MQL4 Learning - page 27


EA Limit?

Just curious, I was trying to attach another EA to my Metatrader Platform and it simply wouldn't let me. I already had 4 EAs placed active in the account. Is there a maximum limit as to how many EAs are allowed in my account?


Is there any easy way of fixing errors like this other than going through the whole code and driving your self slowly insane.

'\end_of_program' - unbalanced left parenthesis C:\Program Files\MetaTrader - Alpari UK\experts\The Abyss.mq4 (310, 1)

How one can change a custom indicator to one of main indicators of MT4 In main indicators, one can draw indicator of another indicator (e.g. MA of RSI), but it is not possible for custom indicators

I would like to do this too.

Either this or call an iCustom() from within another iCustom().

Any body have a solution to this? Would be greatly appreciated.


can anyone tell me how to make a client ex4 without my trading system?

cause i read in this forum that you can have 2 script one for client and one that sends the signal to the client script..

can i have a the code for this?


To Do and Not to Do when using EA with GlobalVariable !?

I read some threads that about EA with GlobalVariables.

Someone said that not to interupt an EA with GlobalVariables if there was position opened otherwise EAs of MT4 will be locked without any warning !

Someone said that value of GlobalVariable will be kept in memory for several weeks if they are interupted imporperly.

Can anybody summarise "To Do and Not To Do" when using EA with GlobalVariable or show me more about use of EA with GlobalVariables.

Thanks in advance.




Sorry for using large size font in previous post.

Sorry for my poor english. I raised previous post as " To Do And Not To Do " with EA with GlobalVariables, I did not mean that I wanted to learn how to code EA with GlobalVariables. I cannot code, I am just a general user and I just want to know correct way to use EA (with or without GlobalVariables).

I asked this question as I experienced that some EAs were locked when I removed the EA with position opened and I had to raised a new account and install a new MT4 Terminal. I raised the same question in other forums but nobody can give a full answer.

I think it may be better to move previous post to General Discussion Section or Set Up Question Sectiom of this forum.

Thanks in advance.



I don't know the answer.

As to small threads so I am always menging small stand-alone threads with the other big threads. because forum is big and sometimes members are trying to open separated threads for just one question and in the end of the day we are having 10 or 20 separated threads with 1 or 2 posts. So, i am always merging ...

This programming section is for the people whio probable know the answer for your question.


Yes Sir !

You know what is the best to this Forum and you are at the position to maintain it.

Sorry for giving you extra work load.





I think " if ( alertTag!=Time[0]) " means if not same send mail and alert

but I do not understand " alertTag = Time[0]; " meaning at all .

alet and send mail is finish.why need this code????

if ( (fasterMAnow > slowerMAnow) && (fasterMAprevious <

slowerMAprevious) && (fasterMAafter > slowerMAafter)) {

CrossUp = Low - Range*0.5;

if ( alertTag!=Time[0]) ←


PlaySound(SoundWAV);// buy wav

Alert(Symbol()," M",Period()," MA cross BUY");

SendMail(Period()+" hit MA long ",Bid +"long");


alertTag = Time[0]; ← what mean???


I think " if ( alertTag!=Time[0]) " means if not same send mail and alert

but I do not understand " alertTag = Time[0]; " meaning at all .

alet and send mail is finish.why need this code????

if ( (fasterMAnow > slowerMAnow) && (fasterMAprevious <

slowerMAprevious) && (fasterMAafter > slowerMAafter)) {

CrossUp = Low - Range*0.5;

if ( alertTag!=Time[0]) ←


PlaySound(SoundWAV);// buy wav

Alert(Symbol()," M",Period()," MA cross BUY");

SendMail(Period()+" hit MA long ",Bid +"long");


alertTag = Time[0]; ← what mean???


It is needed to run the sound/alert/mail routine maximun only once per bar