Repainting indicators - page 40


There is the method to fix that indicator non repaint ?


psl.mq4  3 kb
psl_2.mq4  4 kb
There is the method to fix that indicator non repaint ? .

No way

It is made to repaint on purpose


Do You (Mladen) can write indicator which will be don't repainting and will profit ?

Do You (Mladen) can write indicator which will be don't repainting and will profit ?

Trading live since 2008

Did not have a losing year yet (my average was 30-40% but this year is much, much better - my average is 30-40% monthly this year - I am trading EURUSD only and it has been highly predictable this year hence the jump in result).

Using indicators (made by me) that are all published on TSD. But I told more than once : trading is not using one indicator and becoming rich. As long as someone does not stop believing that there is some miracle thing that will make him successful in trading and neglects risk and common sense above all, not even the best indicator in the world will make him profitable

The whole thing is called "trading". Not "blindly following one indicator signals". Whoever tries the later approach will experience nasty surprises

all the best


I understand so write 2-3 indic which together will profit. I know You good programmer mql...write.

I understand so write 2-3 indic which together will profit. I know You good programmer mql...write.


As far as I remember, you are the one that wrote that out of 1000s only 2 indicator does not repaint. I am afraid that I can not help you. As long as you think that (which is, btw, a complete and utter ...), nobody in the whole wide world can not help you trade

all the best

I understand so write 2-3 indic which together will profit. I know You good programmer mql...write.

I don't understand your sense of entitlement popej30. You do realize he has already done the hard work right? All you have to do is the easy part (putting the indicators together to create your own little system that works). If anything, I would think this is the fun part.

I can tell you, and it's not a joke, he's written many indicators (and you only need two, maybe three) to put a profitable system together.

Don't give up and take the spineless route by taking your frustrations out on your trading brothers. We're all in the same field on this forum (we're traders or wannabe traders, trying to unchain ourselves from slavery).

I myself am still a wannabe trader but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, I think lol


Yes, Im wrote i have 2 indicator don't repaint but these give me wrong and false signals. I understand that You not help.

Yes, Im wrote i have 2 indicator don't repaint but these give me wrong and false signals. I understand that You not help.

I want to share and tell about my little system. I want to share information (I'm sure others do too) but what prevents me personally are people like yourself. What you're likely to do is either just take the system and sell it, or post it on another forum without giving credit, or just plain not appreciate anything and instead only complain about why it's not that good.

Unfortunately people like you prevent many people wanting to share and help each other.

Okay, in terms easier to understand: let's say you're in a room, others are bringing food, and everyone is sharing their food with others, and then one person farts really bad. It now smells awful in this room and now everyone wants to leave. So they either take their food and leave or they leave their food behind and leave (and all it takes is one or two people farting rally bad). Mladen, is still one of the people in this room still making food and sharing food even though it stinks. Get it?

It would be nice if people like you would just listen and not post so that we (non administrators) can at least pretend we have a nice place and will to share information.

If you do want to post a complain then it should be mandatory that you're going to at least post a screenshot, and maybe give some explanation about what the issue is, instead of just spraying venom.



In that You write online forum. I'm I will quietly and nor I'll complain. See what are you you have to say forum.