ElectricSavant's™ Challenge


I will pay the first profit made in usd that I make to a coder who will allow me to trade their own personal EA that they have written themselves that they have the rights to.

So to make this clear...I will pay the first profit with no limits(when reached in full with your submitted and mutually agreed expiration) that I make from the submitted EA, without anything for myself. I start with 1K and IBFX at 400:1. The coder/seller will have the "log-in" to my MT4 platform to view.

If I ever experience a max of 17% intraday drawdown from the highest banked balance ...the deal is off and no money for you...if not I will gladly send the money...no problem....and with the rights to continue to trade it for myself for an unlimited time.

Only serious EA's please...I will put my money on the line and let the EA trade live...


When you submit your EA, you need to identify the setfile and the pairs to be traded with Sample size and the expiration of our arrangement. I have the right to decline any offer at my discretion. Backtest or Forward test results will help me with my decision.


A more honest and ethical man you will be hard pressed to find.

this challenge should prove interesting. If any one does step up to the plate it is doubtful they will let themselves be known UNLESS the challenge is met.

Good luck, hopefully your replies will not remain private.

Here is a chance for all those that run their mouths about profitable EA's they have created but cant share or claim to have but wont share because of it becomming public.

I know if I had one i'd take your challenge and your money.

Good Luck ES


ForexRobotSupport.com proudly presents....

ForexRobotSupport Automated Trading Competition 2008

The only EA competition where every EA will have the possibility to show it's best performance. Registration starts on the 1st of January 2008 and the competition on the 1st of March 2008.

All EAs are welcome to the competition, free and commercial.

# First Place wins 48% of the total license fees.

# Second Place wins 28% of the total license fees.

# Third Place wins 16% of the total license fees.

The more EAs that compete the more money the winners will get!

Join the ForexRobotSupport.com forum, read the rules, the instructions and we will answer any questions you may have ASAP.



I will extend my bold statements to say this for a fact...

a 2:1ElectricSavant Ratio™ cannot be maintained in any published system for any meaningful lenghth of time, even if I open up the max intraday DD to 17% from the highest banked balance!

it is simply not possible to achieve...look at the charts...Note ranges deviations...etc

I have tried it all...

hedged...correlated...deviated....oscillated...averaged... rated...ranked...managed....lagged...offset...compared...

masterbated...massaged.... deliniated...spread...gapped.... breadth... width.... ranged.... pivoted...rotated... flipped....gooosed.... pyramided...averaged in... down and up and sideways.... fractalized... Facialized... breached... overbought, sold and overeasy....squeezed...rubberbanded...multiple time framed...multiple orgasmed...timed...martingaled...moneymanaged...chatroomed... signalled... faxed... emailed.... yahooed... alerted... colorchanged... painted... dipped... risen....leveled....zoned... waved...faded...weighted....scaled...reversmatingaled...submissioned...guilt.....humbleness....degradation....

pornography.... velocity... rate of change.... red dot... blue dot.... pokadotted.... framed... bracketed.... measured...narrow.. .wide...

long... short.... triangulated... trended...lined.... channeled.... vibrated... etc... etc...


The trouble with these contests is they measure efficiency incorrectly.

If there was a contest ranking by Yield to Risk ratio...then it would not waste our time. This simple ratio that covers it all.....

Let me explain:

ROI Annual % : Intraday drawDown in % of highest banked balance

Well... read the competition rules. The competition will show the best EA with all the functions with only one limitation. There are only 12 currency pairs allowed in total. You can use less but not more of them.

Else the rules makes every EA pretty flexible and you can do the math as you wish too.


PS. Rules are here ---> ForexRobotSupport Automated Trading Competition 2008 ver 3 - ForexRobotSupport


Why don't you do the math and declare the winner with this new suggested criteria? Really? why not...what is wrong with it?

Take you spam to your own thread and Forum...

I will trade these approved tradeable IBFX compatible EA's or appoved MA's from the coders live with one rank....Yield to Risk....This is fair...There is no contest here...other than sample size. Every EA should incorporate this ratio as part of their disclosure.

No Steinitzing Allowed


Well... read the competition rules. The competition will show the best EA with all the functions with only one limitation. There are only 12 currency pairs allowed in total. You can use less but not more of them.

