Follow (Z_o_R_R_o) system by FXiGoR - page 26

I am wrong or he said in the end of the video that due to bad periods earlie this year this system cannot be profitable at all?


I don't remember his exact words in the video but what he refer to is big parts of the first half of this year.

If you put a ATR indicator on the daily charts on the majors you will see that there was historical low range for historical long period of time in that period for many pairs. Very hard to make money on intraday trading in conditions like that whatever system you use.

So what Igor was saying in the video was if we get in to longer periods like that again it will be hard to make money but that goes for any system.

If the market do not move you can not make money trading.


Hi Strategy100,

Read this posting again carefully and you will find the answer to your question.

regards iGoR.

hi bro...

nie system bro..

can i ask u something bro...

your system isn't have a repainted...

acctually i have 1 signal...

sometime make profit....sometime i loss...

i got the false signal and also got margin call last time...

if your system dont have rapaint...

i want to try


Hi FxiGoR

thank you very much for you time and effort to shows us your system

and Arctic4x

thank you very much for puting the videos up ,they helped a lot to understand better (one picture is a thousands words)a video must be billions of words then

thanks again i really apreciate it


zorro's amazing real results

today's Oanda live account results on 9 forex pairs:

yen pairs + 5.9723 ( yen, gbp-yen, eur-yen)

other pairs + 0.0399 ( euro, swissy, cable, gbp-chf, nzd-usd, aussy)

This zorro system is very promissing, and for people who have difficulites with entries, this system will help them a lat. It will make their entries easier.

Thank you Igor, your teachings and advices are very precious.

Very Kind Regards



I'm not in favour to post your best results because that gives an idea or perception that a system only makes good trades or no meaningfull losses.

But I would like to make an exception.

Today our system made more then +1000 pips profit based on day-trading. We took 9 trades this morning and after +/- 4 hours trading we were in more then 1000 pips profit. We took the 1st postion at 09.00h cet (08.00H gmt) and we pulled the plug on all postions to secure this profit at 12.52h cet (11.52h gmt).

It is some sort of a mile stone in my trading career because it never happend to me before to make more then 1000pips in 1 day.

Again I know it is an excpetion but I am proud of it and would like to post it as some sort of a souvenier.


12-11-2007.jpg  256 kb
I'm not in favour to post your best results because that gives an idea or perception that a system only makes good trades or no meaningfull losses.

But I would like to make an exception.

Today our system made more then +1000 pips profit based on day-trading. We took 9 trades this morning and after +/- 4 hours trading we were in more then 1000 pips profit. We took the 1st postion at 09.00h cet (08.00H gmt) and we pulled the plug on all postions to secure this profit at 12.52h cet (11.52h gmt).

It is some sort of a mile stone in my trading career because it never happend to me before to make more then 1000pips in 1 day.

Again I know it is an excpetion but I am proud of it and would like to post it as some sort of a souvenier.


Nothing wrong with being happy and posting positive results. Today was a big day.


P.S. By the way the souvenier part was cool


Nothing wrong with being happy and posting positive results. Today was a big day.


P.S. By the way the souvenier part was cool

If this volatility or ATR can hold up or increase then the souveniers want be the exceptions but will become the rule again...



Absolutely awesome,Igor, Chapeau !

Any forex broker who doesn't route these orders to the market but takes the other side instead will be wiped out if your system continues to be that profitable, lol !

One thing has to always keep in mind the correlation...if one gets a good signal to go long in EUR/USD, a long signal in GBP/USD in the same time period is pretty likely to work out as well ...and the same is true for a false signal....

Now, if those 1000 pips had been achieved in highly uncorrelated markets, this would be even better... this is sth. that I often think about. Sometimes, it simply doesn't matter whether I go long EUR/USD or go short USD/CHF...correlation is very high in short time periods... Igor knows this for sure, but I think to some this is not always so clear...

I don't know whether this system has ever been tested on Crude Oil, grains or some Asian index futures e.g....

Anyway, terrific results !

Absolutely awesome,Igor, Chapeau !

Any forex broker who doesn't route these orders to the market but takes the other side instead will be wiped out if your system continues to be that profitable, lol !

One thing has to always keep in mind the correlation...if one gets a good signal to go long in EUR/USD, a long signal in GBP/USD in the same time period is pretty likely to work out as well ...and the same is true for a false signal....

Now, if those 1000 pips had been achieved in highly uncorrelated markets, this would be even better...this is sth. that I often think about. Sometimes, it simply doesn't matter whether I go long EUR/USD or go short USD/CHF...correlation is very high in short time periods... Igor knows this for sure, but I think to some this is not always so clear...

I don't know whether this system has ever been tested on Crude Oil, grains or some Asian index futures e.g....

Anyway, terrific results !

Hi Larry,

If one is capable of making an exceptional profit then that is because the market conditions are realy in "tune" or in our favour.

It is "impossible" to achieve the same result in one day on a long on the euro and a short on the gbp and a long on the aussy and and long on the gbp/jpy.

It is only when all noses are headed the same direction that one can make an exceptional profit.

But every day we keep track of the QM, YM, ER, ES, gold, european BUND with the very same system and on the very same time frames. And the results proof to show the same robustness.

When we have some time free we looked to every possible future from paladium to porck bellys, from copper to live cattle even stocks.

And every time time we see the same reliaibility.

Someone in the trading group is trading the ES, ER, YM but also here you have a very high correlation. That 90% of the time you will see that all 3 are long or all 3 are short or all 3 perform well or all 3 fail.

But very importnat is that we see if one would trade all the pairs we trade together with the US index markets that there would be hardly a day with a loss.

Today FX performed amazingly well were US index market produced losses. But the profits of the FX outperform the losses of the future indexes. Were last week on monday tuesday and wednesday the FX produced losses but the profits on the index markets outperformed them.

Important is that we realy know that we have THE EDGE realy in our favour.

The losses can never reach the results of the profits. In every way we turn it.

The moment that 2 pairs show trend then we are from B/E into profit level. So if one trades 9 pairs then you know that the odds are in our favour.

If we have realy bad luck that not one pairor index shows trend then we end up in loss whitout any doubt. The moment that 2 show some actionwe have +/- a no loosing situation. Everything above that is profit. So as I said, the odds are in our favour
