with your posts and maybe all of us can learn a thing or two by sharing what we know