Else the rules makes every EA pretty flexible and you can do the math as you wish too.


PS. Rules are here ---> ForexRobotSupport Automated Trading Competition 2008 ver 3 - ForexRobotSupport


I have a taker...I do not know his terms and next year you might know....it is up to him...I can do several accounts so please think about this ok?

Now that I have a possible interested party that you all know... I will shut up...

Please do not ask who...I cannot without his permissiom...but it would be real brave for him to allow me to publish anything...but I would if I were hiim...it could really show his expertise and make some of us realize there is hope. All of you know that I want him to succeed and I post unbiased and fair comments.

Look this is not about money just now...hehe....a few hundred bucks is at stake here either way...this is about percentages...and the ElectricSavant Ratio™...maybe that is all I will report...


P.S. If you can maintain a tradesize with your EA that allows you to remain under 17% drawdown from the highesr banked balance then send me your sample size and I can consider trading your EA live..please include your Yield to Risk Ratio with your offer


Thank you my friend.

the question here is credibility and why?

Most likely the personal EA of a coder that makes him money with little drawdown does not need to be shared....lol....why would he do it?...All I can imagine is that EA's do not work forever and try and get as much as you can....I swear I would never share it or sell it...I am not a vendor...read my blog..if you do not believe me folks...

I am a 48 year old trader that has struggled with trading all of his life...read the blog...

I will give you my personal phone number and we can talk on the phone if you wish...


A more honest and ethical man you will be hard pressed to find.

this challenge should prove interesting. If any one does step up to the plate it is doubtful they will let themselves be known UNLESS the challenge is met.

Good luck, hopefully your replies will not remain private.

Here is a chance for all those that run their mouths about profitable EA's they have created but cant share or claim to have but wont share because of it becomming public.

I know if I had one i'd take your challenge and your money.

Good Luck ES

To reach 2500 will take a long time on 1K.....

Lets make this all about the Yield to Risk Ratio instead.

Lets try an EA that can maintain no more than 17% Intraday Drawdown from the HIGHEST banked balance...the yield is up to you...

You name the length of the offer. You keep all of the profit...but after the pre disclosed and agreed to expiration may I trade it for myself? I do not have any rights to it other than my personal trading. It will remain yours as it always was.

What do you think? (I have edited the opening post)


P.S. All I ask is that you allow me to disclose the "Yield To Risk Ratio" in my busy Blog and to allow me to trade it for myself after were through....Your identy and contact info can be disclosed at your direction...or not if you wish to remain anonymous. I want traders to have hope that it is possible to trade an EA that can hold this drawdown criteria...and if you make money...well they will knock your door down to get it....I do not vend so do not ask me to be your sales agent...I am not interested....I want to provide commentary and introduce this new rank as a suggestion to rate all EA's with.



As a professional, I dont think I can hand you my EA in any form(even compiled or encrypted). This is a business deal, so I'm taking it as a business approach as well. You can open an account and try me. At anyone time if you feel uncomfortable, you change your password and I cannot access to your account anymore. If I breach the rules, you change your password and I cannot access to your account anymore. You need not have to pay me a penny. You can let me make money or lose your money until either 1 of us feels frustration, you change your password, and I cant trade the account anymore.

At the best case scenario, both of us are happy with the result. I sign an POA, and broker transfer my cut through FCM from your account to mine. Clean and sweet. Any one time you feel uncomfortable, you terminate the contract. Change password and I cant trade the account anymore. Think about it.




I am getting quite some interesting PM's.

For some of you....I will let you in on a secret...There is not one EA traded in the Forex market that can meet the "max intraday 17% from highest banked balance DD" criteria in the last years taht yields a meaningful rate...

Prove me wrong...I have 170 bucks to lose (or 17% of highest banked balance) you have nothing to lose...but a lot of free advertising...I do know a few people in the business, but cannot make any promises though.

I can give you references to people that can vouch for me and my ethics. I am from the old school and I do not share any EA that has been entrusted to me. I do not have any program that unencrypts EA's, as I do not need one...EA's cannot consistently make a profit for very long....plus I am not a thief. Trading is my lifes work and traders are my friends. I would never violate their confidence.