RSI_mode_system (check how a work) - page 3

hi all traders and free users .....

This is my hardy ts system (make 2 years) !!!

See atachment!

All signals ind and tpl (present in the file)

good systems


Really good systems,ppao365?How good is it for YOU?


iova(via Free3g)

Really good systems,ppao365?How good is it for YOU?

Now i am start develope scalp system!

All my old system now not work !

Not long term trade !

Only sharp scalping (10-20-30 pp) and go out from market!

10-20 pp good profit per day!

after 2-3 day i am will show new scalp system (not hardly indi- not hard tpl.)

Look at the pic...(open my personal page)


very cool system...has similarities with the synergy system