Forex vs Poker - page 15


Well thats depends on which angle you look at it from. For me, the whole Financial market is also a kind of competition. Not traditionally, but the modern day trading. People EARN what you LOSE, so its a BIG BIG competition


Any competition idea in forex leads just into one direction : loss

Well thats depends on which angle you look at it from. For me, the whole Financial market is also a kind of competition. Not traditionally, but the modern day trading. People EARN what you LOSE, so its a BIG BIG competition

People do not earn what you lose. You are not getting your money from others. You are getting (or losing) your money from a price change. It s a simple trade


I prefer forex

on my own:
People do not earn what you lose. You are not getting your money from others. You are getting (or losing) your money from a price change. It s a simple trade

I understand your point of view. However, if you are aware of Monetary policy, Money Supply in the economy is totally controlled by the government. If you are aware of the banking phenomenon, there is need for an ever-lasting growth in the money supply due to our economic system. However, as the governments do not match this, surely the money people lose from one end, pays the people EARNING at the other end.


Hi Tampa,

If possible could you modify the "Seasonality Indicator" to reflect "weekly values"?

Thanks in advance,


Re: Forex vs Poker

Hi Tampa,

If possible could you modify the "Seasonality Indicator" to reflect "weekly values"?

Thanks in advance,


Why don't you use a mtf version?


As for me, the difference is that one should not perceive forex trading as game. Only sober mind can make your experience be useful. I am not sure about poker so maybe it can be said about it as well, but right systematic trading cannot be detected as pure gambling, unlike poker

As for me, the difference is that one should not perceive forex trading as game. Only sober mind can make your experience be useful. I am not sure about poker so maybe it can be said about it as well, but right systematic trading cannot be detected as pure gambling, unlike poker

Maybe so, but not absolutely everyone is in market for earning. I personally know some people who are actually gamblers by nature and they trade to satisfy their hunger for playing, although they say they don't.

Maybe so, but not absolutely everyone is in market for earning. I personally know some people who are actually gamblers by nature and they trade to satisfy their hunger for playing, although they say they don't.

Majority is doing that for that same reason. More gambling than trading