All forward testing on Metatrader is flawed - page 2


The reason of North Finance missing a Sunday bar because they're no GMT broker. Their candlesticks are full 24hours from GMT-21 ~ the next day GMT-21. The 1 has a flaw is the broker who give you another EXTRA bar on sunday. North Finance has 5 bars a week whilst most other brokers has 6. If you need to overcome the high/low problem, you'll need to break down the code of your EA originally looking of iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,0); to look into

High; to find out the past 24 hours High. Like wise for low. Ofcourse, you'll also need to train your system to look at the past 24 hours High/Low during certain time only. Such as only perform this task when the server clock rounded 00:00(for GMT servers). So, its not the broker issue. Its yours. I belive you paid thousands of dollars to those professional coders, I think you deserve a lot better than a crappy EA. I'm here by contribute my advice to you. Hope this help.



p/s: Meanwhile, started another new EA last 2 weeks. Have no problem at all finding the hi-low on FastBrokersFX.

Your statements don't make sense are untrue.1 whole day is missing ,that day is not a sunday ,which is 14 th november which is a wednesday.

This has nothing to do my EAS.

I have presented two different EAS for support and resistance on two separate charts .One is the professional version and the other is the free version I gave to the forums.The professional takes care of all sunday bars specifically.You are already knocking my EAS without any knowledge of them.What kind of a poster are u?Here is the code from my professional version EA .The code works .The code is

extern bool ExcludeSundayBar = true; // If broker has Sunday bars, set to true to ignore them

The missing bars has nothing to do with my EAS


El cid



If you want to see proof of a professional EA containing all this ...go to this thread and look at the strategy reports before making any comments.It will show you proof of sunday bars excluded

I am going to post that image of the sunday bar at the bottom of the tester report

El cid

sunday_bar.jpg  68 kb
el cid:

If you want to see proof of a professional EA containing all this ...go to this thread and look at the strategy reports before making any comments.It will show you proof of sunday bars excluded

I am going to post that image of the sunday bar at the bottom of the tester report

El cid

OK!Fine. Professional. I'm here providing you free advice, and you give shit reply. By the way, I'm telling you there is a way to include the sunday bar as 1 day bar on monday so you wont miss out the high/low created on sunday bar. I certainly know there is a crap code to eleminate sunday bar. Please continue hide in the hole and build your super commercial holy grail. This forum is getting SICK!

OK!Fine. Professional. I'm here providing you free advice, and you give shit reply. By the way, I'm telling you there is a way to include the sunday bar as 1 day bar on monday so you wont miss out the high/low created on sunday bar. I certainly know there is a crap code to eleminate sunday bar. Please continue hide in the hole and build your super commercial holy grail. This forum is getting SICK!


Here is the data for North finance .If your theory and solution is correct ,the data would exclude 1 whole bar in the previous week on wednesday ,but it does not exclude any bars in the previous week.

Your theory is incorrect according to this data.The data is flawed.


El cid

eurusd1440.rar  29 kb
OK!Fine. Professional. I'm here providing you free advice, and you give shit reply. By the way, I'm telling you there is a way to include the sunday bar as 1 day bar on monday so you wont miss out the high/low created on sunday bar. I certainly know there is a crap code to eleminate sunday bar. Please continue hide in the hole and build your super commercial holy grail. This forum is getting SICK!


I thank you for your advice

Another thing I do not use sunday data at all .I do not want to include sunday RANDOM LOW VOLUME MOVES in my real trading


El cid


When I read things like the subject of this thread I usually just ignore, but reading the first post I have to react to such unlogical way of thinking:

you compare broker A and broker B demos feed and they are different. From that you deduct that forward testing doen't make sense. Have you thought of what you say?

Forward testing doesn't make sense if the demo feed and the real feed are different for the same broker not that the demo feed for 2 different brokers are different. (As it was also correctly pointed out by OceanFx)

What you have just shown here is just that the demo feed of NorthFinance is crap.

But that has nothing to do with "All forward testing on Metatrader is flawed".

If you think that the title of your thread is correct then just prove it (then show that for all MT4 brokers their demo feed and real feed are different , but for each broker individually not between brokers), otherwise please change the title of this thread !

As somebody said it is just a matter of finding the good broker that has demo and real feed in line. (there is not only FXDD)


What you have just shown here is just that the demo feed of NorthFinance is crap.

But that has nothing to do with "All forward testing on Metatrader is flawed".

. (there is not only FXDD)

And many of New Digital's forward tests are on North FINANCE

El cid


It was just one problem with North finance on D1 bar. Other timeframes were no any problem: it was ticks and bars and everything. Just 1 bar is missing for D1 timeframe.

By the way, just 3 EAS is using D1 bar and mostly for closing the orders or to estimate the time to open pending orders. All breakout EAs I am testing is using high/low on H1 timeframe so it is not a problem.

Yes, one bar on D1 timeframe was missing with North inance.

can not check real account vs demo one as I do not have real account with North finance. But I think everything should be fine with real account: North Finance broker is having a lot of clients so ...

When I read things like the subject of this thread I usually just ignore, but reading the first post I have to react to such unlogical way of thinking:

you compare broker A and broker B demos feed and they are different. From that you deduct that forward testing doen't make sense. Have you thought of what you say?

Forward testing doesn't make sense if the demo feed and the real feed are different for the same broker not that the demo feed for 2 different brokers are different. (As it was also correctly pointed out by OceanFx)

What you have just shown here is just that the demo feed of NorthFinance is crap.

But that has nothing to do with "All forward testing on Metatrader is flawed".

If you think that the title of your thread is correct then just prove it (then show that for all MT4 brokers their demo feed and real feed are different , but for each broker individually not between brokers), otherwise please change the title of this thread !

As somebody said it is just a matter of finding the good broker that has demo and real feed in line. (there is not only FXDD)


I have a trader in the oilfxpro D T S S private room who uses FXDD.

He tested Alpari data and proved it is also flawed for testing and forward testing.He used Alpari for forward testing and then later compared it with backtests.The results were flawed from the same broker.I do not need to prove it.If you want to communicate with this person I will pm you his name

That leaves very little choice for reliable testing


El cid


Forward testing of the EAs are the profession. It is not as attach EA to the chart and forget about. Person who is doing this forward testing should "visit" Metatraders at least 2 hours per day in the beginning and, if everything is fine so it may be 4 hours per day. If someone is forward testing some EA so the reasonable question is the following: "when do you sleep?". So, forward testing of the EAs are not easy job. I am testing EAs duirng the many years and I know what I am talking about.

As to the broker's data feed so the data feed may be different with many broker's mistakes. And if someone is selling EA so this person is responsible. Not the broker.