Screenshots without any special software; 123


we can take screenshots without any special software:

1. push PrintSceen button on keybord

2. paste in Windows Paint

3. save screen image in GIF, JPEG format

that's it



PrintScreen button - upper (first) button row on keyboard:

ESC ; F1-F12; PrintScreen/sysRq; Scroll Lock; Pause/break

1) push Print screen button on keyboard -(windows will copy screen in buffer)

2) Open Windows Paint (standard Windows Accessory): Windows Start button / All Programs / Accessories / Paint

Windows Paint open by default NewFile

paste from buffer (Paint Menu: Edit/ Paste)

3. in Windows Paint: menu File / Save As...

save image file in .GIF, .JPEG format (extention) -smoller sise, lower quolity; bitmap format -big, pain in S to upload


Windows Paint - standard basic image editing soft - nothing fancy but enough 4 simple tasks

part of screenshot:

1) select by Paint selection tool (upper left corner);

2) copy (or cut) selection

3) open (in Paint) new file, paste selection, save new file


as u can see in screenshot above, i made shortcut to Wind.Paint and put it in Windows Start menu - just for easy access
