Fxfariz36's Trading Journal and Strategy - page 4

hi bro pekabo....

acctually this system for me it's very simple...

what you see this im chart...it's not zaigzag original in MT4...

i agree with u bro..zigzag repaint totally...but im not using zigzag..

it's call dinapoli target....if u want i can post here...

i edit some at dinapoli target alert in malay..:D

how i determine false signal?

orite...examples : if i want to open post buy..im just wait for dinapoli target turn down...if i want to open post sell..im just wait until dinapoli target turn up...n + news....

simple jer bro...hehehe...

sorry bad english language

Thanks Bro for sharing the indics,

i will test it now.



yes i will wait for u as long as i get more pips bro tamak siol aku! its not againts the law if someone want to improve themself and learn new thing... so other people who are given more criticism rather then helping should juz shut the F up... i love this forum... so many helpful people...

check ur PM..

i expalain about the channel...ok

Thanks Bro for sharing the indics,

i will test it now.



my pleasure...

happy trading bro...

do be greedy...

just TP : 50pips enough:D


50 pips is a lot of pips bro... how about 20 pips but 30 positions...

50 pips is a lot of pips bro... how about 20 pips but 30 positions...

wakaka....dude, it's should be ok..

if u can monitor the chart it's better 4 u to trade...

maybe u can make 20pips above...hehehe:D


im curious to know... what is the win ratio on this system bro? everage loss and profit... win and loses... etc

p/s: aku memang suka tanya...

im curious to know... what is the win ratio on this system bro? everage loss and profit... win and loses... etc p/s: aku memang suka tanya...

acctually im not done..back testing this system

for me if TP : 20pips-30pips..im sure 90% hit TP

win ratio use this system under forward test in live acc n demo acc...

demo acc i have post at 1st post..u can check how i trade..

for win ratio for this system 85%...

and i don't know other traders using this system...

happy trading:D


bro can the dinapoli target also use to define patern? i mean like butterfly... crab etc?

bro can the dinapoli target also use to define patern? i mean like butterfly... crab etc?

depend to the trend....

it's more like zigzag..but not zigzag totally...

you must wait the next dinapoli target..

b4 enter any position...


P/S : if u not able to understand that..just PM to me..

just speak in malay only...



change TP and hit

i see the trend..it's most like to downtrend...

so for this morning...

i in ready to post...

GBP/JPY : sell at 207.34 @ TP : 204.57

EUR/JPY : sell at 158.56 @ TP : 157.49

USD/JPY : sell at 103.33 @ TP : 102.76

practice make perfect...

P/S : wish me luck, correct me if im wrong, TQ

GBP/JPY : sell at 207.34 @ change TP to : 206.71 ( +63 pips)

EUR/JPY : sell at 158.56 @ change TP to : 158.38 ( +18 pips)

USD/JPY : sell at 103.33 @ change TP to : 102.60 (+73 pips)

totally for today : +154 pips

P/S: new post : USD/CHF: sell at 1.0208 ( tangan gatal )...:D:D:D