Better NN EA development - page 73


// PROFIT for long position

PROFITL= currentTick.getSellPrice() - pos.getTick().getBuyPrice()

// PROFIT for short position

PROFITS=pos.getTick().getSellPrice() - currentTick.getBuyPrice()


public double getBuyPrice() {

return close + (BID_OFFER_SPREAD / 2d);



public double getSellPrice() {

return close - (BID_OFFER_SPREAD / 2d);



Plot pdf parzen function

need 5000 Bars min on chart, i used EURUSD 5 min

green - BUY PDF function

red - SELL PDF function

on first screenshot probality down > probality up

on two screenshot chart with 3 MA

PS: PlotGraph.mq4 extreme CPU overload, take care

plotgraph.jpg  277 kb
chart_1.jpg  302 kb
plotgraph.mq4  8 kb


Different values of scale factor sigma lead to different classification performances. First, the performance score of the PNN classifier with a given sigma is determined by the cross-validation method. In the process of cross-validation, each training sample is temporally removed from the training set and used as the test sample. The remaining training data is then used in PNN classifier to classify this test sample. If the sample is correctly classified, the performance score is increases by 1. Repeat this procedure for all the training samples go give the final score. Finally, a one dimensional heuristically search is performed to find the optimal sigma with the largest performance score.

I understand the algorithm is as follows:

array with samples PNN[][], suppose it is kept 50 vectors. temporarily removed from his first vector and calculate pdf-function. That's the question what it means: "If the sample is correctly classified"? What criteria ?

then remove the second (the first returned) and again calculate pdf, and so on.


Trading Strategy tester in java


tester1.jpg  117 kb

Hi barnix and all the others, i've some experience with NN and i will try to join your trip in forecasting, i will use neurosolutions so i hope i ll have some help in linking dll with mt4 eh eh

i guess you use smoothed time series for NN right?


Can you please help me

Great Ideas


Good evening, new here in the thread, but not in the subject I have read for a while the postings. Many thanks for the great work and suggestions here.

@sae2k :

A small hint is allowed to me: I hold for critical to work with standard deviation for the prediction of financial time series, assuming a normally distribution. No one else as John Bollinger pointed to the kurtosis in the stock markets, a similar acceptance can be probably met to other time series. A classification with plants cannot be transferred anyway directly to the financial markets.

I would choose a simple unit vector between 0 and 1 for an initial standardization, however, I can't assess the efficiency for the chosen PNN.



Simple Trading System in python

Source Checkout - wtx - Google Code

class Strategy:

def __init__(self, deposit=400000, price_per_point=200, commission=500):

self.bars = None

self.current_index = -1

self.points_balance = 0

self.entry_price = 0

self.current_contracts = 0

self.price_per_point = price_per_point

self.commission = commission

self.initial_deposit = deposit

self.balance = deposit = 0

self.lose = 0

def Buy(self, price):


self.entry_price = price

self.current_contracts = 1

#print "Buy @%d"%(price)

def Sell(self, price):


self.entry_price = price

self.current_contracts = -1

#print "Sell @%d"%(price)

def ExitLong(self, price):

if self.current_contracts > 0:

points_balance = (price - self.entry_price)*self.current_contracts

if points_balance>=0: += 1


self.lose += 1

print "ExitLong: %d points (%d -> %d)"%(points_balance, self.entry_price, price)

self.points_balance += points_balance

self.balance += points_balance * self.price_per_point - self.commission

self.current_contracts = 0

def ExitShort(self, price):

if self.current_contracts < 0:

points_balance = (price - self.entry_price)*self.current_contracts

if points_balance<=0: += 1


self.lose += 1

print "ExitShort: %d points (%d -> %d)"%(points_balance, self.entry_price, price)

self.points_balance += points_balance

self.balance += points_balance * self.price_per_point - self.commission

self.current_contracts = 0

def ShowResults(self):



transaction =

print "--------------- Performance Report ------------------"

print "%d Transaction, Win=%d (%.1f%%), Lose=%d(%.1f%%)"%(\

transaction,,*100/transaction, self.lose, self.lose*100/transaction)

print "Initial deposit=%d"%(self.initial_deposit)

print "points_balance is %d points, equals to %d (NTD)"%\

(self.points_balance, self.points_balance*self.price_per_point)

print "commission is %d"%(self.balance-self.initial_deposit-self.points_balance*self.price_per_point)

print "Final balance is %d"%(self.balance)

print "Actual earning is %d"%(self.balance-self.initial_deposit)

print "--------------- Performance Report ------------------"

def CrossOver(self, a, b):

