Lost hope to win in the forex deadly game - page 6


Sure you do.

By any chance were you that guy on the street offering kids candy to get into the van?

Or, let's just say another 2-3 weeks before a commercial thread opens up for your fantastic EA?

Unless you have mS trade speed, which you don't, you're not going to be "officially" earning 1400 pips a day regardless how many pairs you have.

And I highly doubt you're a high-frequency programmer / trader at a prop desk with a liquidity connection, so would you like to explain what broker (reputably has 28 pairs + gold + silver) you're trading this EA? Or nonetheless how you proved your results when your EA is obviously not finished and that you have 2 days of very worthless results, that are statistically completely irrelevant.

Or how you even back tested 28 pairs + gold + silver, compounded the results together using MT4 proving your EA to even be CLOSE to say it is statistically significant you can earn 1400 pips a day?

I am so SICK of people like you People who probably don't have ANYTHING, yet continue to lead other people to believe there is some dammed holy grail out there that you have seemingly stumbled upon by great genius. The only genius I see, in your post, fact of a genius hiding his dammed trading insecurities.

For the fact being- your results mean nothing. Your EA means nothing.

MEANING you have NO right to be telling people that 1400 pips is possible, nonetheless even HINTING it.

and to Answer the Original Posters Question:

Does he own a car 80k or more? Does have own his own house? Does he not work? What time does he wake up? Does he spend above the average income in your city?

IF he doesn't do a majority of these things, I highly doubt he trades. I highly doubt he even earns close to 500 pips >a month<. Do the math- you're old enough. How rich would you be in A MONTH with 1400 pips? How POOR would he have to be not to be able to spare a DAY for YOU- a FRIEND, if he earns that much?

it's possible with more than 5 pairs. Me and a coder are almost finished with an EA that can trade 28 pairs plus spot gold and silver. came from a system in this thread. it just needs work on the exits and me and the coder almost have it down to a science or art i should say since trading is half science/half art.

It made 900 pips in a couple of days. still working on that exit.

trading is about 2 different systems

you need an entry strategy (which we have)

and you need an exit strategy to match the entry strategy (a whole new set of rules it might take). We think we found that as well.

it is not easy that is for sure! not impossible, just difficult. If it was that easy, then everyone would have figured it out. only 2% of everyone in forex ever stay to figure it out.
Sure you do.

By any chance were you that guy on the street offering kids candy to get into the van?

Or, let's just say another 2-3 weeks before a commercial thread opens up for your fantastic EA?

Unless you have mS trade speed, which you don't, you're not going to be "officially" earning 1400 pips a day regardless how many pairs you have.

And I highly doubt you're a high-frequency programmer / trader at a prop desk with a liquidity connection, so would you like to explain what broker (reputably has 28 pairs + gold + silver) you're trading this EA? Or nonetheless how you proved your results when your EA is obviously not finished and that you have 2 days of very worthless results, that are statistically completely irrelevant.

Or how you even back tested 28 pairs + gold + silver, compounded the results together using MT4 proving your EA to even be CLOSE to say it is statistically significant you can earn 1400 pips a day?

I am so SICK of people like you People who probably don't have ANYTHING, yet continue to lead other people to believe there is some dammed holy grail out there that you have seemingly stumbled upon by great genius. The only genius I see, in your post, fact of a genius hiding his dammed trading insecurities.

For the fact being- your results mean nothing. Your EA means nothing.

MEANING you have NO right to be telling people that 1400 pips is possible, nonetheless even HINTING it.

and to Answer the Original Posters Question:

Does he own a car 80k or more? Does have own his own house? Does he not work? What time does he wake up? Does he spend above the average income in your city?

IF he doesn't do a majority of these things, I highly doubt he trades. I highly doubt he even earns close to 500 pips >a month<. Do the math- you're old enough. How rich would you be in A MONTH with 1400 pips? How POOR would he have to be not to be able to spare a DAY for YOU- a FRIEND, if he earns that much?

whatever you say.

1st, It will never be sold at all. i hate anything commercial so why would you think i would even share/sell anything. leave that for the people who's system won;t work more than 6 months.

