C-Trader (Watch out Freedom Rocks) - page 16

vtam, i was testing in a demo but all times that i was looking futures i didn' t see yen and frach up and other down. all times i saw yen AND dolar were up and all others down... maybe the time of day i was looking? please help to understand better how to use safe mode. because i was almost doing that live and i was broke...

Yen and CHF are both carry trade currencies. When stocks are down and carry trade currency or currencies are up - an unwinding is occurring. Today was an obvious unwind. Metals were down huge. Commodities were down big. USD and bonds were up while yen ws making huge gains and stocks were down big. That means the leveraged economy is falling apart quick, be safe.

It's not an exact science.... but there are enough indications that one can easily say the carry trade is unwinding.


Safe Mode login at IBFX

Login : 1471272

Investor : trb5rpk



Vtam, I'm testing out your method. Per your instructions I have all 13 pairs loaded up. I'm testing this on a demo with $ 5K as if I was in a live account. So with $ 5K, I don't take any action until I hit -$50, correct? I think my calculation are correct.

I also want to confirm, in Safe Mode, I would only double the pairs at the same level on the 2nd level into to the 3rd, 4th and so on. For example it my balance goes -$50, instead of the .01 lots I put on for each of the 13 pairs, in the Martingale scenario I add .02 lots per pair per each -$50 drop for the safe mode.

Outside of the safe mode it would look something like this:

-$50 .02 per lot on new trades per pair

-$100 drop .04 per lot on new trades per pair

-$150 drop .08 per lot on new trades per pair

If it continues to go up, I do nothing and reap the reward of the interest on a daily basis, correct?

So when I woke up this morning, the entire basket is at $ 6.71 positive.

Is $ 5k enough to weather the storm, I think so with the hedging factor and the low lot percentage of .01.

Please let me know your thoughts....VLO.


Outside of the safe mode it would look something like this:

-$50 .02 per lot on new trades per pair

-$100 drop .04 per lot on new trades per pair

-$150 drop .08 per lot on new trades per pair

Not sure if $5k is enough or not. I hope so!

You start with .01 lots and when it gets to -$50 you go add .02 lots. From there when the account drops and additional $150 (so it gets to $4800) you would go to .04 lots. From there it would need to drop another $350 or go to $4450 before going to .80 lots in non-safe mode. In safe mode..... you would stick to .01 or .02 lots in every add. You might also wait for a -$100 drop per unit rather than a -$50 in safe mode...... I think you were missing the per unit thing in your example above.

Is that clear? My head is a little groggy today so I might be a bit all over.



Hi, yes it is clear. So do you run it with no Take Profit and no Stop Losses?

Just make money on the pure interest? I guess I wonder if I can ever make money since the core positions will be open all the time with no take profit.


Hi, yes it is clear. So do you run it with no Take Profit and no Stop Losses?

Just make money on the pure interest? I guess I wonder if I can ever make money since the core positions will be open all the time with no take profit.


You'll make money. Take a look at my statements a few posts back. You'll see the core position is actually getting whacked.


Basket Graph





Basket Graph





Hi Barnix. Can you hep me understand what this graph is telling me?


Hi Barnix. Can you hep me understand what this graph is telling me? Thanks!

You can read about Fourier transforms:

Bores Signal Processing - Introduction to DSP - frequency analysis: Fourier transforms

The "Basket Graph" is a virtual money graph composed from spectrums

of real money's





with Fast Fourier Transform and Inverse Fast Fourier Transform.

Your method is a trading on a "Basket Graph" virtual money.

The best thing about this method so far is that it does not require you to EVER LOOK AT A CHART AGAIN! How sweet it that?

We were selling this system for $199 at CurrencyProfits.net but will now be giving it away free. It has been running for 3 months on a demo. We are actually testing 3 different versions of it. I will give the login info to the demos to anyone who wants to see them - just PM me. Shoot me your email and I can email you the rules as well. It's avaialbe for anyone who wants it. Maybe use this thread to throw out ideas to improve it and to create and EA for it?

You can see two of the accounts were open on 4/06/07 and one is up 13.5% and the other is up 11.5%. The largest drawdown seen during this test is about 8% in one and 10% in the other.

Why is this the safest Martingale? Just check the statement. Notice in one of the statements that it had the CAD going about 1000 pips against me. Most martingales would lose their shirts and would have blown up...... yet this thing thrives and continues to collect interest.

Maybe someone can program it?

If you never have to look at a chart again, provided you don't have a managed account and someone else trading for you, you will end up losing your money.

I didn't say you might I said YOU WILL.

Thats all I have to say about this.