Proposed NFA Capital Requirement - page 31

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CFTC Cap Number Time

The new CFTC Numbers Are Out. Here they are:

Financial Data for FCMs

Above $20 Million

Oanda $159,786,916

RJ O'Brien $101,983,527

FXCM $81,150,191

GFT Forex $68,407,128

Gain Capital $66,579,458

I Trade FX $35,037,710

Interbank FX $25,733,263

Below $20 Million

PFG $17,986,053

FX Solutions $16,140,253

CMS $13,726,169

ODL $12,639,482

GFS Forex $10.4

IFX $12,343,198

CMC $8,773,706

Alpari $9,001,039

Ikon $8,271,674

Easy Forex $7,799,807

Hotspot $7,675,145

MB Trading $8,015,568

Friedberg Mercantile $7,985,613

Forex Club $7,639,479

Money Garden $6,367,331

Bacera $5,554,498

Advanced Markets $5,239,792


Good effort by the Swiss, we will see how many brokers actually want to do business. Thanks forexsaviour for bring up this important information.


Its good to see that GAIN appears to be in good shape. I am looking for another MT4 based broker that is healthy. I am using IBFX right now but want to add another just in case.

I was looking at Velocity4x becaue I think they are an IB for which is a division of GAIN. Can anyone confirm this or have another suggestion on which MT4 broker is healthy? Thanks!


Its good to see that GAIN appears to be in good shape. I am looking for another MT4 based broker that is healthy. I am using IBFX right now but want to add another just in case.

I was looking at Velocity4x becaue I think they are an IB for which is a division of GAIN. Can anyone confirm this or have another suggestion on which MT4 broker is healthy? Thanks!


Actually, I believe Velocity4x was taken over by Gain after falling foul of NFA rules which is a nice example of what these new capital requirements rules from the NFA are for. To allow the big few to swallow up their nearest competition.

Actually, I believe Velocity4x was taken over by Gain after falling foul of NFA rules which is a nice example of what these new capital requirements rules from the NFA are for. To allow the big few to swallow up their nearest competition.

lndeed that is what I understood as well. My interest in Velocity4x stems from the fact that they are under the GAIN umbrella. I realize they are simply an IB for GAIN, but I am looking for an MT4 based broker that is backed by big money like GAIN and comply with NFA regulation. I currently have accounts with IBFX, MBtrading and FXCM but I am looking to start another large (well, large for me) account with a MT4 broker and wanted to make sure I used the safest available option.

I've been burned by FXLQ and I want to avoid that again if possible.



Firstly, Thanks for your extremely informative updates.

Do you think it is safer now for a trader in the USA to send their money abroad to a Swiss dealer now than before the new reg...

What Swiss firms might you list that are in in the top 5?