2nd i have made 500 pips in a week let alone a month. was i consistent? no. is there proof. yes.

i HATE people like you who jump to conclusions. i just stated what i see and have manually back tested the system because its manually tradable. not just a bunch of random indicators that make up some so called trade system. if you ever followed the bouncing pip thread, you would know this is possible if you have the correct entries/exits. we just took that idea and ran with a little further than everyone else. no, 2 days doesn't mean jack at all but theres more potential there than any other system i see on this thread or any thread on most forums for that matter. and Ive seen plenty of OK and good ones. for all i know, he was making 1400 pips a day. maybe he was full of crap and just blowing smoke but who cares about what he said. i just know what i see. and it doesn't take me to be at a deal desk to do this at all. there are only a few brokers that offer these pairs. some only 21 some 26 but only about 6 that offer 28 not including currenex):































my platform doesn't include spot metal pairs though

Broco investor4

fxopen(don't trust them)

fxpro(don't trust them)

FXCM UK(questionable i heard) and FXCBS (dont' trust them) have most of these pairs but not all.

otherwise, if I had the money, i would buy beluck's bridge and go to london capital.

I know there is no holy grail, even if it did make a ton of money. there are lots of things possible but only a few that are feasible and realistic. I know the math. what do i really think i can make? 500-100 pips a week realistically. why not? 28 pairs are getting signals on a H1 chart all the time. back to what i was working on. hope everyone figures out what they need to figure out for themsleves.




I just giggled at your post.

You manually backtested 28 pairs and gold and silver?

Yeh, you're right, I do jump to conclusions- I thought you had 28 eyes, and 28 arms to manual trade with.

Shut up.

You have a hard time keeping to one story don't you? So sometimes I guess you backested first with 21? 22? or 26 pairs? Or was that after the nuclear explosion- wait were you there with Dr. Bruce Banner?

whatever you say.

1st, It will never be sold at all. i hate anything commercial so why would you think i would even share/sell anything. leave that for the people who's system won;t work more than 6 months.

2nd i have made 500 pips in a week let alone a month. was i consistent? no. is there proof. yes.

It made 900 pips in a couple of days. still working on that exit.

i HATE people like you who jump to conclusions. i just stated what i see and have manually back tested the system because its manually tradable Me and a coder are almost finished with an EA that can trade 28 pairs plus spot gold and silver.. not just a bunch of random indicators that make up some so called trade system. if you ever followed the bouncing pip thread, you would know this is possible if you have the correct entries/exits. we just took that idea and ran with a little further than everyone else. no, 2 days doesn't mean jack at all but theres more potential there than any other system i see on this thread or any thread on most forums for that matter. and Ive seen plenty of OK and good ones. for all i know, he was making 1400 pips a day. maybe he was full of crap and just blowing smoke but who cares about what he said. i just know what i see. and it doesn't take me to be at a deal desk to do this at all. there are only a few brokers that offer these pairs. some only 21 some 26 but only about 6 that offer 28 not including currenex):































my platform doesn't include spot metal pairs though

Broco investor4

fxopen(don't trust them)

fxpro(don't trust them)

FXCM UK(questionable i heard) and FXCBS (dont' trust them) have most of these pairs but not all.

otherwise, if I had the money, i would buy beluck's bridge and go to london capital.

I know there is no holy grail, even if it did make a ton of money. there are lots of things possible but only a few that are feasible and realistic. I know the math. what do i really think i can make? 500-100 pips a week realistically. why not? 28 pairs are getting signals on a H1 chart all the time. back to what i was working on. hope everyone figures out what they need to figure out for themsleves.



I get it.

You made 500 in a week trading 28 pairs. You made 900 pips in two days trading only 5 pairs.

And you're full of sh*t? Of course i'm MOCKING you.

So what is it?

You made 900 pips on 28 pairs? Or you made 500 pips using 4-5 pairs manually. Or you back tested 5 pairs manually, and you have NO conclusive evidence that your method works on 28 pairs because your EA is not COMPLETE. Which leads me back to the point that you really have no right in telling someone its possible. EA statement please- because you know- you really are that smart to develop something such as this.

it's possible with more than 5 pairs. Me and a coder are almost finished with an EA that can trade 28 pairs plus spot gold and silver. came from a system in this thread. it just needs work on the exits and me and the coder almost have it down to a science or art i should say since trading is half science/half art.

It made 900 pips in a couple of days. still working on that exit.

trading is about 2 different systems

you need an entry strategy (which we have)

and you need an exit strategy to match the entry strategy (a whole new set of rules it might take). We think we found that as well.

it is not easy that is for sure! not impossible, just difficult. If it was that easy, then everyone would have figured it out. only 2% of everyone in forex ever stay to figure it out.

I just giggled at your post.

You manually backtested 28 pairs and gold and silver?

