Demark (TD) Moving Average - page 3



TD moving average tradestation code:

Input: LENGTH(9),PROJECT(3);


meaning : Place a moving average with folloving parameters on your chart :

Period = 9

Shift = 3

MA method = Simple

price = Weighted

et voila




mladen your an absolute gem to this board keep the good work up. Hope you are enjoying that gift. Keep it simple that's what I say.


Sorry for misleading you

Actually that post was not meant to be serious : "TD moving average I" has nothing to do with either that kind of calculation nor does it look anything like that. It looks something like this one on the picture (not finished yet - as soon as I check it and double check it it will be posted, so it is a picture of a beta version)

The point was that even communities like tradestation suffer from code that is not checked. Here at TSD linuxser, igorad, and to some extent me, are trying to clean up the code that has nothing to do with the original authors code. Maybe one day we are not going to be forced to double check everything we find as a "normal indicator"

Once again, as soon as it is checked and double checked I will post the TD moving average I.



mladen your an absolute gem to this board keep the good work up. Hope you are enjoying that gift. Keep it simple that's what I say.

No you did not mislead us anyone who reads your post knows that you are about to fix the problem. I've notice you like sarcasm. You like to post what's wrong then you fix it. I've noticed that about you. Just wanted to know if you were enjoying that gift. Seeing how it works.

I know that's not the formula for Demark's Moving Average. I can't understand why these people keep trying to rip us off. Oh the Greed, it makes me very upset.

Keep the good work up.

Sorry for misleading you

Actually that post was not meant to be serious : "TD moving average I" has nothing to do with either that kind of calculation nor does it look anything like that. It looks something like this one on the picture (not finished yet - as soon as I check it and double check it it will be posted, so it is a picture of a beta version)

The point was that even communities like tradestation suffer from code that is not checked. Here at TSD linuxser, igorad, and to some extent me, are trying to clean up the code that has nothing to do with the original authors code. Maybe one day we are not going to be forced to double check everything we find as a "normal indicator"

Once again, as soon as it is checked and double checked I will post the TD moving average I.



TD Moving Average I

From the "New Market Timing Techniques", by Thomas DeMark (starting at page 244) :


The concept behind TD Moving average I is simply that markets have a tendency to operate within trading ranges, then applying a moving average to markets within this environment would be an invitation to get whipsawed by trading. Consequently, the only prudent time to employ a moving average is when the market's context has been transformed from sideways to trending. The real feature of this indicator is its ability to speak only once potential price breakouts arise and to maintain trading silence or dormancy during nontrending markets. In order to capitalize on only those markets that is activated only once the prospects for a breakout and the establishment of a trend arise and then is extinguished after a short period of time if market behaviour fails to confirm the continuation of the trend and the reversion to trading range. One technique used to differentiate between the two types of markets is to determine whether either a low has been formed that is greater than the previous 12 trading day's lows, and if it has, then five-day moving average of the lows is calculated for a period os four trading days. If succeeding lows greater than the previous 12 trading days' lows are formed as well, this process of calculating a five-day moving average is continued for a period of four trading days (including the current trading day). Once the series of 4 trading days has expired without continuation of the new 13-day high low (low greater than all previous 12 days' lows), then TD moving average I of the lows is extinguished. Consequently, TD moving average I of the highs is constructed similarly but in reverse


Default parameters set as explained in the book

Hi JB-

I came across these which have been working for me pretty well over the past couple of days in terms of initial sl and exit. The 5 34 5 has been giving me some pretty good entries/exits before and on the change in trend/correction. FF seems to keep me in the trend for a safe amount of time looking only at the 5 min TF (sometimes 1min if I'm ready to get out/in). Divergence indicator has been helpful as its been pointing out a lot of things I miss on occassion. And of course, the Elder stops. Not sure if you have them already or not. Just thought you might be interested.

FYI I havent fully tested these out. Still on a trial run as with anything new to me (though I know these arent that new). If anyone has any experience with them please feel free to comment (regarding lag time, repainting, etc.). But they seem to be holding up decently.


your MTF Forex Freedoom isn't repainted?

if repainted could tell us how to determine that's repainted

or how to filter this indic to be correct one

i mean it's working properly

From the "New Market Timing Techniques", by Thomas DeMark (starting at page 244) : Default parameters set as explained in the book

Thank you for sharing mladen.




TD Moving Average I

From the "New Market Timing Techniques", by Thomas DeMark (starting at page 244) : Default parameters set as explained in the book


I just noticed your post now....thank you so much for the indicator!


Very interesting tools for me,I will use some of those indicators for improving my trading setups.Thanks all for sharing!