MT4 custom indicators on Vista platform? - page 2



Thank you for your reply, but I am running Windows XP. Is there a corresponding folder in XP?


I don't know about Windows XP sorry. I have Vista on notebook and 2000 prof on stationary PC.

I had some problems with deleting indicators and placing indicators in MetaTrader's folders on Vista but it was disscussed on this thread so I know about it now and moved your post because of that.

I don't know anything about Windows XP sorry.

By the way I like Windows 95 more than XP and Vista

Try to de-install/install Metatrader. Or try universal decision: restart computer.


Thanks again newdigital for your help. I have done everything possible - re-installed MT4, re-started computer ( in fact it's after several restarts later that the old templates appear).

The data must be stored somewhere in Windows outside of the MT4 program folder. I have done a windows search looking for anything called mt4 or similar, and come up with nothing. It's a mystery, and very annoying. If anyone knows, please tell me.


As I know some people do not like Windows XP because this Windows is storing the data and condiguration all the time. It means that you may come back to your computer data and configuration which was 1 day ago for example, and 2 days ago and so on ... and free space on HDD is less and less all the time because of that. It looks like you are switching PC on today and loading it on 10th of May configuration with all the files deleted and so on.

Try to switch this Windows's options off - may be it will help.

Anyway, I don't know as I do not have Windows XP.

Ned Flanders:
Thanks again newdigital for your help. I have done everything possible - re-installed MT4, re-started computer ( in fact it's after several restarts later that the old templates appear). The data must be stored somewhere in Windows outside of the MT4 program folder. I have done a windows search looking for anything called mt4 or similar, and come up with nothing. It's a mystery, and very annoying. If anyone knows, please tell me.

Hi Ned Flanders,

Try to uninstall again the MT4. After uninstalled it, go the window XP programme folder (disc C), search for MT4 folder. It is still around even if you uninstall it, that's why every time you re-install a new MT4 you will have the same profile/tmeplate.

You must make sure the old MT4 folder is totally delete from your programme folder.

Hope this will help.


Thank you newdigital and matfx. Yes matfx you are right. After uninstalling, there was still the folder with data. I have deleted that before re-installing and it seems to be a fresh start.

That still leaves the question as to why mt4 will not properly delete things, but I doubt there will be joy pursuing that question right now.

Thanks very much matfx and newdigital.

Ned Flanders:
Thank you newdigital and matfx. Yes matfx you are right. After uninstalling, there was still the folder with data. I have deleted that before re-installing and it seems to be a fresh start.

That still leaves the question as to why mt4 will not properly delete things, but I doubt there will be joy pursuing that question right now.

Thanks very much matfx and newdigital.


MT4 delete what you want to delete properly by using the options provided with the software.

If you want to delete a template by using the remove template option the template is physically deleted. If you want to remove a profile by using the remove profile option the profile is physically deleted.

MT4 keeps deleted charts history if the "Save deleted charts to reopen" option is selected.

But this is the MT4 side, we don't know what other software are you running besides usual features of XP just to mention one possibility.

From time to time friends call me to fix a problem with some PC and by the phone they say one thing to discover when you get to her homes the problem completely different.

Example: I can't print since yesterday, printer is on and have ink. Soon as you come to his house you've discover they was playing with something and changed the default printer to adobe printer or something like that.

As Omer said: An elephant on internet is asking for my credit card number, this is an smart elephant.


MetaTrader and Vista Problems

I have used MetaTrader for several years on XP with no problems but I switched to Vista this year. Previously, MetaTrader would update my templates whenever I closed the program, allowing easy copy between laptop and desktop. Now, although the charts do come up as I closed them, the templates are not being saved in the template folder. At first, I could manually save them for copy, but now, even after a save, the templates do not show up in the template folder. How and where are the templates being stored? Why no auto save? Using 4.0 Build 220 on Vista. Thanks

Ned Flanders:
I have deleted quite a few templates, that are gone for a little while then like ghosts, reappear without warning. Where does MT4 store this info (other than the templates folder) and how do I kill them off completely? I have deleted them using the delete function, I have manually deleted them from the folder and have re-installed MT4, but they will not die. Also old profiles - same thing. Please ... how do I make them go away?



Many thanks.