ElectricSavant's™ Challenge - page 6


ES I went to your website and tried clicking on the links of the EA's but they took me no place. I don't know maybe its your limited DD thats holding you back. I realize that you have to protect your capitol, but maybe your quitting a system right before it gets started. I know you must have something you can teach me after 30 years of trading. So far I've learned from you that there are no profitable EA's but no explanation as to why. I think i've read over 100 posts by you that state there are no profitable EA's . I've read your standards and the only conclusion that I can come up with is unless an EA can meet those standards an EA isn't profitable. What would you say if an EA was capable of producing $.01 profit everday would you say that it also was not a profitable EA?


Let me be the Satsang...

I post all of the thoughts that you only think to yourseleves...I post all of the fears and the greed....the failures and the successes...

Read these threads...learn...please give me that...

I realize that there are probably EA's that work that I can live and breath with...but I will never see them in my lifetime. I know it...so how do I retire?..I have a 6.01% Savings account...

If a miracle took place and I was entrusted with a consistently profitable secret EA....I could never share it with you...this makes me sad...but read this thread to learn...and if you can learn how to code and are willing to try new ideas...for gawds sake do not delay.



Well doesn't the ratio make sense?

It has open architecture?

IF I make 30...50...100% a year I will NOT sit through 50% DD..so I guess I am not a trader?

I throw real money at some of these EA's and I had demo ones too..I simply did not shut them off...I let them run to make the conclusion...

I have often wondered if i am the problem...But I have found that successful traders are not anymore and now there are new ones...whats up with that? (Paul Tudor Jones must be a fascinating person...I am more of the Jesse Livermore guy I guess)

any help will suffice...

P.S. Those of you that may agree with me...do not post just now...I really need to hear from some of the traders here that feel they can help...I know which one of you might agree with me... do not worry..I do not need to win the arguement...I need to get better.

ES I went to your website and tried clicking on the links of the EA's but they took me no place. I don't know maybe its your limited DD thats holding you back. I realize that you have to protect your capitol, but maybe your quitting a system right before it gets started. I know you must have something you can teach me after 30 years of trading. So far I've learned from you that there are no profitable EA's but no explanation as to why. I think i've read over 100 posts by you that state there are no profitable EA's . I've read your standards and the only conclusion that I can come up with is unless an EA can meet those standards an EA isn't profitable. What would you say if an EA was capable of producing $.01 profit everday would you say that it also was not a profitable EA?

Traders this is to you,

There is coder here that PM'd me. I cannot disclose who it is.

I must tell you that he speaks my language and talks in a "plain speak" the way that I can understand.

He is not taking anything for himself and will present an EA in the New year. I will trade it and present it on my Blog.

I must say that I feel real good about the motivations and intentions. You all know him and I must say that I am shocked that there are still a few people in the world such as this. He does not care about the profit that he makes in 6 months. ...very similar qualities that David has...they are bigger men than I...as I am in hopes of getting an EA (s) that fits me like a good fitting shoe...and what goes around comes around folks...keep loooking and studying...help others...do it for years...you will reach your destination ...you will see...anything is possible...

from the bottom of my heart Thank you...and I hope that I will be able to continually share helps and insights for you people we call Traders...Do not live in denial....try to reach your goals in baby steps...I still think it is possible and I personally just cannot give up....not yet at least, as I am still living and breathing.

One quick note: I read a post by a trader who was blind somewhere here in this Forum. There may be others with terminal conditions or handicaps...Think how fortunate some of us are....the human condition and physical malities could make things much harder. God said that as his child you will never get any test too hard....you can do this. Keep your perspective and let your time rest in the things that are important. If you want to make your living trading...then so be it...keep your focus on God and try to improve your skills....you will make it Trader.....



All of the ones in the Blog (to the right) all breached the ratio...

Everyone of them...(there were many others before the Blog too).

When I gave up EA's I reasoned that you need to to tolerate more drawdown to get less Yield than I expected...also some Ea's work good for awhile then they stop...I then tried a portfolio of EA's...but my source for EA's was bad to begin with...

My mind is not nimble enough to learn MQL, MLQ, C++, C or whatever it is....trigonometry..alegebra...calculus was not my strong subjets...eventhough I am good with math.


ES, Would you mind posting your results on the EA's that you have tried. And if you don't mind could you be objective and state both the positive alongside the negative. Its my opinion that there may be some very profitable EA's out there but you and I will probably never see them. I know if I had an extremely profitable EA I wouldn't want to share it or sell it. But I think an EA can't replace a human trader and it needs to be constantly supervised.


there is much more in doing what I am doing than meets the eye...

I honestly do not believe in EA's...but I want to be proven wrong...This is the Gods truth. I swear it. If I can help others along the way, that would thrill me. but I remain positive believe it or not...am I stupid?

I have already given up and this is a last effort. I believe I will never see or experience a consistently profitable EA unless I wrote it myself. I do not have a clue about what works...I have traded a long time but face it I am an investor looking for a place to invest money.

I cannot make money consistenly in the 30 years of trading and I am gambling...this is the chase and the truth of why I trade...I do not make money overall and I enjoy it so as the challlenge....the gamble....the chase....to find something that works...its like a little nut suspended in front of me like I am a squirrel chasing it...


I don't have a ratio. But I wanted to trade for someone else, I wanted that challenge. I can make an ea to do it with. and make something good happen.

I believe you have to create it, and that it's real. If one only looks for it and wait for it to show up, its never going to happen, soon you will not believe in it anymore. it's a difficult situation.

I just want to make something it doesn't matter what it is.

It's good to get things going and get people working with each other, its something thats needed. Good Job ES, that is staying pure like you say. it's a good thing.

Dr. Savant,

Here you go:

Six Sigma Trading - C2 trading system which trades futures

Futures, not forex. Read the entire response to the first review.

C2, not outlandish claims.


lol. wanted to edit a post but cant figure out how to delete this one. (and i programmed a EA?)



The last time I checked this is an open forum and this is a thread that I started. I am not here to get in a "pissing match" with you or anybody. But I will not be stifled by anybody as I have just as much of a right here to post or reply as anybody else does.

In trading there are accredited investors and there are institutions also. I know I used to trade for them as a CTA. My point is not to be condescending or rude when I state that I know what I am talking about.

But I do have a question for anybody...Why is it that the circus of Retail spot Forex requires 30% drawdown or more to get a respectable yield?....this is well beyond the threashholds TRADITIONALLY set in the Futures, Options and Equities Industry. Why is it that the circus of Retail Spot Forex is for risky and off color speculation or as it is put ... "alternative investment"?


There are EAs that are profitable. I say that because I have them.

Will I share them? no; and they don't meet your criteria.

If you can't find one EA that meets your criteria then your criteria is faulty.

"if it's not exactly what I want, then it's no good."

You're right, you are the problem. Your approach is one of arrogance.

Do you want to make money, or do you want to be right?

Don't bother to respond, I won't get in a pissing match with you.

I agree. I think Savants challenge is unreasonable. He wants an EA that is 24/7 - always in with any currency PLUS 17% max drawdown.

I dont think this EA exists.

I have a profitable EA but *IM* the most important part of it. I could not just 'set and forget' - NOPE!! I moved my EA among 6 different currencies over Dec. Was is Profitable? HELL YEA!! Would it have been if I had just used one currency - HELL NO!!

My decision to target currencies that my EA can take advantage off is a HUGE part of what makes it work. without me it would stay on a currency until max loss is reached and shutdown with smallest loss possible.

The Always In - 24/7 - No Intervention EA Doesnt Exist!!!