King and the 3 Musketeers System (K3M) - page 3


why come to ask of the assistance on this forum if is to return us on

your forum to the first request ?

Continuous on this forum

I suggest you use 30 min, 15min got a lot of false trades based on my statistic.

You may visit my blog to see more examples.

Learn to Trade Forex (Indicators and Strategy)

Good Trading

Excellent idea. THANK YOU! I love this technique! I am going to use it. My examples in my blog Thinking aloud


You gave an excellent method!

Hi Serfer,

Thanks for reading my post, I visited your blog but I don't understand the languages.

I encourage you to continue your support on this thread by comments and suggestion so that we may improve this technique together.

Thanks Again!!!


Learn to Trade Forex (Indicators and Strategy)

HI yyc196!!

Thank you for your attention to my post and my blog

My blog can be read in English, using Google technology. I specifically placed the button for this in bloge.

You gave an excellent method!

I think that is quite enough to successfully make pips!

But I still love some of the other indicators, which I still can not refuse.

I think that Murray may well help in deciding S / T and L / P

I also love some Barry indicators (indicators support the resistance)

In any case, your strategy is excellent!

Thanks Again!!!



Hello all,

I was wondering if someone can submit a template for this strategy (King and the 3 Musketeers system). If so, I would greatly appreciate it. My charts sorta look like yours but there is a line in my K3M. thanks in advance.

Hello all, I was wondering if someone can submit a template for this strategy (King and the 3 Musketeers system). If so, I would greatly appreciate it. My charts sorta look like yours but there is a line in my K3M. thanks in advance.


k3m_m30.tpl  4 kb
Hello all, I was wondering if someone can submit a template for this strategy (King and the 3 Musketeers system). If so, I would greatly appreciate it. My charts sorta look like yours but there is a line in my K3M. thanks in advance.


k3m_h1.tpl  4 kb
HI yyc196!!

Thank you for your attention to my post and my blog

My blog can be read in English, using Google technology. I specifically placed the button for this in bloge.

You gave an excellent method!

I think that is quite enough to successfully make pips!

But I still love some of the other indicators, which I still can not refuse.

I think that Murray may well help in deciding S / T and L / P

I also love some Barry indicators (indicators support the resistance)

In any case, your strategy is excellent!

Thanks Again!!!

cool! now will observe this blog. Serfer I hope you will continue to put your thoughts there. It helps me in my Trading now. And you yyc196 thanks for the interesting strategy

cool! now will observe this blog. Serfer I hope you will continue to put your thoughts there. It helps me in my Trading now. And you yyc196 thanks for the interesting strategy

Thank you!



Thanks alot for sharing.