Median Line - page 9


I take look into daily chart of GBPUSD and see a little confusion. Points ABC from longer term action still in play and not to mention the lower highs. I do see some strong support @ CC.


Thanks Airborn to keep this thread in live.

You sems to have more time than me:)

I miss from forum and from my blog because i have new baby (new laptop) and i play a little bit with windows vista testing metatrader platform and working.

But im switch to windows xp because i dont need all that stuff from windows vista.

Now im back and i will start posting again on my blog, now i have faster computer and i can do it faster than with my old pentium 3 hehe.

I hope evryone is ok and lets back to business.


Today im looking at euro usd daily chart and 4 h chart.

On daily we have nice triangle and in 4 h chart i draw schif median line and how you se from the chart today euro usd have a big gap.

If you read Steve Nison book or watch at his seminar you know gap act as suport and resistance, now let se if go to hit uper MLH then watch price action for entry short.


I come back with update on euro usd 4 h timeframe

Euro sems to move betwen sliding paralel and Uper MLH

Trend sems to touch 3 times sliding paralel and i take a short entry for a 50 pips risk and 300 pips reward.

Let see how this works

with to all of you green pips.



justcatalin, nice charts. Great job with your blog as well. Here is my attempt at EURUSD 4h chart. I used fib extension as possible target zone. The blue trend lines are caution areas or approx support/resistance.

eurusdchart.jpg  85 kb


hi JustCatalin thanks for share your strategy here ...pls post the last result here..

how long did u use this strategy ?


Forex Indicators Collection



Im still practice this method untill i learn better.

But dont worry this method is older, 1980 and still works if you master these tools.

I dont track my records but i think i will put all results in excel file in the future.


I say again if you want more info about this tool Median Line go at Median line Free Info

hi JustCatalin thanks for share your strategy here ...pls post the last result here..

how long did u use this strategy ?


Hi NewDigital,

What is the relevance of MACD with harmonic trading,median line ?I think should be placed in to MACD indicator topic.Regards.


I think - this topic is more suitable for Harmonic people and it is more understandable for them. Because in MACD thread - something as "code alert" and so on.