THE BUY ZONE - TheRumpledOne - page 14


BUY ZONE TRADES Daily Statement

airball. nice chart. think i could have ur squiggly line indicators.

i would appreciate it. thanx

heres my daily statement guys. appreciate ur generosity TRO. thanx.

made $1000+ gross yesterday TRO tradin 5 mini lots, using the buyzone and ur "take what u can" policy.

lovin it.

not had this much fun since daytrading stocks using tradestation radar and of course. some of ur indicators.

my statements will be posted everyday for u non- beleivers and for anyone thinking of trying it. (even post the bad ones) if there are any.


oops. done that already. heres the right one


Hi RumpledOne,

New to your thread, but not new to trading. I thought I would give your

BZ-everyhour method a quick try on the E/J pair as I had notice on the 15M

time frame today that when the PRICE drifted below the RED SELL LINE it would usually show some nice gains. Now I gave this a try on a live account

not with the broker you have spoken of, but with one I have used for yrs & I

tp @ +7 pips @ just over 3mins. For me this is not my style of short term trading, but the gains were there & not being really farmilar with this method & not to mention this being real money I TOOK THE PIPS.

Since I am short on time for now, just let me say it appears you have a very nice method that should be easy for the novice to follow. My trading style is short term being 1-3 days & in some cases only hours using only FIBS, PIVOTS & PRICE ACTION, but I will look @ this method closer next week.





BuyZone trade on GBP/JPY E.O.D. Friday

this is the way i look at it. dont forget ive only been tradin this for 4 days now. (on a live acc. my acc. statement will be posted regularly here too).

for me, buyzone entry would have been 208.82 (sign of a red candle below the buyzone open of 208.83 looking at the 5 minute chart).

i also had slight confirmation in my stochastics being below 50 and pointing down. i have more confirmation on the 1 minute chart with stochastics pointing in the same direction.

(i dont need much confidence to pull the trigger but this gave me what was nescassary).

i took 6 pips net off this trade. as u can see, i could have taken anywhere between 1 and 16 pips. the solid red line on the 5 minute shows where price turned around at 208.66.

i followed 8 consecutive trades on GBP/JPY on friday which could have netted me between 1 and 35 pips each. i didnt trade any of these as i was busy in a longer term trade at the time.

there is a lot of negativity towards this buyzone being commercial or a con or whatever else. all i can say is what i see and for the last 4 days its been positive for me.


A look at some of TRO's Other stuff

I think that tro should be given credit for this. It is a good no nonsense system. He has some great ideas. I have included one of my indicators as well.I think that it compliments the system well.



Great explanation & I see the same as you. Take a look @ OBV & RSI when BZ gives a signal. Stoch seems to give an early warning several bars or candles ahead of the move. Trading pure BZ signals appears to work as well.

At this time I have a method that has worked well for me for sometime now, but after reviewing the BZ signals on 4 pairs it has my attention. Because I am trying to get away from holding postions overnight I just might dig deeper into the BZ as an add on to my core method. Its simplicity in use & its chart clean design are all appealing to me as I am not a fan of numerous indicators as they are for the most part lagging & not reflecting true PRICE ACTION.

From your observation what have you seen as the best pairs? Notice my post above & the results I had on the first trade in a live account. Now I have traded long enough to remain calm, but BZ did get my attention on this first trade to the point of me giving it another go next week in the live mode.

I think it a great gesture by THE RUMPLEDONE to share this Method/Indicator

with everyone. That speaks highly of him.

Your views & comment would be welcomed. These are just my views & not trading advice @ all.



Your post #136

Hi Newmont,

Tks for sharing your indicator. What tf do you trade BZ?



RSI in the BuyZone


i love the rsi21. imho its one of the best indicators (along with rsi divergence and price action) out there. TRO's is an excellent idea tho i think to make maximise its potential the digital rsi needs to show from which direction it has come from in a specified time ie: last 2 minutes, 5 minutes 15 minutes along with the present reading and direction. not sure if this makes sense or whether it can be achieved.

just my opinion from having many, many successful trades using rsi21 crossing up thru 30 and 50 and crossing down thru 7o and 50 mainly on 2hr, 4hr, and 6hr charts.

also crossing 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 in different ways. although the 30, 50 and 70. 50 being strongest.


MP -- BUY ZONE and its effect on man in the moon marigolds !

I am on yahoo messenger with Avery most days, and while I dont trade "the buy zone" (my own systems work just fine for me AND im not a digital person), we compare a number of support and resistance areas, entry and exit positions and the rest of that great trader stuff and the buy zone matches my charts (or is it my charts match his ?) so DOWN AND DIRTY --- the system just plain works, no ifs, ands or buts about it !!

with avery you get the free version and you can get the "commercial" version, and to be honest Ive been living with the free version of AVG anti virus and symantec paid antivirus for one heck of a long time, and FREE AVG is doing just fine and im not crying about not having one or two other "features" cause if i wanted them, id buy the commercial version.

I imagine the mods will get this straightened out, as they should, but remember that Avery is human --- when shoved, he will shove back and his shoving reminds me of the Israeli thought --- "if you push me, we will push back twice as hard !" While I recognize the behavior of all parties, its about time things were placed into the perspectives they should occupy.

Avery gives you a free version --- its NOT crippled or useless in any way, shape or form. He also has a paid version, which appears to have a few additional things on it, although I havent studied it in detail --- Either one appears to be of significant assistance to a manual trader and worthy of working with !

Avery presents a digital assistance to trading that has proven results ---- WHY are you arguing whether its free or payed ?

I dont need his charts having long ago come up with my "system" but they work and as a teacher of forex, I find them a very good tool !

enjoy and trade well my friends


This entire thread and its premise cracks me up. I see nothing's changed since your TS days, Avery.

Why don't you just run an AD and tell everyone exactly what it is you're all about?

Free, my ass. LOL. But kudos to you, looks like you got all the newbies fooled -- - Traders Community :: View topic - BUY ZONE FOR DUMMIES INDICATOR

"Hi TRO have u uploaded the BZ for dummies indicator yet, or r u still working on it? "

"BuyZone for dummies is NOT going to be uploaded.

BuyZone for dummies is a "gift" to those who show appreciation. "

Ha Ha Ha, 'nuff said. "Appreciation" indeed...

geez! just took it upon myself to read this thread and came across this monkey brains. IT'S FREE IT'S FREE.

didnt ur parents teach u to go look before u say u cant find. its not hard to tell what kind of upbringing some of u jealous people have had, lol.

can also tell by your wasting time posting negativity here that u people or not makin no money in the markets. I PITY U ALL.

STOP *****ing, join the 2% club and make some money.

what was it Mr. T used to say lol. "DAMN FOOL"