Yeh, you're right, I do jump to conclusions- I thought you had 28 eyes, and 28 arms to manual trade with.

Shut up.

You have a hard time keeping to one story don't you? So sometimes I guess you backested first with 21? 22? or 26 pairs? Or was that after the nuclear explosion- wait were you there with Dr. Bruce Banner?

you sir, are an idiot. you would only trade 3-4 pairs origianlly by hand LOL on a 1 hr 4 hr chart. did you even read that thread?! but what somebody else found out, was that IF you have an EA, it will work on anything that trends. so you can do 3-4 manually and once i saw a particular setup over there, i just looked at other pairs and went back to see what would have happened. you could trade them all like i said. Plus I already stated that some platforms have only 21 or 22 pairs. my patform has 28 pairs. re-read that for me will you? my statements is straight forward.

quoting myself

"there are only a few brokers that offer these pairs. some only 21 some 26 but only about 6 that offer 28 not including currenex)"

meaning that most platforms do not offer the 28 fx pairs i stated other than mine, fxopen and fxpro and maybe someone else i don't trust.



you sir, are an idiot. you would only trade 3-4 pairs origianlly by hand LOL on a 1 hr 4 hr chart. did you even read that thread?! but what somebody else found out, was that IF you have an EA, it will work on anything that trends. so you can do 3-4 manually and once i saw a particular setup over there, i just looked at other pairs and went back to see what would have happened. you could trade them all like i said. Plus I already stated that some platforms have only 21 or 22 pairs. my patform has 28 pairs. re-read that for me will you? my statements is straight forward.

quoting myself

"there are only a few brokers that offer these pairs. some only 21 some 26 but only about 6 that offer 28 not including currenex)"

meaning that most platforms do not offer the 28 fx pairs i stated other than mine, fxopen and fxpro and maybe someone else i don't trust.

My sentiments exactly


Seems you're so smart you can't figure out the upload function?

Hey but that's okay. You still havn't read what you specifically claimed.

1400 pips with 5+ pairs.

So where did you find this number?


I get it.

You made 500 in a week trading 28 pairs. You made 900 pips in two days trading only 5 pairs.

And you're full of sh*t? Of course i'm MOCKING you.

So what is it?

You made 900 pips on 28 pairs? Or you made 500 pips using 4-5 pairs manually. Or you back tested 5 pairs manually, and you have NO conclusive evidence that your method works on 28 pairs because your EA is not COMPLETE. Which leads me back to the point that you really have no right in telling someone its possible. EA statement please- because you know- you really are that smart to develop something such as this.

and here's a REAL statement just trading 1 pair with an OLD ea i dont' use anymore for obvious reasons

almost 300% growth in less than 2 months.

don't worry i'll have your eveidence.

i hate proving things to people but you seem to be so jaded that you're blinded by what's fact and what's not.

for the record, you could trade 4 pairs manually with the bouncing pip. aud/jpy gbp/jpy usd/jpy and eur/jpy and get the figures weekly. i used it once and got signals in the asisan session and closed the trades out early on 3 pairs and got 178 pips. like i said, we have half of it figure out, we will get the rest.

you put up now or shut up.

statement.htm  228 kb

What makes you think that I care about your statement?

1. How easy is it for you to HTML edit out the headers?

2. You've never mentioned in any of your posts the EUR/GBP pair, so why the hell would you run an EA on a pair you're quite obviously familiar with.

3. None of your previous statements run solely on the EURGBP pair.

4. How long do you think it'll take me to find a statement like yours? and post even better returns under my name?

5. If and even >ifyours<

Seems you're so smart you can't figure out the upload function?

Hey but that's okay. You still havn't read what you specifically claimed.

1400 pips with 5+ pairs.

So where did you find this number?

#1 check the statement above. i know how the functions work.

#2 also, she seemed to have it figured out as well but the EA had problems


#2 and my friend with a private held EA with a completely different system than my old EA and new one.

MT4 Stats - Share your MetaTrader 4 Statements with the world

so like i said. once we figure out our exits, i will be back for sure.

so yes it IS POSSIBLE to make 500 pips a week without 28 pairs. but a lot easier if you do trade that many. and of course you could do better as evidence above. it should not matter what pair you trade in fx. if your system is good, it should work, point blank

plus my statement is not doctored. look up the bank that did the wire transfer and my trade sequence. it will all match up. nothing else to say to you here. i didn't even edit my real account number! go ahead and load your fake staement.