Data Window


Hello guys & girls,

A request from a frequent (24/5) user of Metatrader, both Demo & real time.

I use a three screen trading system & its a real pain losing a chunk of my screen when I access the Data Window...How about a floating one?



Data Window

Hello guys & girls,

A request from a frequent (24/5) user of Metatrader, both Demo & real time.

I use a three screen trading system & its a real pain losing a chunk of my screen when I access the Data Window...How about a floating one?


When you open up Data window just go to the top bar of the window (The x is in the right side of this bar) and double click with your mouse pointer on the bar and there you have a floating Data Window.


Dat Window

When you open up Data window just go to the top bar of the window (The x is in the right side of this bar) and double click with your mouse pointer on the bar and there you have a floating Data Window.

Hi cja - Some trader... Eighteen months on metatrader five days a week & I missed that one!

May all your trades be winners...except when they oppose mine.

Tks & Take care