MQL4 Learning - page 136

Hi mladen,

how can I shift my trendline with the following definition

ObjectCreate(ValueTop, OBJ_TREND,0,to_time_nd,i_high,from_time,i_high);

one day? For example from thursday to friday or from friday to monday.

An this should be working even over weekends...

It would be great, if you can help me!!

Subtract 24*60*60 from "to_time_nd" and "from_time" (that will subtract one day of seconds to the start time and the end time of the trendline - that will shift your trend line to the future)



I did so, but when it is friday and I shift the day to saturday so the line isn't drawing

Hi, I did so, but when it is friday and I shift the day to saturday so the line isn't drawing

First of all, error in my post : you should not subtract but add that time to the trend line times


As of Friday : try something like this : if (TimeDayOfWeek(to_time_nd)) add 3 days of seconds (3*24*60*60)


Hi mladen,

I have realized something really strange with metatrader on different Computers.

I have the following code snippet:

ObjectCreate("t1", OBJ_LABEL, WindowOnDropped( ), 0, 0);

ObjectSet("t1",OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 20);

ObjectSet("t1", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 40);

ObjectSetText("t1","Teststring", 8, "Arial", clrOrange);

ObjectCreate("t2", OBJ_LABEL, WindowOnDropped( ), 0, 0);

ObjectSet("t2",OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 77);

ObjectSet("t2", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 40);

ObjectSetText("t2","TESTSTRING", 8, "Arial", clrLime);

So I am getting this on my pc1:

And this is a Picture from my other pc:

How is this possible and what can I do against that?

Hi mladen,

I have realized something really strange with metatrader on different Computers.

I have the following code snippet:

ObjectCreate("t1", OBJ_LABEL, WindowOnDropped( ), 0, 0);

ObjectSet("t1",OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 20);

ObjectSet("t1", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 40);

ObjectSetText("t1","Teststring", 8, "Arial", clrOrange);

ObjectCreate("t2", OBJ_LABEL, WindowOnDropped( ), 0, 0);

ObjectSet("t2",OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 77);

ObjectSet("t2", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 40);

ObjectSetText("t2","TESTSTRING", 8, "Arial", clrLime);

So I am getting this on my pc1:

And this is a Picture from my other pc:

How is this possible and what can I do against that?

Are the screen resolutions and system fonts settings the same on those two computers?


I don't know the resolution. This should work on every pc, because I have no influence what settings/hardware the user is using?!

I don't know the resolution. This should work on every pc, because I have no influence what settings/hardware the user is using?!


If your screen resolution is different, then the font metrics can change

Also, if you use different font sizes for your windows metatrader can mess up the display


@mladen, but how can I programm some text a Panel with text Labels that work on every pc?

@mladen, but how can I programm some text a Panel with text Labels that work on every pc?


Check this thread :


Hi, I want to write an indy. It shall point an arrow at bar when cci goes below 0 after it was over 100.

So cci goes over 100 and when it goes below 0 I want an arrow there.

The arrow itself in no problem.

How do I find the bar over 100 and save it till it goes below 0?