Creating Custom symbol Set File


This is a vary simple thing that is not well documented. You can create your own custom symbol set file. You most likely now that bring up the Market Watch window and right clicking on it to view all the symbols avaible to trade on your station.

You can also create your own custom symbol set file so when you right click on the market watch window>>sets section it will display your custom list. My list is named "Trade Symbols". One of the thinks I use this file for is naturely, to only bring up the currencies I am only interested in trading in. But I also use it in my code. If your writing code and want it to look at other symbols then all you have to do is have the code referance this file. This will bypass any other currencies you do not trade.

You could very easily introduce this symbol list by hard coding it in your work, however a more prefered way would be to use your symbols set file. That way if you make changes in your desired currency list it will apply these changes in all occurances of all your code with out even the need to recompile your code.

The only thing is MQ cannot see any file outside of the Expert>file folder and Tester>file folder. There fore you will need to place a copy of your set file in the Tradeterminal>>Expert>>file directory to use it in your code. There is another way and that is to use Codersguru's external file dll. With this dll you can access your custom set file in its natural location under the Tradeterminal>>symbolsets directory. This is not big but its a nice to know and use if the oppertunity arise.

To create your list just right click on the market watch window and select 'showall' this will bring up all the avaible currency pairs on your terminal. All you need to do is to delete the pairs your not interested in trading. When the list is done, Righ click on the market watch window again click on the sets idem then the save as.. name your file and your done.



Open challenge

In simple words, who can list all the forex symbols present in a terminal without declaring them anywhere in the code

The symbols are present in the symbolset, but you have to get it into the code and into the array.

Who can do this.


I moved your post to this thread and hope that you will find some info here.