Oscar's Grind


This sprang from a reference in another thread generously provided by ryanklefas.

Please read the attachment.

This may make an interesting system. I was thinking of randomly generated trades with an equal T/P and S/L with each trade being hedged. The long and short trade winners and losers would be kept separate, each one following it's own Grind sequence.

Since this is a postive progression, a long trend of losers should be well hedged by the winners.

Any ideas?


interesting...why not run it with terminator/predator?

Cant be any worse than any other martingale

(also,,, if anyone ever could run across on how to modify a martingale to have multiple get out options like a ma cross that would be a boon!)


I don't know how to program it...

I may just try running it manually.. go long and short simultaneously (random entry), wait for each side to close and open the next pair according to the sequence.

I've just started the same experiment with a more conservatively modified D'Alembert.

If forward testing shows any potential I'll post results.


BTW, thanks for the 10.3 attachment. I had not seen this version.

This is the most impressive one in backtesting by far, I'm giving it a demo.

Using very conservative settings and a D'Alembert progression.