Median Line - page 5




Personaly i like to draw manualy median line

I like to learn more and i dont think any indicator can do the same job



Personaly i like to draw manualy median line

I like to learn more and i dont think any indicator can do the same job



yes u are right... but how if we cant understand it? how am i suppose to draw the line then

yes u are right... but how if we cant understand it? how am i suppose to draw the line then

You dont look yet at the movie from youtube?

Last year i make step by step how you choiche and how you draw pitchfork

this is arhive from my blog look from bottom of the blog, you will find there all the info

Remember you have to read from bottom to top.

I hope will be usefull

You dont look yet at the movie from youtube?

Last year i make step by step how you choiche and how you draw pitchfork

this is arhive from my blog look from bottom of the blog, you will find there all the info

Remember you have to read from bottom to top.

I hope will be usefull

yes i have download the video from youtube.. and trying to understand it. is it u have to find 3 point of hilo to draw this pitchfork? if one new cs came out u have to draw it again?

yes i have download the video from youtube.. and trying to understand it. is it u have to find 3 point of hilo to draw this pitchfork? if one new cs came out u have to draw it again?

Justcatalin could conform this but the idea of pitchfork is that you need to define or find the most significant 3 points (pivots )according to your charts they should be important high low any time frame.

Justcatalin could conform this but the idea of pitchfork is that you need to define or find the most significant 3 points (pivots )according to your charts they should be important high low any time frame.

thanks for ur answer guyver... im going to practice this again and again until i know how to use it

thanks for ur answer guyver... im going to practice this again and again until i know how to use it


I will post later a example how you can watch at this tool

Im just wake up and drinking my coffe:)

Stay around

thanks for ur answer guyver... im going to practice this again and again until i know how to use it

Evryone who want to learn more can look here on Free Info


thanks catalin... i hope i can learn this median line.. look very interesting to me