C-Trader (Watch out Freedom Rocks) - page 10


VTAM, I appreciate your answer here. The "gambling" method (attempting to predict future market direction) may indeed provide much larger returns, for a time that is, until the system no longer works and profits come grinding to a halt. Meanwhile, your safe and simple solution here will continue to earn interest and possibly pips, clearing up to 60-75% a year non-compounded, which would make any traditional money manager green with envy.

Very good work here, VTAM.


I thought you were deling with grid martingle system, where i have have done much of work and made a comprehensive progress. But your system is completely passive and not profitable enough, and is exposed to interest rate changes and a lot of other elements can additionally detoriate its profitability. So onsequently it doesn't seem to be interesting for trading and probably not interesting for this community either.So it's better to develop other systems which are more profitable. Sorry. But if you have any other different real strategy I'm always ready to programe it or to develop together with you if you preffer.

Best regards"

Here is a message from Milex I got as a PM. It's guys like this who think 20% a month is possible forever who make me realize there is always lots of money in the market to take....

My apologies to anyone who thinks this system is "not interesting for this community"

Since when is 1% a week, never looking at a chart and 15.5% in 3.5 months not at least interesting.

The Holy Grail search lives on eh?


I thought you were deling with grid martingle system, where i have have done much of work and made a comprehensive progress. But your system is completely passive and not profitable enough, and is exposed to interest rate changes and a lot of other elements can additionally detoriate its profitability. So onsequently it doesn't seem to be interesting for trading and probably not interesting for this community either.So it's better to develop other systems which are more profitable. Sorry. But if you have any other different real strategy I'm always ready to programe it or to develop together with you if you preffer.

Best regards"

Here is a message from Milex I got as a PM. It's guys like this who think 20% a month is possible forever who make me realize there is always lots of money in the market to take....

My apologies to anyone who thinks this system is "not interesting for this community"

Since when is 1% a week, never looking at a chart and 15.5% in 3.5 months not at least interesting. If I were looking for interesting, I'd go to Vegas.

The Holy Grail search lives on eh?


I thought you were deling with grid martingle system, where i have have done much of work and made a comprehensive progress. But your system is completely passive and not profitable enough, and is exposed to interest rate changes and a lot of other elements can additionally detoriate its profitability. So onsequently it doesn't seem to be interesting for trading and probably not interesting for this community either.So it's better to develop other systems which are more profitable. Sorry. But if you have any other different real strategy I'm always ready to programe it or to develop together with you if you preffer.

Best regards"

Here is a message from Milex I got as a PM. It's guys like this who think 20% a month is possible forever who make me realize there is always lots of money in the market to take....

My apologies to anyone who thinks this system is "not interesting for this community"

Since when is 1% a week, never looking at a chart and 15.5% in 3.5 months not at least interesting. If I were looking for interesting, I'd go to Vegas.

The Holy Grail search lives on eh?

vtam, the best is to forget this kind of people.

I had a similar experience. I published a system for free that backtested with 70% in 2 years. I was not so great but not bad. But one guy complained because 70% was not enough and the EA didn't trade enough....

Then it is quite some time I have not heard of him, I am not sure if he is still doing forex...

So please, just remember that there are still experienced traders with realistic goals.


EA is not opening trades in many pairs:

2007.07.23 03:37:17 '1553777': order sell 0.04 CHFJPYm opening at 0.00 sl: 0.00 tp: 0.00 failed

have oppened only 8 pairs.


New Equity High


How to check past DD ?


a question: how did you check the past drawdown like the one in february?

In an Excel sheet?

It seems not to be simple and I don't see any obvious way to do it in an accurate way.

EA is not opening trades in many pairs:

2007.07.23 03:37:17 '1553777': order sell 0.04 CHFJPYm opening at 0.00 sl: 0.00 tp: 0.00 failed

have oppened only 8 pairs.

make sure that your market watch window shows all of the currencies. right click on market watch window and select show all.


a question: how did you check the past drawdown like the one in february?

In an Excel sheet?

It seems not to be simple and I don't see any obvious way to do it in an accurate way.

It's not easy. You can track it by hand each day. You need to look at the futures chart and the daily chart for each pair and calculate it that way.


i think one way to improve this is to determine the adds based on volatility. right now i'm demoing a 10K account and equity made it to -$80 from equity high and then took off. this happened a couple of times. right now volatility is low and i could have added and profited from the extra adds. in the same token when volatility is high, you would increase the add equity trigger. how do you know if volitlity is high or low? look at the equity and it is moving very slowly up or down.


As a personal opinion...... I think it's time to be VERY careful with carry trade strategies for the moment. I will be going into safe mode now for awhile whether the futures tell me to or not.

We are in carry trade blow off mode, and it's time to be safe.

Just my humble opinion.

If you trade Freedom Rocks...... I would de-leverage A LOT in the next few days. C-traders should be looking to add straight instead of martingale and at 5% drops going forward.