50 pips a day with real hedgesystem - page 8


Dreamliner you are correct and I apologize to the thread author...

MP..can you start a new thread and I will join.

Moderator can you move some posts to the new thread if MP is willing to start one?




Good point, Jimbo! I can't read .rar files, can you either .zip it or send it to my email unzipped? I PMd you the address.

Here is the attachment again in .zip!

It is just an example for understanding the idea.



Jimbo, just from looking at the results, it is clear that this system maximizes the benefits of Martingale and minimizes the disadvantages. This is truly excellent. Hopefully this will quiet those who don't bother to read past the word "Martingale" before going on a rant.

Here is the attachment again in .zip!

It is just an example for understanding the idea.



ive read back thru all the posts and cant seem to find a "rant" ==== a warning that martingales (and you agree its a martingale system) is a gambling method and not a respected trading system, but no rant !

anything that received an increased tempo came from youre essentially calling me a liar --- perhaps you expected me to whimper, assume the fetal position in a corner and cry ?

I have actually only said two things on this thread --- one was concerning a small hedging practice i use for overnite trades to go along with my normal overnite trades and that "martingales" are rather dangerous systems, more related to gambling than the non-gambling world of forex and most especially to newbs ! Any other posts i put forth are related to answering your tremendously negative ones, warning of how I will charge newbs for advice, take their money or whatever else has been intimated by you !

on the charge of "yelling", please note my post was arranged graphically, so as to be the most pleasing --- with centered and oversized non black and white letters and designed to be visually desireable ! (do you never notice how much i speak with my tongue firmly planted in my cheek ??)

other than that, count my posts vs yours and then tell me WHO is hijacking what, cause it sure aint me !

to "savant", thank you for the upfront reply as to your experience, although I certainly didnt need it --- that was the reason for my initial confusion which was the use of words and what you were looking for. ITS NICE TO MEET YOU !

so having said this, as long as dreamliner stays off my back which shall keep me from having to respond, I shall wander to some location somewhere on this site, pull out my portable oak roll top desk, install the blackboards and sound system, and get my notes in order to try to assist, in my most modest manner !

ELITE traders --- i dont know, im probably a member as I am with the majority of sites, but i dont "hang" there, if thats what you mean ! dont think i even post there, to be honest !

enjoy and trade well




I will PM you for this in the quote below as you may not want to post publically and I do not want you to feel you must do that....I took a chance, and I knew I might be correct about your expertise...I will be looking for your thread and maybe you could post a link to it here when you start.


i needed your location because there is something i do daily that nets (usually anyway) 100 pips/5 days, unattended and simply, but it has to be done at a specific time in the trading day !


Yes, and since MP mentioned it, it might be good to follow forum protocol and simply let us know exactly WHAT that is that he does, rather than just state that he does it.


I will PM you for this in the quote below as you may not want to post publically and I do not want you to feel you must do that....I took a chance, and I knew I might be correct about your expertise...I will be looking for your thread and maybe you could post a link to it here when you start.


i needed your location because there is something i do daily that nets (usually anyway) 100 pips/5 days, unattended and simply, but it has to be done at a specific time in the trading day !
Here is the attachment again in .zip!

It is just an example for understanding the idea.



Thanks for sharing this system and looking from your results, it seems that the martingale effect was put to the challenge when there was a strong trend in one direction; meaning that you kept doubling your losing position and the trend kept going one way.

Maybe you can try to alternate the doubling effect, rather than merely focusing on doubling the losing side. This way when the market's trending heavily, your positions would not be all fighting the trend. And it could save you from going too deep into the progression.

Quick question for you also, regarding the pairs u trade this one as 30 pips target/stop puts the spread into consideration. What pairs are u doing this on?




Hey Doragia,

Can you please explain what you mean by:

"Maybe you can try to alternate the doubling effect, rather than merely focusing on doubling the losing side. This way when the market's trending heavily, your positions would not be all fighting the trend. And it could save you from going too deep into the progression."


Thank you,