This is a MT Bug?


i make a indicator for plot P&F Charts (XO)...

when i draw object in chart window all rigth but if i put in separate windows not work fine...

figure 1 : #property indicator_chart_window (work fine)

figure 2 : #property indicator_separate_window (where are the circles?)

NOTE: this bug appear only in JPY present in symbol (if quote have 2 digits) in all pair (if quote have 4 digits) work fine in chart or separate windows (the values in separate windows have a some value or quotes...)

how to draw a circle in separate windows with 2 digits in quote...

NOTE 2 : try to draw a object elipse and redim in separate window (in manual mode)... not work too... oh... try in USDJPY...



I can not tell you why the O's are not right on the JPY currencies with out see the code. But I would question if your indicater is correct in other aspects as well. In the middle of the chart the price is going down and the PF is going up. At the end the price levels off and then goes up with the PF is droping all the while.

Is that your intent? Is this correct or do you have an error somewere else in the code?


i make a indicator for plot P&F Charts (XO)...

when i draw object in chart window all rigth but if i put in separate windows not work fine...

figure 1 : #property indicator_chart_window (work fine)

figure 2 : #property indicator_separate_window (where are the circles?)

NOTE: this bug appear only in JPY present in symbol (if quote have 2 digits) in all pair (if quote have 4 digits) work fine in chart or separate windows (the values in separate windows have a some value or quotes...)

how to draw a circle in separate windows with 2 digits in quote...

NOTE 2 : try to draw a object elipse and redim in separate window (in manual mode)... not work too... oh... try in USDJPY...

It's a bit of a mis-feature with MT4, that drawing is more or less locked down to use the time-price coordinate system, rather than the x-y coordinate system of screen pixels. It results in a fair few difficulties for fancy graphics, where one is that it's quite hard to control the shape of drawn objects.

If you want to keep your hair, then forget about it; I think you'll do better using text labels rather than drawn objects.


I can not tell you why the O's are not right on the JPY currencies with out see the code. But I would question if your indicater is correct in other aspects as well. In the middle of the chart the price is going down and the PF is going up. At the end the price levels off and then goes up with the PF is droping all the while.

Is that your intent? Is this correct or do you have an error somewere else in the code?


hi... remember... P&F do not considere the time for draw chart... one column can explain one day and the next column one week ...

in P&F X is up market and O is down market and the time for this moviment is irrelevant... one colum is X and next is O and next is X again

see the link for undertand P&F charts

Understanding Point & Figure Charts -

and some use for trade

Forex Point and Figure Trading

hi... remember... P&F do not considere the time for draw chart... one column can explain one day and the next column one week ...

in P&F X is up market and O is down market and the time for this moviment is irrelevant... one colum is X and next is O and next is X again

see the link for undertand P&F charts

Understanding Point & Figure Charts -

and some use for trade

Forex Point and Figure Trading

O, yes you are right been, a long time sence I read about PF, forgot. Putting the price on the chart with the PF is what comfused me.


It's a bit of a mis-feature with MT4, that drawing is more or less locked down to use the time-price coordinate system, rather than the x-y coordinate system of screen pixels. It results in a fair few difficulties for fancy graphics, where one is that it's quite hard to control the shape of drawn objects. If you want to keep your hair, then forget about it; I think you'll do better using text labels rather than drawn objects.

I do not agree... the work is the same... the function for draw in chart window or separate window do not different, only (i think) change the handle of out window (see Microsoft Windows programing for understand)... or course the universe of time-price... but the convert universe function is the same (theory)...

when you draw a ellipse object, you can control the circle format when you set then OBJPROP_SCALE see my code bellow


ObjectSet (NamA,OBJPROP_SCALE,Scale);

ObjectSet (NamA,OBJPROP_COLOR,ColorDown);

ObjectSet (NamA,OBJPROP_WIDTH,1);

ObjectSet (NamA,OBJPROP_BACK ,False);

in this case, the only change is Window for chart is 0 and separeta id > 0...

hi... remember... P&F do not considere the time for draw chart... one column can explain one day and the next column one week ...

in P&F X is up market and O is down market and the time for this moviment is irrelevant... one colum is X and next is O and next is X again

see the link for undertand P&F charts

Understanding Point & Figure Charts -

and some use for trade

Forex Point and Figure Trading

There are 2 threads about it on the forum with indicators, codes and with other links: