55bc - page 13

YES...it does! :-( yep, if you have one that does not repaint please attach it :-) though it's funny who gave the last one says it does not repaint...I could not beleive it so I did check the 1 min, switch to Higher TF and came back to the 1 min...at that time it looked good...I could not go to sleep tonight so I did stay on it till I did ketch it :-( :-(

...Well, if you have a version that does not...please dig it out :-) I will really appreciate it :-)Thanks

The one that I have was NOT the traditional fisher that I knew repaints...

Goshh, I only have this version in my HD, if not mistaken, it shouldn't repaints your bed room. Dizzying....too many version fisher, some even same version but got renamed. Try it out, if it stop rapainting, you have a good sleep then.

fisher_v1.mq4  3 kb

but, i think if Stellaman neded any extra indi (filter, etc) to his system, he would allready found and added it himself


hmmmmmmmmmmm..............well i suppose thoughts and expresion about "trying to IMPROVE" this method are good but the past lot of posts since i posted new picts and templates just seem to make a mess of a thread, with i think only 1 reasonable question in them,there seems to ALWAYS be a question floated around ALL the forex forums and that is" WHY DO THREADS WITHER UP AND DIE AND THE ORIGINATOR OF THE THREAD GIVE UP POSTING ON IT,DOES IT TURN OUT AFTER A WEEK OR TWO THAT THE METHOD TURNS OUT TO BE RUBISH ETC ETC ETC........................"well and this is only my opinion,i think that threads get so messed up and you end up having to read thru pages and pages of crap posts with peeps just flinging indicators into the mix without any real evidence that it WILL improve THINGS .......AND posting thoughts and asking QUESTIONS that answers have already been asked and answered,peeps skip reading thru entire threads and just skip to the end and this is because threads get so messed up and go away of in a direction so far away from the original thread that it becomes just a mess, and thats why I THINK threads just wither up and die and NOT because the system method does not work...........

so may i ask that form now on ANY questions are directed to me thru PM to me and NOT posted on the thread,and any question that i think is resonable and relevent i will post on the thread for all to see.

this is a method that i believe in and make good pips with,i have learned a lot from this forum and that is why i like to try and give something back, IF the above request seems out of order then so be it then i will leave you all to it and i guarantee the thread will just become another method resigned to the depths of the tsd search engine,lets try and help each other to make some pips after all thats what we are here for.

ok rant over its up to you now what kind of thread you would like amessed up one or a nice clean positive and well managed thread that is full of good information...........thestellaman


Sighh, this is the true course development of a forum thread. You can't do anything to stop this high degree of deviation after a certain while you initiated your thread. So be it.

But I like what you proposed, relevant questions directed to you via PM, but sooner or later you would be fed up reading "crap" quesitons and abondon it as what you abondon your thread here.

Sighh, this is the true course development of a forum thread. You can't do anything to stop this high degree of deviation after a certain while you initiated your thread. So be it.

But I like what you proposed, relevant questions directed to you via PM, but sooner or later you would be fed up reading "crap" quesitons and abondon it as what you abondon your thread here.

better i read the crap and the thread be kept clean and informative or whats the alternative reading through a thread getting to grips with something and then having your concentration on a topic distracted by a post having nothing to do with the system/method and then having to pick up where you left off a few post later ..........

hmmmmmmmmm a bit like your post and my reply............


Alright, thanks thestellaman, your rules clean enough for your new sexy chart.

Alright, thanks thestellaman, your rules clean enough for your new sexy chart.

your welcome .......i think


the rules............again

ok for the last and final time..............here are the rules as close as i can get them to how i personally trade.......

THE RULES.............

will keep it as simple as possible.

example will be a buy trade,obviously the reverse for a sell.

MAIN SIGNAL will come from 55bc signal indicator,

before this signal happens we will get the warning signal to

alert us to the possibility of a trade,this is when we look

at the rest of the chart to see if the other indicators are

in agreement.


we get a buy warning signal...........we look at RSI chart bars

are they indicating buy(green on new template) YES ?

we look at MACD is it indicating buy(green) YES ?

is MACD crossed above zero (even better) YES ?

we look at WILLIAMS BARS are they indicating a buy(green) YES ?

we look at STEP MA is it indicating a buy(green) YES ?

is price above the STEP MA line . YES ?

we look at daily range is there enough pips left in room up .YES ?

(we mean buy this if we are looking for a 20 pip profit and

room up says there is only 13 pips then theres not enough

room for the trade,if it says 45 pips then there is enough room)

so the warning signal is bleeping away like mad,you have turned down

the sound on the laptop because its driving you nuts and you cant here

your fav spice girls album,checked all of the above and came up with

the 6/7 yes's to the questions............

you now have the close of the bar and the pop up window says its time to buy

(hmmm might change it to actually say that)

so whats stopping you...............PUSH THE BUTTON

as i said as close as i can get.........sometimes (not very often now that the signal has been changed)it may not all happen on the signal bar it may be a bar or few later,this is when personal judgment has to come into it........if price has already moved 50 odd pips in the space of a few bars then have some noodles in your pot and sit it out and wait for the next signal,just because your sitting there in front of a chart does not mean you have to trade all the time everytime, just as in life like trading another goomar will be along in a while


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