ElectricSavant's™ Challenge - page 21


Thank you and I misunderstood. It's just that this issue is so sensitive...what would you suggest that I do if you were me in search of a profitable EA that meets the stated criteria...

Coders do not share something this powerful in the public forums...there is even talk of the ability for MT4 dealers to filter out EA instances that cause problems for them to lay off the trades to their liquidity providers...I really do not think that they do not want their clients to be profitable. Its a mechanical problem that is presented to them.

Anyway's, I make (lose) my money from trading my own money and I have no inclination to become a Vendor or a Manager....or anything commercial or anything to do with OPM.


no problem, now everything is clear.

unfortunately I probably don't have any good solution to provide.

For me the incentive to provide a testing version of an EA is the opportunity to run it on a large account and to get part of the profit.

I cannot imagine any other way to get serious offers for EAs, because in that case the reward is large.

And if you offer that in a public forum you will get hundreds of answers of people who just want to try. Then you need to offer that to a limited number of people and that comes to a kind of connection network.

That is definitely not an easy task !


Gauuh I was close to have an EA that could beat this. The backtester said maximum drawdown was 17.2% and this was tested during a 2 year, 2 months period and gave about 100% ROI. So I was hoping I could really reduce this to 15% DD or less by adding a secret thing . So I did. Profit went up 50% more, drawdown is now 24%. But I lost my settings that gave me just 17,2% DD.

Btw, this EA took me just 2 days to create, lolz.

Modelling quality used to be 90% when i did whole 2006 and 2007 and january 2008. Now it does february 2008 too and it went to N/A. Maybe because of that.

I will try to make it beat the ratio!

1677.gif  8 kb

If there are any Doctors of programming out there....you silently know, and I expect you to remain silent, that the criteria forces an ongoing performance without the relaxation of a buffer to fall back on.

I have developed this criteria carefully and gamblers simply do not understand it. They cannot beat it...that is the reality.

I know this for a fact and I prove it everyday....

No winners yet...let alone anybody that THINKS they can beat it...I have even thrown in an extra 2% to the criteria to give my friends (you traders and coders) a chance!



If anybody wants to make any suggestions on how you would like your Challenge to be...I am all ears?

The only thing that i cannot adjust is the Challenge Criteria...

There must be the 2:1 ratio


A max intrady drawdown of 17% from the highest banked balance...

Some say that this criteria is impossible...brilliant....unrealistic...easy...

But I am not really interested in that...I want to be "the unbiased third party testing Challenge" to you....I want to be pure and honest....I want you to be Challenged...

Please read my goals...please consider that I might be the real thing here...and I understand if you do not read this thread or believe me..this is your right...but please just give it some time to consider and if you have done that and do not want to participate...there is no harm done to anybody...and if you want to take on the Challenge ...then I hope you beat it!



How do you know? Are you affiliated with them?


Well... You are looking for a profitable EA, right? I'm just showing you one.

Well I have been informed that a very serious Challenger is almost ready to make his Challenge™

wish him luck..

The name of his EA is Screwdriver and he claims he has proof it will shatter the Challenge and he will be officially entering soon...I told him I have a 1K live account funded, ready and waiting...

He has been working on this for months and I promise you this will be a fight to the bloody end with the market and Screwdriver.

I wish I could tell you more about the founder and his background, but that would be wrong and personal information. but this story is fascinating and he has a thread over in the Bright Ideas Forum... I have had many enjoyable conversations with this Trader and his personal style ...well he is just a pure hardcore trader you know what I mean, you know that passion and all that ambition that he has for trading...that so many of us have...Now if I could just get Wifey to understand!

The most interesting thing about my phone conversation with ScrewDrivers founder this evening is that he speaks as if he is holds the winning lottery ticket...you know I think he is...



Well, if it's that good, he doesn't need luck, but I wish him plenty of it anyhow.



Imagine how you would feel if you had this EA...Let's say you put a lot of work into it and you traded it yourself...

You loved to code and you liked to stay current so you came to tsd to pass those long evenings away...trading your EA silently...

you knew that you could never share it and then you run accross this thread...and remember those searching quests you had....but you have found it and you would like to share it...but you can't as you know you could create the condition where you may be searching once again and going through those hopeless evenings again...

I simply do not know how to attract such a soul...



I will tell you if anybody could beat this...you know...17% max intraday DD from the highest banked balance with a 2:1 benny to risk ratio (ROI : DD)


This would be a person and his EA to be entered in the Forex Hall of Fame. Their name should be on Hollywood Blvd. with a STAR!