55bc - page 7



Wow...Thanks for the quick reply :-)...for some reasons I thought you are sleeping now :-)...due to the trading hours you mentioned in your first post I thought you are from England....or somewere close :-) :-)

Well I'm from East coast of US so I'll go to slep for a little wile...maybe I'll wake up latter for some EU action :-)

Thank you for the system. Looks good :-)...simple is what I like and look for latetly :-)...got so tired looking at 500 things always going on on my screen :-)...and I was always afraid to go to such a low TF...but this looks promising....

P.S. English is my 2nd language :-) so please ignore any wrong grammar/spelling etc :-)

Happy trading tonight :-)


your more than welcome hbrandt................im from scotland actually so you were not to far off and yes im off to bed now,just closed the trade below,i DONT usually trade this time or day/night i like my little 7am-12 pm box but as i was up answering YOUR questions i caught this trade earlier......just took a while to finally go lol............but wont complain getting ANOTHER 20 pips in the bag...................

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your more than welcome hbrandt................im from scotland actually so you were not to far off and yes im off to bed now,just closed the trade below,i DONT usually trade this time or day/night i like my little 7am-12 pm box but as i was up answering YOUR questions i caught this trade earlier......just took a while to finally go lol............but wont complain getting ANOTHER 20 pips in the bag...................

:-) Luky you...you were pozitioned on this already I assume...yap you just said that :-)...I'm glad you srayed up and answer my question :-) ...when I looked at it about 10-15 min ago was going up quite strong and I was afraid to just jump on a "spike"...so I missed :-)

Good night then :-) you got a good start already :-) or a good ending...:-)

well done.

can I get the forexfactory indicator ?

i think u mean about the FFCAL indicator.. is it?

your more than welcome hbrandt................im from scotland actually so you were not to far off and yes im off to bed now,just closed the trade below,i DONT usually trade this time or day/night i like my little 7am-12 pm box but as i was up answering YOUR questions i caught this trade earlier......just took a while to finally go lol............but wont complain getting ANOTHER 20 pips in the bag...................

Can you explain why you took the trade? From what I can see, the TRENDENVELOPE alert came, but price did not close above the blue envelope. According to your order, you had entered more than two candles later...


hiya et_phonehome_2 ok will try and explain....................

as i said way back in the first post..this is NOT a 100% mechanical system ..........you can see from the TRENDENVELOPES signal that the CLOSE of the bar DID actually close above the buy zone AND had crossed over SUPPORT/RESISTANCE level 2 the range up was still around the 40 odd pip margin and yes WILLIAMS WAS NOT in buy zone but as you can see from the pict the signal was generated at 1940 and i did not enter the trade until WILLIAMS had topped out at close of the 1955 bar

when hbrandt ask the question about the same bar he asked about wether the TRENDENVELOPES signal AND the close of the bar had to be above/below buy/sell zone and YES i did say that i usually only wait a bar or two........but THIS trade IS DIFFERENT as the TRENDENVELOPES signal AND the bar CLOSED above the buy zone at the SAME time....it was the WILLIAMS THAT WAS LATE............and in my ANSWER to hbrandt i said "UNLESS...WILLIAMS is STILL TOPPING OR BOTTOMING OUT (and of course everything else is cool)

again i must stress that this is NOT a100% mechanical system........there is no "if signal A is confirmed with signal B and signal C is out shopping then do nothing" senario.........what i get is a signal wait until EVERYTHING is in place THEN decide if im going into a trade,hope this trys and clears thing up a bit


ok lets look at the signal generatd on the eur/usd this morn...........

as you can see a strong TRENDENVELOPES signal AND a CLOSE of bar ABOVE the BUY ZONE above support/resistance but WILLIAMS is no where in sight so a no go for a trade........and like the QUESTION in post above ALTHOUGH the WILLIAMS did eventually top out it was far to long away and price at the close of the bar is too high and only 20 pips away from the next level of support/resistance so not enough pips to get a trade from

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now lets look at the signal generated on the gdb/usd...........

there was only one problem with this trade, it was at 0450 in the morning and i was sound asleep....

this is THE PERFECT SET UP, trendenvelopes signal and close below sell zone, closed under the daily pivot and williams in the sell zone loads of range left in the pips ...perfect..........

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