THE BUY ZONE - TheRumpledOne - page 17


BZ Works

Hi RumpledOne,

I all can say is IT WORKS & WORKS WELL. So far four closed trades for a total of 42 pips gained. I have used it on the 1M, 5M & 15M time frames with the 5M working the best for me. Outstanding my method my friend & I admire your MAVERICK SPIRIT. Thanks for your sharing with the members.


Hi RumpledOne,

I all can say is IT WORKS & WORKS WELL. So far four closed trades for a total of 42 pips gained. I have used it on the 1M, 5M & 15M time frames with the 5M working the best for me. Outstanding my method my friend & I admire your MAVERICK SPIRIT. Thanks for your sharing with the members.


You're welcome.


BZ on the GBP/JPY this hr trade is about as good as it gets straght up to the upper BZ long @.55 out at .68 +13 pips best of all it was fast

mt4pic16.gif  39 kb


BZ on the GBP/JPY this hr trade is about as good as it gets straght up to the upper BZ long @.55 out at .68 +13 pips best of all it was fast

THANK YOU RumpledOne!

That's all I can say, eur-usd 80pips today in two buy deals.

Is there a place where I can that same indicator what is used at the bottom of your chart?


Rumpled Joker has returned sticking two fingers up at NewDigital..

Now you are mocking New Digital in his own forum?

Your quote sig:


Go away and please don't come back Mr Salesman. I like the way you state you don't sell your indicators but will only release the Buy Zone ones if you get a payment through Paypal, erm, that's selling buddy, get back to school and work on your English language!


Hey Fred.

which school were you dragged up in.

theres some common sense for sale here near me.

do want some. you know you need it.

(hope this doesnt get moved to the commercial thread).


also i didnt pay for the buyzne indicators i have, so how do you explain that,



Why are we getting into this flame throwing again? It really makes visiting this forum unpleasant. If TheRumpledOne annoys you, just ignore him.

I've seen plenty of free indicators that have been posted by him. I think where TRO might be mis-understood is that trading might be so easy for him that he doesn't always explicitly describe what is in the charts that he posts with minimal comments but just loaded with his indicators. This along with the whole "donation" fiasco makes him out to be a bad guy.

If you don't like him, ignore him...don't donate. If his free indies make sense, use them. If not, ignore them as well. So simple and stress free. No need for hostility. Let's keep this place civil. thanks.

ohh, no need to reply to this. enough said on the subject.


deeforex, i know you said that:

"ohh, no need to reply to this. enough said on the subject."

however, it was realy well said.