#prev a current b

print "[%s] Close=%d, Fast[-1](%d)=Slow(%d) ? %d"%(self.bars[self.current_index].time, \

self.bars[self.current_index].close, a(1),b(1),a(0),b(0), a(1)=b(0))

return a(1)=b(0)

def Close(self, offset=0):

if self.current_index < offset:

return 0


return self.bars[self.current_index - offset].close

def Open(self, offset=0):

if self.current_index < offset:

return 0


return self.bars[self.current_index - offset].open

def High(self, offset=0):

if self.current_index < offset:

return 0


return self.bars[self.current_index - offset].high

def Low(self, offset=0):

if self.current_index < offset:

return 0


return self.bars[self.current_index - offset].low

def Sum(self, f, count, offset=0):

sum = 0

if self.current_index < offset:

return sum

elif self.current_index < offset + count:

count = self.current_index-offset

for e in map(f, range(offset, count+offset)):

#print "sum(%d) += %d"%(sum, e)

sum += e

#print "[%d] Sum(count=%d, offset=%d)=%d"%(self.current_index, count, offset, sum)

return sum

def Average(self, f, count, offset=0):

avg = 0

if self.current_index < offset:

return 0

elif self.current_index < offset + count:

count = self.current_index-offset

if count == 0:

return 0

avg = self.Sum(f, count, offset)/count

#print "[%d] Average(count=%d, offset=%d)=%d"%(self.current_index, count, offset, avg)

return avg

def Run(self, Open, High, Low, Close):


def RunWithBars(self, bars):

self.bars = bars

self.count = len(bars)

for i in range(0, self.count):

self.current_index = i

#print "[%d][%s] %d %d %d %d"%(i, self.bars.time,, \

#self.bars.high, self.bars.low, self.bars.close)

self.Run(lambda x: self.Open(x), \

lambda x: self.High(x), \

lambda x: self.Low(x), \

lambda x: self.Close(x))


wtx.rar  19 kb

C++ tester:

Let me begin with the classes to be used for default (an abstract contract with the minimum

tick 0.0001 and the tick dollar value 0.0001), gold and soybean futures contracts specifica-

tions. They are defined in the header fileSpec.h.

#ifndef __Spec_h__

#define __Spec_h__

namespace PPBOOK {

class SpecDefault {


static const char* name(){return "default";}

static double tick(){return 0.0001;}

static double tickValue(){return 0.0001;}


// Gold

class SpecGC {


static const char* name(){return "GC";}

static double tick(){return 0.1;}

static double tickValue(){return 10.0;}


// Soybean

class SpecS {


static const char* name(){return "S";}

static double tick(){return 0.25;}

static double tickValue(){return 12.5;}




#endif /* __Spec_h__ */


The definition of the class Price is in the header file Price.h:

#ifndef __Price_h__

#define __Price_h__




using namespace std;

namespace PPBOOK {


class Price {


Price(double p) : p_(p){check(p);}

Price(const Price& p) : p_(p.p_){}

double price() const {return p_;}

Price& operator=(double p)

{check(p); p_ = p; return *this;}

Price& operator=(const Price& p)

{p_ = p.p_; return *this;}


double p_;

static void check(double p)


if(p <= 0.0) {

ostringstream s;

s << S::name() << " price " << p

<< " must be positive.";

throw invalid_argument(s.str());


double nt = p / S::tick();

if(fabs(floor(nt) * S::tick() - p) > 1.0e-8 &&

fabs(ceil(nt) * S::tick() - p) > 1.0e-8) {

ostringstream s;

s << S::name() << " price " << p

<< " must be a whole number of ticks " << S::tick();

throw invalid_argument(s.str());




// Only for illustration



//operator-(const Price& lhs, const Price& rhs)


// return lhs.price() - rhs.price();



#endif /* __Price_h__ */