Would some Coder Experts Modify this Great Indicator ?


I found this indicator is great and useful in 1M TF for trading...as the trigger or as the filter...

But if some great coders and programer want to modify this...it wiil be greater and more useful than the original one...

So, the changing is like this..

If the current bar is lower than the precious bar, it becomes Red means Selling Area.

If the current bar is higher than the precious bar, it becames White means Buying Area.

Here is the pic

and here is the indicator






Give me half an hour, I'll see what I can do...


Done, I made a very rough EA after kinda got sidetracked watching Law and Order . Seems to go the other way but after some work it could come good. I tried changing buy to sell and visa versa but it swung immediately after and lost lots of pretend money.

To use it you change "hist_stepma_stoch_kv1_ex_03-1-.ex4" to "StepMA.ex4" and put it in your indicator folder (\experts\indicators).

stepma_ea.mq4  3 kb

very fast....

Done, I made a very rough EA after kinda got sidetracked watching Law and Order . Seems to go the other way but after some work it could come good. I tried changing buy to sell and visa versa but it swung immediately after and lost lots of pretend money. To use it you change "hist_stepma_stoch_kv1_ex_03-1-.ex4" to "StepMA.ex4" and put it in your indicator folder (\experts\indicators).

It's very fast iZero, it's great....

But i trade manually at this time, would you modify this just to be an indicator for me, cause i don't use EA...

Best Regards,



In that case maybe you should use another indicator to confirm (maybe RSI or SMA).