Proposed NFA Capital Requirement - page 49

What if you have two accounts with the same dealer? ...and you have one EA on each and it just so happens you end up with a long and a short on the same pair?....same dealer different EA's and MT4's... ES

Good question! That might be a possible loophole that traders will use



IBFX needs 30 mill...

yes. if a broker offers more than 100:1 leverage must have $30 million in capital

I have information that IBFX will allow online inter-account transfers soon (transfers between existing accounts online instantly) the managment of more than one account will be simplified and in the future will no longer need a form.


Good question! That might be a possible loophole that traders will use
I have information that IBFX will allow online inter-account transfers soon (transfers between existing accounts online instantly) the managment of more than one account will be simplified and in the future will no longer need a form. ES

That also exists already for a long time in Oanda between the sub-accounts you can create, but of course it is not an MT4 broker...

Sooo...folks, IBFX needs 30 mill...

Interbank FX $40,892,000


Yes I know...but they are listed in the saviors list as a 20 million dollar requirement...I just wanted to bring to light the 400:1 requirement....(30 mill)

Kenny Rogers:
Interbank FX $40,892,000

^ Ummm...IBFX has 40 million+ dollar capital. So what's the problem?

If you haven't noticed, they are the broker, and if they just stick to processing orders instead of speculative activities, their capital is not going to go down anytime soon. No worries.

And if they do go under 30 million, just close the 400:1 leverage option, no big deal. I doubt they are going to miss the 400:1 accounts very much.

Good question! That might be a possible loophole that traders will use

But it's different because broker must take into accountability and this plays with capital.

With hedge, as broker, I could play the zero sum game maintaining more positions that the ones I can support. And we also know brokers plays this game with long traders and short traders at the same time.


who said there was a problem?...fill your cup to the half full mark will ya?

Kenny Rogers:
^ Ummm...IBFX has 40 million+ dollar capital. So what's the problem?

If you haven't noticed, they are the broker, and if they just stick to processing orders instead of speculative activities, their capital is not going to go down anytime soon. No worries.

And if they do go under 30 million, just close the 400:1 leverage option, no big deal. I doubt they are going to miss the 400:1 accounts very much.

^LOL. I didn't even know that IBFX offer 400:1 account. I guess that's more interesting to me than the 30 mil requirement since that is a non-issue.

I can't seem to keep my cup half full, I keep drinking from it.