OILFXPRO HMA scalper - page 2

WTF bad system very lagging

U get 96% marks for your positive contribution


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It just looks like it is SOOO late on most sigs, or misses altogether on some.


It just looks like it is SOOO late on most sigs, or misses altogether on some. Goldstock

Look on the bright side

It enters when the market is decided on direction leaving the scalper to get his last few pips out.It works

If you look at the hourly charts , it gets into some very nice swing trades

I strongly believe in this system and it will also work on different time frames

I already have a version of this made for my own use




Haven't you figured out that the (snake)"oiler" is not going to share anything meaningful... let alone proftable with this community?

ohhh...do not forget to PM him for his private version...buy today!

oiler... myself along with others here are on to you...



Haven't you figured out that the (snake)"oiler" is not going to share anything meaningful... let alone proftable with this community?

ohhh...do not forget to PM him for his private version...buy today!

oiler... myself along with others here are on to you...



Happy new year!

Firstly I am trying to get a new EA done for everybody and I gave you my HMA 2.0 for free use.Some people thanked me for it by PM.

A coder has promised it by sunday.

There is a lot of competition on this board ,which is fuming AND FURIOUS about all the free EAS and systems I develop.So they are all going to attack me soon

Last two months my free systems made 2,500 points .They are posted on this forum


Also I attack scammers ,so I have many many many enemies ready to attack me.I will take on all the animals cause I am a street fighter



so what is my excuse....oiler....?

Again...please stop vending...you are fooling nobody...

Do not let ND fool you either...he can see the PM's....and you know what I am talking about...

I will not embarrass you further...trust me...and STOP!



Happy new year!

Firstly I am trying to get a new EA done for everybody and I gave you my HMA 2.0 for free use.Some people thanked me for it by PM.

A coder has promised it by sunday.

There is a lot of competition on this board ,which is fuming AND FURIOUS about all the free EAS and systems I develop.So they are all going to attack me soon

Last two months my free systems made 2,500 points .They are posted on this forum


Also I attack scammers ,so I have many many many enemies ready to attack me.I will take on all the animals cause I am a street fighter


Happy new year!

Firstly I am trying to get a new EA done for everybody and I gave you my HMA 2.0 for free use.Some people thanked me for it by PM.

A coder has promised it by sunday.

There is a lot of competition on this board ,which is fuming AND FURIOUS about all the free EAS and systems I develop.So they are all going to attack me soon

Last two months my free systems made 2,500 points .They are posted on this forum


Also I attack scammers ,so I have many many many enemies ready to attack me.I will take on all the animals cause I am a street fighter


oilfx, your problem is you seem to regard everyone as an enemy - for instance, you regularily p*ss all over coders on TSD, telling the whole world how crappy they are, but in the same breath, go around begging to get your strategies coded for nothing!

The problem I have with the free EA's you have made available, the ones that I've tried at least, is that I cannot reproduce your backtest results. I have downloaded historical data from several brokers and have concluded that most, if not all, provide the same data, so this cannot be the problem.

As for you latest 'multi HMA scalper', I tried this years ago, admitedly with not as many HMA's but enough to convince me that this idea was going nowhere. Applying this many filters just reduces the number of trades, both profitable and unprofitable, in equal measure. I will be first to eat my words if these proves otherwise though...

oilfx, your problem is you seem to regard everyone as an enemy - for instance, you regularily p*ss all over coders on TSD, telling the whole world how crappy they are, but in the same breath, go around begging to get your strategies coded for nothing! ...

Hi Omlette

For real accounts with real money ,I use only expert advisors by professional coders of the highest quality.

The free ones I beg for are for sharing (none of them will ever be used on my real accounts)

You have seen some real McCoy coding ,thats what I use for real money

I am doing fine on very similiar strategies to this hma ,but if the forum members want to ruin this development,it is their loss


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Not only would I ask you to refrain from continuing...I would request that ND please ban you...I am sure there are many here that would agree and wish you to be forever banned from this site...

You contribute absolutlly nothing...and as you have done all over the internet with your troublemaking...this site should be better and recognize your ulterior motives...


Hi Omlette

For real accounts with real money ,I use only expert advisors by professional coders of the highest quality.

The free ones I beg for are for sharing (none of them will ever be used on my real accounts)

You have seen some real McCoy coding ,thats what I use for real money

I am doing fine on very similiar strategies to this hma ,but if the forum members want to ruin this development,it is their loss



Part of the free automated signals are based on simiar strategies to hma scalper
