Captain Currency's blog on REUTERS


Hello Traders,

Today was a great day for me, my blog got a mention on the REUTERS website I have been blogging and sharing trading ideas with others for a long time now. Sometimes blogging, trading and helping other traders can be hard task but days like today make it all worth while. So whatever you do in life, keep up the hard fight and NEVER GIVE IN!

Kind Regards,

Captain Currency

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Captain Currency:
Hello Traders,

Today was a great day for me, my blog got a mention on the REUTERS website I have been blogging and sharing trading ideas with others for a long time now. Sometimes blogging, trading and helping other traders can be hard task but days like today make it all worth while. So whatever you do in life, keep up the hard fight and NEVER GIVE IN!

Kind Regards,

Captain Currency

CONGRATULATIONS Captain Currency! My captain hat's off to you! time. Let's get The Corrs celebrate with us, play and sing Dreams. I just like the tune and these ladies are really very talented. Yes, NEVER GIVE IN; NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS!



Captain Currency:
Hello Traders,

Today was a great day for me, my blog got a mention on the REUTERS website I have been blogging and sharing trading ideas with others for a long time now. Sometimes blogging, trading and helping other traders can be hard task but days like today make it all worth while. So whatever you do in life, keep up the hard fight and NEVER GIVE IN!

Kind Regards,

Captain Currency

Hi Captain

Congratulation!!! it's great new, just go a your goals.... of course never give up...


Thanks Guys,

Kind Regards,

Captain Currency.