Forex vs Poker - page 8


Former poker player here.

Poker is much easier and more predictable rather than Forex, but(!) and there is a big but, I think it doesn't take so much time from you (at least if you are not scalping) and here, at Forex, more sense of control rather than hoping that fish pay you off and he won't get lucky on the river..


I'm totally agree with you. Forex is much more complex and provides you with plenty of possibilities while poker is pretty much the same every time. However I do feel some kind of adrenalin rush during both: trading and playing poker. In both cases you have to suppress that feeling and stay calm no matter what. So this is where I can see some similar features

I'm totally agree with you. Forex is much more complex and provides you with plenty of possibilities while poker is pretty much the same every time. However I do feel some kind of adrenalin rush during both: trading and playing poker. In both cases you have to suppress that feeling and stay calm no matter what. So this is where I can see some similar features

What I like in Forex, that you can SET stop loss. Like automatic execution stop loss, whereas in poker we all talk about stop losses and how we should stop when we have dowsntreak, bad session, or only people left are regulars.. But in reality only few of poker players can do that and even they have bad days and stories like "So I thought I'll just quit, but it happened and I stayed till 5AM"... Classic..

So, as I understand, you mix both?


Forex ofcourse..


Why do I have a feeling i speak with the ghosts? No one really cares about the discussion..


Almost 3 months have passed aaaaaannnd... nothing

Almost 3 months have passed aaaaaannnd... nothing

Lol mate ?? What do you expect ?


You can set stop losses in poker too. But in poker you are bluffing a man. What (or who) are you bluffing in forex? Only one person left and that can only finish in loses


I think that it mostly depends on a person experience. No matter how experienced packer player is there is always a good place of luck and chance. But if a trader is experienced and professional, he knows how to analyse the currencies' movement, understands technical and fundamental analysis, knows about Money Management and risk control... This can really lead to success on Forex.

Lol mate ?? What do you expect ?

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