ElectricSavant's™ Challenge - page 16


any takers yet on your challenge? -- 17% from the peak balance is not much

room for error. interested why you say no ea is profitable? Do they all crash or just the ones you looked at? Just curious on why

you feel that way. . on that failure thing --- you can only fail when you give a dam!.

hedged...correlated...deviated....oscillated...ave raged... rated...ranked...managed....lagged...offset...comp ared...

masterbated...massaged.... deliniated...spread...gapped.... breadth... width.... ranged.... pivoted...rotated... flipped....gooosed.... pyramided...averaged in... down and up and sideways.... fractalized... Facialized... breached... overbought, sold and overeasy....squeezed...rubberbanded...multiple time framed...multiple orgasmed...timed...martingaled...moneymanaged...ch atroomed... signalled... faxed... emailed.... yahooed... alerted... colorchanged... painted... dipped... risen....leveled....zoned... waved...faded...weighted....scaled...reversmatinga led...submissioned...guilt.....humbleness....degra dation....

pornography.... velocity... rate of change.... red dot... blue dot.... pokadotted.... framed... bracketed.... measured...narrow.. .wide...

long... short.... triangulated... trended...lined.... channeled.... vibrated... etc... etc...


show me one EA that can do it...go ahead you can do it!


any takers yet on your challenge? -- 17% from the peak balance is not much

room for error. interested why you say no ea is profitable? Do they all crash or just the ones you looked at? Just curious on why

you feel that way. . on that failure thing --- you can only fail when you give a dam!.

hedged...correlated...deviated....oscillated...ave raged... rated...ranked...managed....lagged...offset...comp ared...

masterbated...massaged.... deliniated...spread...gapped.... breadth... width.... ranged.... pivoted...rotated... flipped....gooosed.... pyramided...averaged in... down and up and sideways.... fractalized... Facialized... breached... overbought, sold and overeasy....squeezed...rubberbanded...multiple time framed...multiple orgasmed...timed...martingaled...moneymanaged...ch atroomed... signalled... faxed... emailed.... yahooed... alerted... colorchanged... painted... dipped... risen....leveled....zoned... waved...faded...weighted....scaled...reversmatinga led...submissioned...guilt.....humbleness....degra dation....

pornography.... velocity... rate of change.... red dot... blue dot.... pokadotted.... framed... bracketed.... measured...narrow.. .wide...

long... short.... triangulated... trended...lined.... channeled.... vibrated... etc... etc...

I think it is possible to only have 17% DD from an EA if it is based on a decent trading method and uses additional rules not usually used to minimise losses and designed to keep any losses to a minimum.

Does you win/loss ratio also include open floating orders or just from banked highest amount? if it is also open orders then the additional safety rules for an EA will ensure that losses are small and kept to an absolute minimum.

I have had good years and I have had bad years...but when you put it all together I am a failure...You measure success in trading by how much money you make....I am just more honest about it with others and myself than most. ES

You are a failure... That all depends, how does the saying go? You have just found 10,000 ways NOT to trade!

Keep at it, you have many good ideas.



I looked at the statement...you seem to change the TP's and SL's...do you base this on the range? ....or was it that you were fine tuning the strategy?


I had meant to reply much sooner to you.

FxSexy, looks like you ended up with a 400 PIP SL and 50 PIP TP?

Arrived at 400 SL because of fine tuning then just left it at that even though losses of 2k or more happen every so many trades, I have no plans to trade this live ever. The seller marketed it as it performing much better than it would - like most FX sellers do. Also said it would outperform your salary. Well, it could if you invested (that is right - I said invested) 50k or so but risk is still high. Still, I would not do this. Do please let me know if you fine tune this EA to an acceptable risk level for yourself then I will try.

It blew up two accounts until I arrived at 400 SL and it does not allow me to use on lower or higher TF other than 1H.

In several posts you stated that you wish you could code and in one earlier post that you believe the only way to achieve this challenge is if you could code the EA yourself. You seem to be pretty certain it is impossible or near to that then? I know you think it can't be done by other coders you've said this numerous times now on here and your blog.

There is no way at all you could design an EA without actually coding one then? You design an almost perfect trading method or strategy then you tell a coder exactly how to do this for you using the rules you set, not possible?

If you don't mind answering this as well: Which kind of EA do you think you would make if you could code or even if you designed a trade method to be made into an EA?

No one can say you're not determined, you never gave up now did you all these years. Some say you are a holy grail seeker...if you never made an overall consistent profit trading though not sure what this is based on, I never read such threads/forums to begin with.

With that said I have to say I am surprised how a fairly new trader as myself is able to make systems and strategies that are shared on these forums and FF work for me while you cannot...unless by failure you mean the ratio of the win loss rate that you require.

The Myth Of Profit/Loss Ratios

The Myth Of Profit/Loss Ratios

The blanket advice of having a profit/loss ratio of at least 2:1 or 3:1 per trade is over-simplistic because it does not take into account the practical realities of the forex market (or any other markets), the individual's trading style and the individual's average profitability per trade (APPT) factor, which is also referred to as statistical expectancy.

All the best with future trading. 900 pips in one day is nice, hey? Not like I think I can make this consistent on one pair though. It can happen every so often though.

Edit: If I design a good EA that makes consistent profit I will share it with you. I can't promise it will comply with the standards set to achieve this challenge though. I do prefer manual trading for reliability but not for staring at charts.



So what happens to the EA when it doesn't survive your test? Is it returned to the challenger and never to be used again (including you)? I think this part was undefined in your challenge.


Why would I want to trade an EA that failed the Challenge? but I guess I could add something about it here:

Bright Idea's :: View topic - Rules

Something like:

Without the express permission of the Challenger, if the EA fails, can it be further traded. On a case-by-case basis at the option of the Challenger the EA could continue to be traded in the live account or moved into a demo account for further development. But if the EA fails it would still be up to the Challenger if it could further be traded, if there was a desire expressed.


Whoa...don't everybody register at once..you crashed the site...slow down..I had a critical shut down...

ES, So what happens to the EA when it doesn't survive your test? Is it returned to the challenger and never to be used again (including you)? I think this part was undefined in your challenge.


You are a great motivator. Are you in sales in your "day job", or dare I say politics?

You're good at rallying the troops!


I have been at this a long time. I have been a moderator at EliteTrader and other sites that I will not mention out of respect for NewDigital.

I like traders...every trader is my friend.

but let me assure you..there are no tricks here..I am posting honestly. This is a tough nut to crack and I hope someone can prove me wrong. I do not want to sound arrogant and I battle constantly to avoid that with this.

You see it is so easy to just say you cannot do it...than it is to take 6 months and prove that you can...



You are a great motivator. Are you in sales in your "day job", or dare I say politics?

You're good at rallying the troops!


I want you to be aware of wolfe...help him when you can...he is the next great coder to be born and he is working hard..

I know, I know...all this love and kisses crap...but really you need to recognize up and coming talent and you need to help wolfe to grow when you can..

Do not worry about me...There is no hope for me...:) I have wasted a lifetime...but don't you do the same!