ElectricSavant's™ Challenge - page 31

Would you want to start after NFP? ES

Okes, no problem ES . I will email you later the EA and the setting.Hope we can achieve something with this new EA


Hallo ES, would u please to try MY EA?

Please Look at My Thread EA M series, For EURJPY, Based On OZFX, see my latest EA, My OZFx Squeeze v2.1 and 1.1if u want i will sent moderate setting or low setting for lower DD, its free........OK



Try My Ea

Hallo ES, would u please to try MY EA?

Please Look at My Thread EA M series, For EURJPY, Based On OZFX, see my latest EA, My OZFx Squeeze v2.1 and 1.1if u want i will sent u moderate setting or low setting for lower DD, its free........OK


actually your right!

i have to backtrack my statement because i go for 100% flips within 3-4 months. If i scaled my setting back 50-75% it could happen but forex has more potential than 100% yearly.

Soooo.. I will concede that 17% is very possible with a (conservative forex strategy???). now i consider that too much risk for too little reward. and $100 risk $17 - $100,000 risk $17,000. who cares its still only 17%. i feel the same about either amount. Ive got 83% of my account left. percentages keep the emotion out of it for me. if im betting 20% i could care less how much cash that actually is, im just glad to have a method that correctly scales my risk with my balance. never overbidding, nor underutilizing my cash reserves.

Savant you also state that you no EA works but im sure youve used EAs that allow you to adjust risk. are you telling me all of these EAs bailed with a loss? in some cases im sure it has to me that fact that the market moved against the EA and it jumped ship. firstly thats a clue to evaluate the current currency move.

most EAs run better in certain cirumstances. (trend/range) has the market moved against the EA and its time to switch charts? maybe youre not recognizing that the EAs move with this currency is DONE! time to move on. are you managing your EAs or looking for the nonexistent 24/7 holygrail EA?

I think forex is FAR to volatile to play for a longer term investment. world events can NEVER be predicted and currencies will always experience unexpected swings. so while i know i could reduce my setting for a safe yearly 100% flip. i would never expect to make it work for an entire year. no way!! i want to make my best educated guess. fire up the EA and try to make 20% as fast as possible to cover breakeven after that Im safe and know something will be left on the table even if i crash.

i like the way you think.

I think forex is FAR to volatile to play for a longer term investment.

I think Fulltime is right about this. Capturing the volatility is the game. Any suggestions?


Hi ES,

I red a bit over your topic and I have the feeling that you try to proof the unprovable.

It is clear that you try to make a point that you do not believe in a mecanical system or EA (Every EA is a 100% mecanical system).

I red that you are a 48 year old trader and that you struggeld all your life with trading and you are from the old skool etc etc...

I would like to give you a challenge.

As you maybe know I have a 100% mecanical system. So normally possible to program into an EA.

I absolutly refuse to let my system be programmed into an EA.

My challenge is that you proof the opposite. That you proof that you are a real trader and that you can stick 100% to the rules of a system. And that there are systems out there that are realy profitable but that people refuse to let them be programmed in EA.

If you are from the old skool you do not hope to find an EA or depend on an EA and this way thinks to make money without doing anything.

You trade my system for 6 months. The contribution that one normally needs to pay monthly to have acces to my system is 85€.

If you succeed to get within 20% to the results that my system makes I pay you the 6 months back + an other 6 months. So that means if you make profit it will be yours and I will add an other 6 x 85€ = +510€.

If you are not within 20% of what my system makes you proofed to yourself that you are indeed not fit to be a trader.

I believe that this a far more realistic challenge then hoping for some sort of a 'better' from the metaquuotes championship that will come to you.

When the mountain does not come to mohammed then mohammed goes to the mountain...

Friendly regards...iGoR

PS. Maybe you are thinking now...OK but what happens if the system is loosing money over this 6 month period and I followed it. Well I pay you 1$ back for every pip the system is under the intitial balance. Lets face it this is a very nice challenge and is a no loosing deal for you.

PS2 The first month that the deviation is more then 20% between your result and the result of the system the challenge is finished because that proves that you can not follow a system.

PS3 Only a very small minority of traders wants to work with an EA because the majority of the traders do not work with MT4 brokers.

