How to build a NN-EA in MT4 - page 14


If testing all the EA's took so much time can you imagine how much time the system developers spend on creating all those EA's. I think the time you spend on testing EA's will teach you at least how difficult it is to develop a succesfull trading system. The systems at forex-tsd is a lot better than the ones you buy and nobody will sell you a succesfull EA. You are more than welcome to donate your money to them.

I think you you must start testing those EA's and join the elite members that will save you a lot of money.

Most EA's will make money some of the time (See GBPUSD1.jpg) and when you find something that is worthwhile trading you will know that it took a lot of time and you won't sell it (see GBPUSD2.jpg). Both systems was optimized on the first 5000 hour data points. System 2 is the one that took me 8 years to develop and I won't sell it for a $1 000 000. Please don't PM me.

Sorry the attachments don't work.



What exactly was the point in this post?

BTW, there is really nothing special in the Elite section.


EA's vs Time


If testing all the EA's took so much time can you imagine how much time the system developers spend on creating all those EA's. I think the time you spend on testing EA's will teach you at least how difficult it is to develop a succesfull trading system. The systems at forex-tsd is a lot better than the ones you buy and nobody will sell you a succesfull EA. You are more than welcome to donate your money to them.

I think you must start testing those EA's and join the elite members that will save you a lot of time. The elite section forward test the EA's.



The first EA they created one year ago was #_e_NeuroMTC.

In attachments:

- place #_e_NeuroMTC EA to expert folder;

- place #_i_e_MTC_Etalon indicator to indicators folder;

- DT_ZZ indicator - to indicators folder.

- place Vasya;64;64;7 to experts/files and to ..../tester/files

- this file #_lib_NeuroFFT - to library folder.

This EA is for M5 timeframe.

Is anyone can help to translate the comment / description inside the EA or Indicator to English? Am modifying this indicator and EA but it would be helpful if i know the comment inside while learning the code.



NeuroShell & MT4

Hello to everyone ..

I would like to know if someone can help me set the neuroshell with the mt4 feed?

Which version do you recommend?

There is a tutorial in the forum of klot but everything is in Russian and I do not understand ..

Already translated and I already install but still without work .. I do not know where to put their files ..

Any help please??

Really appreciate


They use NeuroShell DayTrader Professional 5 , but 4 is also ok.

Try Prompt its quite good translator.

Make some room, your PM box is full.

Hello to everyone ..

I would like to know if someone can help me set the neuroshell with the mt4 feed?

Which version do you recommend?

There is a tutorial in the forum of klot but everything is in Russian and I do not understand ..

Already translated and I already install but still without work .. I do not know where to put their files ..

Any help please??

Really appreciate
They use NeuroShell DayTrader Professional 5 , but 4 is also ok.

Try Prompt its quite good translator.

Make some room, your PM box is full.

Hi eKetas..

Thank you very much for your post. I am very thanked for yours first post to be to help me.

My PM box its not full allready...

Do u have the files to make the bridge between NST and MT4??

Thank you

Is anyone can help to translate the comment / description inside the EA or Indicator to English? Am modifying this indicator and EA but it would be helpful if i know the comment inside while learning the code. Thanks.

Try Yahoo! Babel Fish - Text Translation and Web Page Translation


It's quite helpful, Thanks.


EA's do work

Great, you have had bit of increase. EA' S DONT WORK!

EA's do work, the 2007 automated trading champion "Better" is a very good example of a profitable ea. His EA is not for sale though, and I suppose other successfull ea's are not for sale either. He is sharing his EA through a managed account - details can be found here (with latest alpari statement)

Managed Account E | Better Managed Account | Kub Expert Advisor EA

This is a solid proof of a profitable EA. I know that you'll probably say that 6 months worth of statement is not proof of long term profitability but hey as of the moment "Better" is a very successful and profitable EA.

...Oh and I forgot to mention, maybe most of you already know this, that "Better" is a neural network based EA and so guys keep this post going, keep testing and tweaking, reading and sharing. I myself learned programming not through lenghtly books but through downloading examples executing them and learning how they work - "learning by example". I am still gathering informations and materials to share with you guys. Keep it up, don't let the ney sayers get in your way a profitable NN based EA has already be done and we can do it as well...