ElectricSavant's™ Challenge - page 7



the recent posts confirm the most reasonable drawdown of 17% is simply not possible..


P.S. There is a coder that states he can do it with a 2:1 ElectricSavant™ ratio...stay tuned to the blog...I am reading his email which is rather extensive...even for me...

P.P.S. Remember folks I am not the enemy....(I secretly want someone to prove me wrong...and not out of frustration...but by beating the challenge...my numbers are very well chosen and I know it is not possible)

P.P.P.S. Rememebr I am not selling anything and I will not disclose who the competition is. ...I am not a Sales Agent either...just go read my Blog and you will see...I AM A TRADER, and I lose my money from trading not vending.


And why 17%? - you have $100 in your pocket but you wanna play the worlds riskiest, most volatile market with $17.00 - sheeesh!!

if you wanna play that safe I dont think forex is the proper investment. I understand that forex if hi risk, hi reward so im willing to up my risk profile for greater gains. these greater gains always overshadow the losses if played correctly.

for you i would suggest upping the risk% and only funding the account with money you can lose so you can take a greater risk if your research supports your forecast market direction.

17% is possible but not reasonable. my EA usually have a <10% drawdown UNTIL they bust. I set a hard 20% bailout, it could be 17%, 15%, etc.. but the tighter you make the noose the greater your chances of bailout before a turnaround. SO yea Ill take 20% DD but usually Ive collected so much profit that when the account bust Im still miles ahead of where I started the month and.... I dont fear busting - Im designed for it!!. (20% is max but my pre-bust protections often bail me out at 9-18% so I keep 90%)

Give your EAs room to work.


There are EAs that are profitable. I say that because I have them.

Will I share them? no; and they don't meet your criteria.

If you can't find one EA that meets your criteria then your criteria is faulty.

"If it's not exactly what I want, then it's no good."

You're right, you are the problem. You're arrogant.

Of course, you can't see that.

Don't you ever wonder why you keep getting kicked off of forums?

No, probably not. I imagine you think everyone else is the problem. It could never be you, could it?

What's your real objective? Do you want to profit from Forex or do you want to be right?

Don't bother to respond, I won't get in a pissing match with you.


Again folks...read this post carefully below that I am quoting. Legitimate investements with qualified managers is simply not possible for any 6 month period with the criteria of 17% max intraday drawdown from the highest banked balance. In any other investment vehicles 17% is more than generous.

so Gamblers...risk what you will to get the yield that you need...place yield first...this trader will not.

TY Fulltime247 for reinforcing my claims and the Challenge™.


P.S. as far as capital...make it 100k to risk 17k...then...the 100 dollar example is meaningless when posting in percentages.

And why 17%? - you have $100 in your pocket but you wanna play the worlds riskiest, most volatile market with $17.00 - sheeesh!!

if you wanna play that safe I dont think forex is the proper investment. I understand that forex if hi risk, hi reward so im willing to up my risk profile for greater gains. these greater gains always overshadow the losses if played correctly.

for you i would suggest upping the risk% and only funding the account with money you can lose so you can take a greater risk if your research supports your forecast market direction.

17% is possible but not reasonable. my EA usually have a <10% drawdown UNTIL they bust. I set a hard 20% bailout, it could be 17%, 15%, etc.. but the tighter you make the noose the greater your chances of bailout before a turnaround. SO yea Ill take 20% DD but usually Ive collected so much profit that when the account bust Im still miles ahead of where I started the month and.... I dont fear busting - Im designed for it!!. (20% is max but my pre-bust protections often bail me out at 9-18% so I keep 90%)

Give your EAs room to work.

I don't see why you're so mystified.

Forex isn't an investment vehicle, it's a completely different animal!

Of course it's riskier, it's more volatile. But you seem to want the greater potential profit the same volatility provides but are unwilling to take the accompanying risk.

You claim no forex system can achieve a <17% drawdown; please tell us of any conventional investment vehicle that yields your profit benchmark of 34%.

If you've found one, what are you doing here?