And most of all not the serious traders. Because they will never deposite severall 10 of thousands of dollars on some obscure broker that goes bust the moment that you deposit your money.



I have tremendous respect for the knowledge in your posts. I have enjoyed them over the years.

I will be trading full time again someday and I would like to ask if I can take you up on your Challenge at that time. Your Challenge is very fair and I thank you for giving me that opportunity. Currently, I cannot be glued to the screen and trade manually...or operate semi manual systems as the phone can ring taking me away from the computer. I find automation requires monitoring but not in the same way a manual system would require my attention.

As far as I being fit to be a trader, well I think that I have already proved that I am not. As I am not consistently profitable...as a matter of fact I have lost more money over my lifetime than I have won. Yes I have had some profitable times ..but again my losing times have far outpaced in duration and amount. So if I needed to prove that I was competent, I might be able to accomplish that with your Challenge, but unfortunatley I have wasted a lifetime and I would know the truth...I simply would not be able to recover enough dollars to replace the sacrafice of time and money that I have lost in the past.

I appreciate that you have taken the time to reply in this thread. And as far as your wishes to not allow an EA to replace your trading method...or to attempt to automate it, I can respect that...it is your choice and your method.

As far as using the computer as the tool it can be...well I think that well written EA's may provide just another time saving efficient tool utilizing the computer and being all that you can be. I would not catagorize that tendency as being lazy or not wanting to do anything...when one is in a quest for efficiency.

I do not want anybody to feel sorry for me...I am at the end of trading Retail Spot Forex and this Challenge is my last attempt to discover a profitable way/support system to trade Forex. I have three Challengers who disagree with you, iGoR and feel that they can beat this Challenge and two other pending Challengers have told me that they can and they have committed to enter. They realize it is hard, but claim that a 2:1 Benefit to Risk Ratio (ElectricSavant Ratio™) of 17% is doable.

My hopes are that newbies that come to Forex-tsd read this thread and consider it the proof that they need to reconsider their expectations. and trade accordingly. If you are trading Forex with drawdowns exceeding my criteria with 20%...30%....40% DD...well then it is just plain and simple GAMBLING, even if your yield is twice your risk... and I am proving it. Prove me wrong.

Anyone has a right to disagree with me, but don't actions speak louder than words?


Hi ES,

I red a bit over your topic and I have the feeling that you try to proof the unprovable.

It is clear that you try to make a point that you do not believe in a mecanical system or EA (Every EA is a 100% mecanical system).

I red that you are a 48 year old trader and that you struggeld all your life with trading and you are from the old skool etc etc...

I would like to give you a challenge.

As you maybe know I have a 100% mecanical system. So normally possible to program into an EA.

I absolutly refuse to let my system be programmed into an EA.

My challenge is that you proof the opposite. That you proof that you are a real trader and that you can stick 100% to the rules of a system. And that there are systems out there that are realy profitable but that people refuse to let them be programmed in EA.

If you are from the old skool you do not hope to find an EA or depend on an EA and this way thinks to make money without doing anything.

You trade my system for 6 months. The contribution that one normally needs to pay monthly to have acces to my system is 85€.

If you succeed to get within 20% to the results that my system makes I pay you the 6 months back + an other 6 months. So that means if you make profit it will be yours and I will add an other 6 x 85€ = +510€.

If you are not within 20% of what my system makes you proofed to yourself that you are indeed not fit to be a trader.

I believe that this a far more realistic challenge then hoping for some sort of a 'better' from the metaquuotes championship that will come to you.

When the mountain does not come to mohammed then mohammed goes to the mountain...

Friendly regards...iGoR

PS. Maybe you are thinking now...OK but what happens if the system is loosing money over this 6 month period and I followed it. Well I pay you 1$ back for every pip the system is under the intitial balance. Lets face it this is a very nice challenge and is a no loosing deal for you.

PS2 The first month that the deviation is more then 20% between your result and the result of the system the challenge is finished because that proves that you can not follow a system.

PS3 Only a very small minority of traders wants to work with an EA because the majority of the traders do not work with MT4 brokers.

And most of all not the serious traders. Because they will never deposite severall 10 of thousands of dollars on some obscure broker that goes bust the moment that you deposit your money.