The Only Pivot - page 190

The indicator didnt give a sell signal and neither did the Ea open a atrde

Still i have no explanation as to why the Ea opened half of an order this morning. Im going to monitor it to see if it happens again.


Maybe it's more logical than we think As long as it's doing that well; maybe we should all test it out.

Thanks again for sharing.


Price action is now at yesterday's 76.4 level and a monthly support it should continue down, but monthly levels are very strong. It's going to hover for a while before it's decent.

I'm still out . . . no need to be greedy.

Happy pipping,

feb5.1.gif  23 kb

Some Thoughts

Maybe it's more logical than we think As long as it's doing that well; maybe we should all test it out. Thanks again for sharing.

A sell signal has been given but ive prevented the Ea from opening a trade, i think ill stick to Freedoms two trades a day and avoid very long candles

Im also thinking of Changing the T/P on the second trade to 100 instead of 110 and the S/l to 30 instead of 1 ( i hate giving all those pips back to the market after a retrace ) at least at worst case scenario it would be 80 pips instead of 51 Let me know what you think


A sell signal has been given but ive prevented the Ea from opening a trade, i think ill stick to Freedoms two trades a day and avoid very long candles

Im also thinking of Changing the T/P on the second trade to 100 instead of 110 and the S/l to 30 instead of 1 ( i hate giving all those pips back to the market after a retrace ) at least at worst case scenario it would be 80 pips instead of 51 Let me know what you think


Sorry, I stepped out for a while, but it sounds good to me. Anything close to 100pips total a day should really grow our accounts, very well.

The indicator didnt give a sell signal and neither did the Ea open a atrde

Still i have no explanation as to why the Ea opened half of an order this morning. Im going to monitor it to see if it happens again.


Sorry, I have been having computer problems for the last few days. It kept freezing up... I ended up erasing my whole hard drive, then it would still freeze up when I tried to format the drive. I thought it was my hard drive, so I tested it, but it came out fine. It ended up being my ram went bad.

Anyway, I am back now, but have to go to work right now. look and see if you have any error messages in experts or journal tab. I have been trading it up until this week without any problems(other than computer related). It could be as simple as you lost your internet connection before it got both trades in, but if it happens again, look to see if you get any errors, and we will get it fixed.

Sorry, I have been having computer problems for the last few days. It kept freezing up... I ended up erasing my whole hard drive, then it would still freeze up when I tried to format the drive. I thought it was my hard drive, so I tested it, but it came out fine. It ended up being my ram went bad. Anyway, I am back now, but have to go to work right now. look and see if you have any error messages in experts or journal tab. I have been trading it up until this week without any problems(other than computer related). It could be as simple as you lost your internet connection before it got both trades in, but if it happens again, look to see if you get any errors, and we will get it fixed.

Good to have you back David. . . Excellent work on the ea.

Happy pipping,



Kudos to all traders in this thread, all your contributions, observations and suggestions have help to create easily the simplest and most profitable system I have found to date.

Sorry, I have been having computer problems for the last few days. It kept freezing up... I ended up erasing my whole hard drive, then it would still freeze up when I tried to format the drive. I thought it was my hard drive, so I tested it, but it came out fine. It ended up being my ram went bad. Anyway, I am back now, but have to go to work right now. look and see if you have any error messages in experts or journal tab. I have been trading it up until this week without any problems(other than computer related). It could be as simple as you lost your internet connection before it got both trades in, but if it happens again, look to see if you get any errors, and we will get it fixed.

Hi and thanks for your reponse

Congrats on such a good EA

Im using ver 1.2, i checked the journal and didnt register any Diconnnections or Server busy messages but ill monitor it from now on and let u know



Sorry, I have been having computer problems for the last few days. It kept freezing up... I ended up erasing my whole hard drive, then it would still freeze up when I tried to format the drive. I thought it was my hard drive, so I tested it, but it came out fine. It ended up being my ram went bad. Anyway, I am back now, but have to go to work right now. look and see if you have any error messages in experts or journal tab. I have been trading it up until this week without any problems(other than computer related). It could be as simple as you lost your internet connection before it got both trades in, but if it happens again, look to see if you get any errors, and we will get it fixed.

the problems you decribed will always be either a cooling issue or a memory problem.

good to see you got it fixed


Im using the audio alert on TheOnlyPivot_Signal_Sun but does anyone have an audio alert for when the price crosses the OnlyPivot just to give an earlier heads up before the buy/sell signal? Thanks
