Need a Better Moving Average? Try the NMA - page 13


ValeoFX, added lines to this version.


Can it be made using new nma?

Can it be made using new nma?

techmac,you are pretty right,now MRTOOLS have facility for adapting new nma with new MLADENs smooth formula,if they exchanging things mutually.



techmac,you are pretty right,now MRTOOLS have facility for adapting new nma with new MLADENs smooth formula,if they exchanging things mutually.


Oh we are (exchanging the code) Except (as I told already) the double smoothed version code will not be public - some things will remain as a "black box"

Oh we are (exchanging the code) Except (as I told already) the double smoothed version code will not be public - some things will remain as a "black box"

Dearest MLADEN,

Oh nice to hear,this was making me feel strange,if there in only one key for black box or two.but now i have good news.:):)

and let the public do their best try,of course.;)



Dearest MLADEN,

Oh nice to hear,this was making me feel strange,if there in only one key for black box or two.but now i have good news.:):)

and let the public do their best try,of course.;)


Oh, there is one thread that is not public that a lot of people would like to see

Oh, there is one thread that is not public that a lot of people would like to see

but at least we are eating fruits of that tree/thread

Oh, there is one thread that is not public that a lot of people would like to see

That would really be nice to see


Ocean theory based indicators

Jim Sloman's "Ocean theory" based indicators

The beginning

  1. Need a Better Moving Average? Try the NMA - the thread about indicators using Jim Sloman's formulas


  1. Ocean theory based indicators - the thread. More than 60 indicators (metatrader 4 + metatrader 5 versions) 
