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Hi guys and girls,

This forum has been very good to me in the past and it's taught me a lot in my fairly short time here. So I want to give something back, not just to this community of traders, but to all traders.

I'm soon going to be starting up a website that will have several databases that people can search and organize as much as they like.

1 will contain a list of all metatrader indicators, expert advisors and scripts that people can search through and hopefully find what they're looking for. It will allow reviews of it, ratings and obviously downloads

Another will be a database of all forex brokers, same sort of thing, fully searchable and sortable, with reviews ratings and links to the brokers themselves.

I've got a few more ideas bouncing around in my head, but this will do for now.

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Hi guys and girls,

This forum has been very good to me in the past and it's taught me a lot in my fairly short time here. So I want to give something back, not just to this community of traders, but to all traders.

I'm soon going to be starting up a website that will have several databases that people can search and organize as much as they like.

1 will contain a list of all metatrader indicators, expert advisors and scripts that people can search through and hopefully find what they're looking for. It will allow reviews of it, ratings and obviously downloads

Another will be a database of all forex brokers, same sort of thing, fully searchable and sortable, with reviews ratings and links to the brokers themselves.

I've got a few more ideas bouncing around in my head, but this will do for now.

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This will be wonderful...of course, you should include the description of the indicator and optimal settings for the different currencies...this is what is lacking in the mt4 indicators website. Would be great to have it in one big website...and even a screenshot of each indicator...

and we can also include the various trading systems completely arrange alphabetically... with templates and indicators zipped in a zip file....

wow I am getting excited



great idea,

a full description of what it is, which currencies it does best on, which timeframe, an image, a seperate template download field would also be great.

This is all definately possible.

If you or anyone else has ideas about what you'd liek to see, please do let me know and I'll take note of it and try to get it implemented asap


Oh I forgot to mention, I'd like to create another database for the website that would contain a list of many experienced coders that would like to offer their services (Paid or not).

This could include fees, ratings and reviews etc, so if you are going to pay someone for making an ea, you know whether you're getting someone decent, or someone that's caused trouble for people in the past.