I said it would be nice to have 2:1...But firstly show me a system that can achieve a DD of no more than 17%...and I am not talking about microlot trading with a yield no better than a CD...

don't get stuck on the yield...look at DD first!

WNW...your pissing now....no need to argue...you have every right to your opinion...and you have made your point...

May I remind you there is one person accepting the challenge and claims he can do it with a 2:1....this is not my claim...I hope he does...follow the Blog...


P.S. Bonds can achieve this with doulble digit yields....some mutual funds can....There is Futures trader I know and there are some commodities...but it will be a real task for me to look this up, so if you do not believe me so be it...somebody that is reading can post their investments that meet this criteria here...if they will, but its not Retail Spot Forex...I can say with leverage the criteria is harder to achieve...By the way the DD criteria with accredited investors is 15% not 17%...I am generous. Also for the leveraged players no more than an unhedged 5:1 leverage is tolerated. That is just the way it is...I do not make the rules. The Hedge Fund that I traded for had this criteria along with others I spoke to (as a trader I lasted 6 months)...So you must be real good if you are to survive as a real trader.

I don't see why you're so mystified.

Forex isn't an investment vehicle, it's a completely different animal!

Of course it's riskier, it's more volatile. But you seem to want the greater potential profit the same volatility provides but are unwilling to take the accompanying risk.

You claim no forex system can achieve a <17% drawdown; please tell us of any conventional investment vehicle that yields your profit benchmark of 34%.

If you've found one, what are you doing here?

Thus the Benefit to Risk Ratio....exzaggaly...This is all you need to measure the robustness of a system....nothing else!! You got it!!


actually your right!

i have to backtrack my statement because i go for 100% flips within 3-4 months. If i scaled my setting back 50-75% it could happen but forex has more potential than 100% yearly.

Soooo.. I will concede that 17% is very possible with a (conservative forex strategy???). now i consider that too much risk for too little reward.

actually your right!

i have to backtrack my statement because i go for 100% flips within 3-4 months. If i scaled my setting back 50-75% it could happen but forex has more potential than 100% yearly.

Soooo.. I will concede that 17% is very possible with a (conservative forex strategy???). now i consider that too much risk for too little reward. and $100 risk $17 - $100,000 risk $17,000. who cares its still only 17%. i feel the same about either amount. Ive got 83% of my account left. percentages keep the emotion out of it for me. if im betting 20% i could care less how much cash that actually is, im just glad to have a method that correctly scales my risk with my balance. never overbidding, nor underutilizing my cash reserves.

Savant you also state that you no EA works but im sure youve used EAs that allow you to adjust risk. are you telling me all of these EAs bailed with a loss? in some cases im sure it has to me that fact that the market moved against the EA and it jumped ship. firstly thats a clue to evaluate the current currency move.

most EAs run better in certain cirumstances. (trend/range) has the market moved against the EA and its time to switch charts? maybe youre not recognizing that the EAs move with this currency is DONE! time to move on. are you managing your EAs or looking for the nonexistent 24/7 holygrail EA?

I think forex is FAR to volatile to play for a longer term investment. world events can NEVER be predicted and currencies will always experience unexpected swings. so while i know i could reduce my setting for a safe yearly 100% flip. i would never expect to make it work for an entire year. no way!! i want to make my best educated guess. fire up the EA and try to make 20% as fast as possible to cover breakeven after that Im safe and know something will be left on the table even if i crash.


Well, up until now I have forward tested and reviewed several expert advisors, both commercial and free on my website. I guess Pointbreak has been the one with the least draw down, it hasn't gone past 2%. Although results are merely preliminary (as far as my testing goes) the creators do guarantee a 10% yearly profit with draw downs not exceeding 6%. Just so that you give it some thought !

Well, up until now I have forward tested and reviewed several expert advisors, both commercial and free on my website. I guess Pointbreak has been the one with the least draw down, it hasn't gone past 2%. Although results are merely preliminary (as far as my testing goes) the creators do guarantee a 10% yearly profit with draw downs not exceeding 6%. Just so that you give it some thought !

New Digital

This is pathetic and these scammers are sick

They are going to scam this forum and promote their scams in every thread