Hma Ea - page 9


My Results

Here are my results from the last few days with Alpari. For EURUSD, GBPUSD, and USDJPY I used newdigitals .set files. For GBPJPY I use the USDJPY.

I think it shows some potentially interesting information about when to flag a position as unlikely to end as a winner. Of course you wouldn't want to optimize based on the relatively few number of positions compared.

The number on the horizontal axis is number of minutes into the position. On a couple that I identify, the position went so long that it would make the chart useless, so I truncate it.



HMA v2 with newdigitals settings on FXDD live

Buy EUR/USD @1.3873 closed with +70 (unfortunately )

HMA v2 with newdigitals settings on FXDD live Buy EUR/USD @1.3873 closed with +70 (unfortunately )

I had 1.3870 and it was closed with +67. North Finance broker. Not exact the same but very similar.


HMA v2 with newdigitals settings on FXDD live

Buy EUR/USD @1.4035closed with +49

HMA v2 with newdigitals settings on FXDD live Buy EUR/USD @1.4035closed with +49

Yes, the same with North Finance broker: +49.


I am testing it for the week only.

Will test more of course.


Weekly results

Find attached weekly performance of HMA on Alpari Broker with Newdigital`s settings files.


hma.jpg  126 kb

Statements are updated.

Few trades were closed today.


Please find updated statement.


Please find updated statements for this EA (testing since 16th of September 2007). MM is on.

Figures from the beginning of the testing(since 16.09.2007).


Closed +230 pips closed or $1,649.

Open: no any trades are open now.


Closed +133 pips closed or $981.

Open: no any trades are open now.


Closed -14 pips closed or +$3 incl swap or -$3.7 excluding swap.

Open: no any trades are open now.
