Lost hope to win in the forex deadly game - page 8


I partially agree with cockeyedcowboy

I agree that forexinvest's last post is spam. But forexinvest offers good advice for some trader-wannabes, who may never learn to trade profitably and would be wise to let a professional Forex trader manage their account. Good advice and lively discussion isthe purpose of this forum. I hope readers here can identify spam (trying to drive traffic to any web site) when they see it.

More proof that forexinvest's post is spam: His link includes his affiliate id. He's trying to drive traffic because he'll earn "a life-long referral commission equaling 5% of all amounts deposited or reinvested by every referred client."

If Admin hasn't already deleted the link(s) in forexinvest's post, I request that be done ASAP.



Well, the links are in the signature and they have nothing to do with the post, i think forexinvest is right, why should people trade and loose money when there are professional managers that can do the job? In the mean time, one can trade on demo and make experience, but there is no real need to waste real learning how to trade.


more spam in this thread!!!

I won't give the previous poster any free publicity by including his/her forum name in this post. He/she could have just agreed with my post, about a managed forex account being the best choice for some people. Instead, he/she decided it's worth getting banned from this forum for adding more spam to this thread. Pretty slimey, in my opinion.

I won't give the previous poster any free publicity by including his/her forum name in this post. He/she could have just agreed with my post, about a managed forex account being the best choice for some people. Instead, he/she decided it's worth getting banned from this forum for adding more spam to this thread. Pretty slimey, in my opinion.

My point is that he just sayd that a managed account would be the best choice, now in his signature (please study what a signature is) he had some link to some website (like my signature have too), so everytime he post a message the links can be seen, do this mean that he is a spammer? I don't know that guy and have nothing to do with him, but only please try to understand the meaning of "spam" before say that somebody is a spammer, anyway this messages are very funny, i like them especially in a boring day like today


His signature had every thing to do with the post He would not of said anything at all if it was not for his links ... And your right if you do not have what it takes, then by all means give your money to someone else to lose it for you.

Well, the links are in the signature and they have nothing to do with the post, i think forexinvest is right, why should people trade and loose money when there are professional managers that can do the job? In the mean time, one can trade on demo and make experience, but there is no real need to waste real learning how to trade.
His signature had every thing to do with the post He would not of said anything at all if it was not for his links ... And your right if you do not have what it takes, then by all means give your money to someone else to lose it for you.

Don't take it bad cockeyedcowboy, i don't want to "fight" with you, my point was that the signature is always the same for every post, so maybe it was only a cioncidence that he was giving an advice to that guy regarding managed accounts, and on his signature there was a link for managed accounts.

As advice i found it a great advice, there are many traders that go live without knowing NOTHING of the market, and it's inevitable that they lose all their money. In this business like in every other business it is required tons of study and pratice before acquire a professional attitude, and i see that 95% of traders (maybe) are unexperienced traders that take it as a game and when they lose money they blame the broker or ask advice to other unexperienced traders.. So, a good advice is trade on Demo and study the market, in the mean time if you want to make money give your money to a professionist that will make profits with and for you, instead of waste your money doing something you are not able to do. This is a good advice and i don't see nothing bad with that.

Then this is a free world and anyone can do anything, of course.


Then this is a free world and anyone can do anything, of course.

This is true.

but if you really beleive that he was making that post to be so kind to help the guy out then I will make one bet with you. That is you will never lose your money to the market because its people like you that lose it to scam artist before it ever gets to the market. go and click his link and see....

I dont know were some people come from ... such protected upbrining that they beleive every thing that goes down the road. People are not just nice, they have a reasons for actions. Use your head and add 2 and 2 it equals 4. Keep your hands on your money son because you will surely lose it to some con man. Thats the best advice you will ever get in this business, Ive been around for over 10 years and I have seen too much to not know whats was going on there. Have a nice day.


buddy i feel for you and i want to tell you nothing beats having proper money management .. serious.. do so and you have already won half the battle

Hi gays

i would like to thank all wonderful gays in this fourm ,this fourm helped me alot

however after 4 years of trading forex alot of wining and losts

i found that i always reach the brake even or get some profit and i always lost it again

4 years? - You're lucky, crazybunny. I never broke even, nor did I make any profit, but I made bigger and smaller losses, till I finally lost all my money in less than 8 months.

Forex is fascinating. It tricks you into thinking that you are a "serious investor" while it's nothing but gambling against "noise" like someone else stated on this thread. It achieves this apparent seriousness by using tons of pseudo-scientific terms (indicators, oscillators, exponential moving averages, cci, stochastics, heiken ashi, price action, etc..) which sound very intimidating. Not to mention the "Fundamentals". Man, those are quite a serious thing ..

You know, gambling is for the "simple" guys, but we, the sophisticated intelligent people need something more complex, something we can be admired for beeing dealing with, we need ... forex (now doesn't it even sound important?)

Those smart guys who play to hide a coin under one of three cups (you can find them in any major city), and challenge you to bet for the cup under which the coin is hidden, will always trick you out, but you already knew that, right? I guess you even felt some kind of pity for the incautious who entered their game, thnking that it couldn't be that difficult to win. You knew they would lose their money, right? But then, you knew too, that it wouldn't make any sense to alert them, because they wouldn't listen to you anyway, right? Because they are waay too simple to understand that. We, on the other side, wouldn't fall into that trap, because we are smart, we are intelligent.

Well, that's why they came up with retail forex. That IS exactly the same game. Because smart people need to be tricked out too (otherwise, where would be social justice? And BTW, the additional liquidity provided by the ever losing retail traders is always welcome and even necessary for the banks, corporations and governments who interchange their currencies on the interbank market)

So, take it easy, because for every big disaster (yours) there's a bigger one (mine). Don't know if this helps, but for me it works. I feel kind of a relief right now.

But, wait: As I read, many of the traders who lost their pants, resume trading as soon as they get a few cents to top up their accounts. Why do they do that, when they already know, they will lose it all again? Is it because they get encouraged ("don't ever give up" some people say throughout this thread) Will I do it? Will you do it? - There is a name (yes, a scientific, serious name) for that behaviour. It's called: ludopathy.

It makes no distinction between simple and smart guys, it just catches anyone who gets into its way. It's that simple. Some can cure themselves, some have to go to uncle doctor, and some are never aware of it.

I hope I can cure myself and give up. I hope it for you too. But, anyway, heads up, it's worse to be a serial killer (because you only kill yourself, and maybe some of your loved ones, but not the entire neighbourhood).


PS: I hope everybody realizes the sarcasm, and nobody feels offended. I just needed to let this out, and I thought this was the right place. If not, please, please fogive me, I swear i won't do it any more (trading I mean).


What is "grey bit?" What's the point of quoting me? - Am I missing something?

I don't blame brokers for bad trading results. There are already many traders who do. I think I'm the only responsible for my bad results. If I took scam signals, it's my problem. If I trusted useless EAs, it's my problem. If I thought forex trading was profitable, it's my problem.

Anyway, I'm not trading anymore, just visiting these forums for fun, I could read a book, but I get more amused reading how others are doing. If you make money - fine. If you do not - I thought this was the right thread to talk about it.

Again - I don't mean to offend anyone, I'm just expressing my thoughts, as anyone else on a forum does. If it gets censored - You won't see me anymore, because censored forums bore me to death.