Better NN EA development - page 31


contact details

Hi Omlette - yep the address wasn't easy to find... it is:

The more of us write hopefully the quicker it will be resolved.

This package seems to have potential but only if it can generate correct weights. I paid for all 3 packages so hope this is resolved quickly.



whilst we are waiting for a resolution to the weighting problem in cortex does anyone have links to free software which may be used to generate correct weights ? Thanks, feel like we are making great progress in this forum...


Thanks. I have a feeling though that that email address is of the organisation that collects & distributes shareware fees - they will now have to try and contact the original author. It does seem a bit ominous though that software that is at least 5 years old and that contains so critical a bug has not had it fixed long ago. I'm not too hopeful but there's l nothing lost by trying...

Regarding alternatives, there's FANN. It has recently got MT integration (check FF) but may have a steep(er) learning curve. I decided to start out with Cortex, the easiest place to start - or so I thought!...

btw all that Cortex do is prediction for one bar of NOC indicator with NN. If one system isn't profitable with NOC - prediction is useless. 2 progressapama send me good results with attached system on other Pairs and i'l make NN NOC for them.

Hi Dimicr,

I am actually using almost similar modified version of your NOC and NOC-EA. I think they must be almost the same. My Problem is finding weight generating program that probably was used by cortex or at least one which can be used to Generate the Weights and use them in the NOC indicator. I am not a Great Programmer or coder so i can't do much of the programming ( Just a moderate programmer ).

Do you mind sharing your Code for Generating Weights . I need to Generate weights for all the 19 Pairs







and so on ............

Please if you can help. Email me if you need to.

Thank you very much

btw all that Cortex do is prediction for one bar of NOC indicator with NN. If one system isn't profitable with NOC - prediction is useless. 2 progressapama send me good results with attached system on other Pairs and i'l make NN NOC for them.

thanks dimicr...

I decided to start out with Cortex, the easiest place to start - or so I thought!...

Easiest place to start is NeuroShell2 especially with MT4 integration (data exchange & weight use). Other NN packages tend to force the user into buying more advanced packages just to be able to use the weight into fresh/streaming data. It is more than enough.

To any NN skeptics, just because you can't figure it out, does not mean it is disfunctional. NN works so long as you understand and able to systematically define what you are trying to calculate, then the NN will perform at its best to 'feel' the equation to produce the output. If the definitions are correct, different topologies won't differ much in output precision. Yes, it is precise and extremely consistent in its error distribution. It is truly a mathematical/statistically formalized way of learning (anything, not just market data). If it did not give the answer that you are looking for, chances are you were asking the wrong question to begin with. Don't blame the calculator.



Can neuroshell be integrated with MT4 just by passing a weight file or are DLL's required ? Cheers

Can neuroshell be integrated with MT4 just by passing a weight file or are DLL's required ? Cheers

NeuroShell2 generates pure C++ code weight output. All u need is a string parser (can be coded with MT4) to convert the NS2 output into MQL4's C-like syntax.


weighting file

Hi Revvin58 thanks for your reply so would the weights generated by Neuroshell be compatible with the Cortex Metatrader Expert since we are having problems with Cortex generated weights. Thanks, Lee

Hi Revvin58 thanks for your reply so would the weights generated by Neuroshell be compatible with the Cortex Metatrader Expert since we are having problems with Cortex generated weights. Thanks, Lee

Technically, it should work if you set it up to have similar topology and input/output arrays. Personally, I'd rather rebuild the whole NN in NS2. It's import data, point and click, then export weight codes to be included in MT4, bypassing the NS2 dll file and avoid any technical/software issues.

NN is just a sophisticated calculator. Choose the most practical NN platform available. Afaik, working with MT4 goes well with NS2. You'll need more time figuring out the proper inputs, not topology and certainly not some super expensive NN software.