C-Trader (Watch out Freedom Rocks) - page 18


vtam in wich session do you look futures to see if carry trade is unwind? after us session close?

many thanks.



I hate to be rude but anyone with intelligence can simply look at your demo statement and swap columns to realize that this nonsense is every reason why you and a real trader would (and does) fail in real live trading.

These statements are silly and nothing close to the real world so stop posting them here please!

There I go losing money again by not looking at the charts! New equity highs.
vtam in wich session do you look futures to see if carry trade is unwind? after us session close? many thanks.

I look at them before I go to bed, and when I wake up. I usually peek at them during the US stock market open also if the stock market it down big.

One observation I am thinking is that going forward, I may limit the double up to the first 1 or two and then automatically go to a single unit add from there. Preservation of capital is first and foremost important.

Pip Trip:
These statements are silly and nothing close to the real world so stop posting them here please!

OK - I won't post them anymore because you suggested that it is not close to the real world, and you are more intelligent than I.


Deleted this post

Pip Trip:

I hate to be rude but anyone with intelligence can simply look at your demo statement and swap columns to realize that this nonsense is every reason why you and a real trader would (and does) fail in real live trading.

These statements are silly and nothing close to the real world so stop posting them here please!

What in the world are you talking about? For someone with intelligence, you didn't make sense or have a clear point. Please humor us by elaborating more with your pearls of wisdom....... You must think this is just another martingale or 10 point 3? Sounds like you lost a lot of money with those equity killers? Maybe go back and read the rules of this method first and then show me where the method this method is a piece of crap, and maybe I will listen to your pearls.



I'm just reading up on your system here, thanks for sharing.

I think I follow, although just wondering why some pairs in the statement show 0.4lots and others 0.2lots. I just thought it was to be traded as a 0.2lot basket?



I'm just reading up on your system here, thanks for sharing.

I think I follow, although just wondering why some pairs in the statement show 0.4lots and others 0.2lots. I just thought it was to be traded as a 0.2lot basket?


The statements you are seeing are a combination of both systems mentioned in the document. Doing one unit of each basket created the basket you see in the statements. One basket was long AUDUSD and the other short AUDUSD for example, so that is why you don't see AUDUSD in the statement. Others - like EURCHF were represented by a long in both baskets, so I went long two units in my core position.


Ok thanks. So the mixed one is doing better than the initial basket outlined in the pdf manual?

Ok thanks. So the mixed one is doing better than the initial basket outlined in the pdf manual?

Correct. That will always be true. The more pairs you add into the basket, the better it should do.